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Everything posted by Brodie_S

  1. I spooled up 8lb braid yesterday on my daiwa 2500 reel that’s matched to a 2-4kg daiwa TD Hyper Nero version I’m wondering what to use this combo for and the what lb leader I should tie on with this combo note I have used the rod before with a smaller reel and much lighter line and it handles large fish fine . Also I’ll write down my other combos to give a rough idea what I have combo 1 Shimano 1000 reel 1.5-3.5kg rod 6lb braid and 4-6lb leader combo 2 Shimano 2500 reel 2-4kg rod 10lb braid and 12-20lb leader note the reel has a lot of line capacity and the rod can also handle very large fish it handles fish more like a 2-5 or 3-5kg rod combo 3 daiwa 2500 reel more like 2000 2-4kg rod 8lb braid and ??? Leader
  2. Yeah I’m going good with the left handed reeling I really like it when you hook a big fish you have more control over the fish but I the only thing I don’t like you can’t feel the sensitivity in reel for example when I reel right handle I can feel the smoothness of the reel it feels amazing but with my left it just feels like a normal reel other then that I haven’t noticed anything . I’ll keep fishing left but if i don’t start feeling the smoothness in the reel .I’ll keep going but will switch back if I don’t notice any more advantages but for heavyweight gear anything above 3-5kg rods I will always have it left handed as you have excellent control over fish or then I’m fishing sooty Grunter even with my lighter gear it depends I will end up using both in the end
  3. I ended up getting j braid x4 it’s different to x8 the only thing I noticed is that it’s a not as smooth but other then that it feels and looks the same I haven’t went fishing with it yet but it feels nice I might switch to x4 if I end up liking it as much as x8 as it’s cheaper .also if you didn’t know my legalis lt is the lexa Nero lt reel it’s the same reel with a different name I also added my aird lt handle as I like the Eva knob
  4. I think I’m gonna get the j braid x4 today
  5. Unfortunately I can’t order stuff online because I’m on a extended holiday and can only go to bcfs tackle worlds and anacondas or any other tackle shops will keep in mind in the future
  6. What braid is $23 for 1km you can’t even buy a km of mono for $23 i never seem braid that cheap lmao .I only care about wind knots diameter and the strength and the overall durability and lack of stretch in braid that’s why I use j braid x8 and ticks all those boxes it’s a cheapish braid which is low in diameter strong doesn’t stretch and doesn’t wind knot . I’m think I’m gonna try the x4 j braid and see how I go I’ve heard it’s not as good as x8 but beggars can’t be choosers
  7. Yeah my friend found a set line once at my local spot that had been there for only god knows how long pulled it up to remove the line out of the water and a very deeply hooked over 50cm bream still alive come up that’s why I hate set lines so much because trophy fish can be caught on then and then Have to go throw a slow painful death as they die from deep hooking also ducks and other animals easily get tangled in them
  8. It’s like 50-70% of reviews though idk if it’s worth risking $20 And usually when it comes to reviews of braid if one problem is common theme it’s not a good sign I’ll check it out I’ll probably end up buying it I’m gonna take your word for it wish me luck. I’ll either get j braid x4 or the pryml x4 as their both the same price
  9. Update I checked out the pryml stuff a lot of people say it snaps when casting you might have just got a lucky spool
  10. Ok I’ll check out pryml yeah I for some reason shimano’s 1000 reels have a ton of line cap . Hence why I don’t use 2500 reels for bream and flathead I use 1000-2000 reels
  11. I’ve always stuck to daiwa j braid x8 since it’s cheap $35 for 150m at bcf it’s also very good never had any issues with old or brand new works like a charm . But I’m looking for something much cheaper . I seen this kastking stuff before and have heard good things about it but never had the balls to buy it’s $15-17 for 300m I’m looking for 8lb braid to fill my daiwa legalis LT 2500 I’ve been told that the dye comes off quickly so if I get it I will buy it in white . If anyone’s bought this braid and used it I would like to hear your opinion
  12. What I mean by this where I am there’s only baby sooty Grunter in small puddles and also roach I’m waiting to get to the coast . So I can get a other massive queenie and submit for trevally entry
  13. Unfortunately I don’t know when I will be able to fish next hopefully soon maybe within a week or 2 unfortunately that cuts time for the comp for me
  14. What about Barra I thought Barra would be on the list ? I mean it doesn’t really matter but I fought it would be there alongside with mangrove jack
  15. That’s a pretty weird story hopefully that D$@;head gets caught
  16. Looks nice what tide did you catch them on I’m horrible at whiting fishing and most of them I get them then fishing for flathead or bream and whiting are sometimes by catch often underside? And info would be good
  17. Only one more night till the comp . Doing another prefish today only been getting small bream queenfish and giant herring and some other fish but I’m going south again soon but not south of Brisbane
  18. Yeah I did buy a heavier setup a 6-9 graphite rod and a 5000 size reel but I mainly let my dad fish with what that I haven’t caught anything big on it yet just small queenfish . I like getting big runs and screaming drags on my light gear but I’m pretty sure my drag washers don’t agree with me on that one
  19. Yeah I’m pretty bad then it comes to English
  20. Yeah the queenfish taste really good fresh just don’t freeze them if you gonna keep queenfish you have to eat them on the day they were caught
  21. Sure will a big queenfish like that would do well on team north for the trevally speices
  22. Today I went back down to Cooktown wharf . Wharf was fairly busy no one catching anything but were getting bites . I defrosted some herring I caught the other night cut it into small pieces and baited up my 2-4kg rod instead of my 1-3kg try something a bit different I thought .was using a small hook 6lb braid and 10lb leader for Because of all the oysters and rocks and my usual 1000 Stradic fl I flicked my bait a couple of metres maybe 2-3 as my bait sunk to the bottom I got a huge run I set my hook then all of the sudden I get a screaming drag and the fish just doesn’t stop after about a 40m run in 30 seconds I start slowly winding the fish in and it goes for a few more shorter runs about 5-7 metres a couple people bring their lines in so the fish doesn’t get tangled as I bring the fish closer It’s a turns out it was a queenfish took about 7 minutes to bring in and other 3 or so to land I found a sandy bank and pulled the fish onto the bank and a massive queenfish was successfully landed . It took me 3 or so minutes to setup first cast I got the fish then shortly after killing and bleeding the fish I left I was their no longer then 20 minutes talk about a good session that ended up with a new PB fish was 69cm I wish the online fishing comp started today so I could put that in the trevally section for team north hopefully I will get another one like that for the Comp didn’t weigh the fish but was probably around 5-7kg the fillets alone were probably around 4-5kg
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