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Everything posted by rayke1938

  1. New ramp built years ago and it is now kept clean, Cheers Ray
  2. I would say you had the battery switch turned to both. There must have been something left turned on to drain the batterys. Also check what type of battery switch is installed . Must be make before break type and NEVER turn the battery switch off when the motor is running as you can damage your alternator on the motor. If you are certain that you did not leave any accessory turned on you need to investigate to see if there is a problem with the wiring. Cheers Ray
  3. If you use an anderson plug to connect your charger to the battery and the nature of the construction of the anderson plug reduces the risk of sparking . Another advantage of using anderson plugs is that there is no risk of reversing the polarity when you connect the charger. To charge the battery you just unplug the motor and then plug in the charger to the plug that is connected to the battery. Cheers Ray
  4. yes toad good cat bait. Caretaker at Fingal caravan park used to ask us to keep them as he had contract to clean barbecues in parks at fingal. He used to go late at night and turn on barby and cook the toads and feral cats used to eat them . Used to paralyze the cats and they never went more than 20 feet away. Brian used to come in morning and clean barby and pick up cats.
  5. At least i caught something worth taking home. Also lost a pot when I ran over the rope. Cheers Ray
  6. Rick thought he has a flatty first but as soon as it tried to hog the bottom he realised it was a ray Still nice to be out and about.
  7. Jacobs well today 5 rat turdsnatchers ones small ray. Must admit it was a beaut day but would be good to find some fish. Cheers Ray
  8. didnt feel like a ray may ave been jewie
  9. Works quite well. there are several options depending on your yak and budget. A 18 or 24lb watersnake are quite affordable and there are side mount kits available and are quite simple to install, Mounting on the stern requires modification of the motor to enable control of the speed and direction. If you can afford it a bow mount minnkota with spot lock is the ducks guts but you are looking at over 2k plus battery and charger. Check out Dinga.com for the watersnake ad kit, I think that dragon yaks who are local also do a complete kit . Cheers Ray
  10. Went to the Logan with Rick this morning. Launched at Skinners rd ramp armed with fresh water shrimp ( left over from last trip to NPD )mullet,pillys and squid. Rick donutted but got bites on shrimp,squid and mullet. I caught one lone turdsnatcher ( bream for the uninitiated) at 29 cm on a live shrimp and lost a good sized fish that broke me off at the boat when it went around the motor. The live shrimp were 23 days old I was intending to try them out in one of the local creeks but could not get enthused. They lived on the hook in the salt for over an hour. Had a couple of throws of the cast net near the ramp for one largish stick. New shoulders seemed ok but right wrist did not like the weight of the 12 foot net. Really impressed with the dickheads who see how close they can roar past you when you are fishing in 15 ft of water well away from the channel. Really missing NPD Might give the sandies a go near the old barge channel next week Cheers Ray
  11. Could be just a trim issue is it running bow down or up.otherwise go back to the dealer. cheers ray
  12. Copy of email from PRFMA. View this email in your browser As previously advised, due to Covid-19 restrictions, special approval was received from Seqwater to allow the use of one powered vessel and two volunteers to release fingerlings from Boral Landing on Saturday 11/04/2020. Special thanks goes to Ross Cobb for volunteering himself and his 50hp vessel which allowed for the scattered release of 42,000 Golden Perch Fingerlings. 6 separate runs were made to various parts of our Lake Access Area. The fingerlings were of excellent quality and very lively. The set up and release took 4 hours. The fingerlings PHOTO 1 were transferred from the delivery vehicle to the large holding tank PHOTO 2 which was set up on the waters edge with aeration and the water pump PHOTO 3. Fingerlings then transferred to vessel for release PHOTO 4 & PHOTO 5, The water in the holding tank was reduced by 15 full buckets and replaced with fresh dam water via the water pump regularly - All fingerlings survived and dived deep immediately on release. All in all a very successful release but a lot of work for 2 individuals. Regards Barry Tucker Treasurer
  13. Allow Queenslanders to catch fish for food in our inland dams. Andrew Gale started this petition to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and 2 others We can't fish our stocked dams yet we fish on the coast for food? On Tuesday March 31, Transport Minister, Mark Bailey sensibly reversed a decision to allow people to use boats to access local waterways to catch fish for food during the COVID-19 crisis, provided they complied with social distancing and other requirements. http://statements.qld.gov.au/Statement/2020/3/31/fishing-and-essential-boat-use-to-continue This was met with thanks by the people of Queensland who supplement their diet with fresh caught fish, crustaceans etc. On the same day, Minister for Natural Resources, Anthony Lynham announced that all freshwater dams were closed for fishing to feed ourselves and families. http://statements.qld.gov.au/Statement/2020/3/30/camping-fossicking-out-statewide These two statements contradict and penalise Queenslander's who do not live in coastal areas. Queensland has 63 stocked impoundment's and weirs that our now off limits. This means inlanders must either queue at supermarkets to buy fish or travel great distances to the coast to fish. This is not common sense. Allow us to fish our local dams!! http://chng.it/PhGq9vXGLZ Cheers Ray
  14. Just makes me realize how spoilt we are with NPD. I went to a lot of my old go to spots and could not raise a bite should have got a few bream and reefies being just after full moon.
  15. Completely lost my mojo. Fished the salt for first time in 3 years. Rick and I launched from Redland bay this morning armed with some fresh squid . Fished at snipe,iron stem,pots point and pelican banks Used half a tank of fuel, bruised bum from the chop. One 27cm bream some small snapper ( 2 to 4 inch)small parrot and small sweetlip for 4 hours effort. You can stick the rustwater up your kyber. Ray
  16. rayke1938

    Funnies 2

    True Friendship... SCOTTISH STYLE!! (None of that Sissy shite) Are ye tired o those pish weak 'friendship' poems that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality? Well, here are a series o promises that actually speak of true friendship. You will see no cute wee smiley faces on this card . Just the stone cold truth o a great friendship. > 1. When ye are sad -- I will help you get pished and plot revenge against the bastard who made ye sad. 2. When ye are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking ye. 3. When ye smile -- I will know ye are thinking of something that I would probably want to be involved in. 4. When ye are scared -- I will take the pish oot o you every chance I get, until you're NOT. 5. When ye are worried -- I will tell ye stories about how much worse it could be until YE STOP WHINGIN'! 6. When yer confused -- I will try to use only wee words. 7. When ye are sick -- Stay the **** away frae me until ye are well again. I don't want whatever ye've got. 8. When ye fall, I will laugh my ****in heed aff at you, you clumsy arse, .......but I'll help you up. 9. This is my oath.... I pledge it tae the end. 'Why?' you may ask; Because you are my friend. Friendship is like pishing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.
  17. Open front door and knock and then race inside and say who is there .
  18. https://rcc.news/media-advisory-100-metre-boundary-applied-to-waters-off-north-stradbroke-island/?fbclid=IwAR3dq_2WpUsbrJKAI4vgx66bwBCq7jygECnCIWRcnq-z72tcCMUfoDNuuDQ
  19. A big thank you to SEQ water for relaxing their access restriction to NPD to allow the release of 40 thousand golden perch fingerlings on 11/4 under very strict guidelines. Only 2 prfma members allowed but they have given permission for a 4 stroke powered vessel to be used to allow a scattered release rather tan just dumping the fingerlings in the one place. There are 2 releases planned for Kurwogbah and more for NPD so at least the stocking can proceed despite the restrictions, ( Private post non official PRFMA] Cheers Ray
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