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Posts posted by jdollazz

  1. 8 hours ago, Dinodadog said:

    I have also had a lot of trouble from sciatica, which I put down to standing to long while bank fishing.At the first sign of back pain I should stop fishing and go home, but this is hard to do when they are on the chew and are all decent bass.Off to the camp shops to find a stool, lightweight, to sit on while,having a rest when bank fishing.


    spoil yaself and get a comfy camp chair i reckon! anything that lets you stay out there longer 

  2. 2 hours ago, christophagus said:

    bris river jacks are a very hard to catch fish, very rare. they do exist though
    and yeah there is always a chance of threadies. solid flathead, keep it up


    just out of curiosity, do you live north or south of the river lol always looking for new Suburbs of Origin Team North members!

    sorry to disappoint mate, but i'm a southsider 😂

  3. 15 hours ago, AUS-BNE-FISHO said:

    Good work @jdollazz. Those are some nice fish!

    I don't think you'd get any sizeable jewies in there but when I was fishing there last a fella told me he was catching some baby ones (I guess they could have been river perch though). It could be possible to catch a thready or jack but I don't think there is much landbased access going upstream from the boat ramp, I walked up the track a couple hundred metres and after a couple openings it seemed to go away from the creek. 

    thanks @AUS-BNE-FISHO they're not record breakers but they were a good feed 

    yeah we tried taking my mates navarra from the boat ramp up that track but like you said it moves away from the creek the further you go up. If you and @TheCharliefishofeel like making the trek, you can walk from the bridge over Boggy from the main myrtle town rd down to where I've marked and give it a go. i tried it on the public holiday because the usual spots down there were very busy. i didnt see much action but maybe you guys will have more luck. just an idea 


  4. 16 hours ago, ellicat said:

    Couple of good flatties there, Jack. Seems you have them sussed out. You can have the dreaded stingray though.

    Bugger about the rod. New carbon fibre rods have very unforgiving tips and aren't made to be loaded up (as you found out). Try keeping your rod at no more than 45 degrees throughout any fight - this will put the stress on the heavier end of the rod where it's meant to be.

    I've only been up the creek once or twice for no joy, but others do say jacks and threadies. Never heard of jew from there.

    thanks for the tip Brian, much appreciated as always! 

  5. 5 hours ago, christophagus said:

    hey mate, looks like a small GT to me. just fyi too, for land based youve done well. especially on plastics.


    the flathead ive caught at boggy creek landbased have all been small too. that area is great for flathead. if you ever get the chance, a small kayak around that area produces flathead really well

    thanks chris! I've been tempted by the kayaks for some time now - Facebook knows it too, my feed is clogged with fishing kayak ads 😂

    i'm lucky enough to have a mate taking me out in his tinny Friday after next so maybe we'll try Boggy again. hopefully I'll have something to report back with!    

  6. 15 hours ago, GregOug said:

    Welcome Jack. Nice fish. I think. Can’t be sure though because the guy you borrowed that brag mat from will be a Southsider. He’ll want it back before the next annual North vs South of the river comp begins. All the southsliders have one. Us Northsiders would never stoop to such tactics.

    haha fair play mate you got me there, we both are 😂

  7. 55 minutes ago, ellicat said:

    Welcome to the forum, Jack. Good to see a report first up.

    You've done well with the plastics for a new starter.

    It is unlikely you are catching the same fish. The smaller fish are usually male and congregate in similar sizes together with a single female around this time of year. Keep at it and you will land a bigger one sooner or later. I've seen two bigger models (53 and `60) when I've been fishing near the mouth of Boggy, so you're definitely in with a chance.

    Take care around the gills when they are going berserk as they have some nasty spikes that will cut you and hurt for awhile.

    Post up the pics of fish you need to get an ID on. Someone here will know.

    thanks Brian, it's only taken me a month to make a post 😂

    Thanks for the info, much appreciated. I just wasn't too sure as I haven't caught many flathead before but am now leaning towards taking my next legal one home 


    This is probably obvious but I'm still just not that confident ID'ing certain fish - i think this is a little Trevally? If it is there tend to be plenty of them around in Boggy on the incoming tide 



    I cant find my other photos right now but if I do I'll post them up later 


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