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Posts posted by samsteele115

  1. Hey mate, yeah I used to have one when I had a boat. Mostly for longies also! Be very careful with mackerel, I never ripped mine but could see that it would be easy to do. I think I broke one of the internal zips too, so they need a bit more attention and care than simply plonking a fish in an ice box. A bit fiddly. 

    It's obviously not going to be as good as an esky  in terms of keeping ice however it's still pretty impressive and does the job well for a day trip. If I didn't have much ice and the bag was out in the sun I'd put a wet towel over it which I think helped. 

    Overall it's definitely worth the money. As you know all boats could do with more space, and this is a fantastic solution. 

  2. I imagine the cape has similar types of current and species to the point on straddie (gt, Spanish, kingfish, tuna I have encountered here)

    It's a place for heavy gear if you're serious about actually landing the larger fish. I've been dusted on 65lb braid and 100lb leader on 10000 reel and 40-80lb rod multiple times which is a medium game setup. Time for an upgrade in gear; hate leaving lures in fish 

  3. So good! Nice read Brian. 

    Heaps of Watson's leaping bonito and schoolies been around amity this year, haven't heard anything for a couple of weeks though but always worth a go. Some nice winter jacks on the wall too. 

    Some life long residents have said it is the most bait, mackerel, bonito, and tuna they have ever seen and they hung around for weeks. Great signs for the bay.

    Catching longies and mackerel in my creek basher yak and landbased for a few weeks straight is going to be a lifelong memory. 

    Lettuce know when you're next at amity and I'll cast some slugs at your boat 🙄 

  4. It doesn't matter unless something too large for your combo takes hold and takes all your line. If you manage to stop it and the arbor knot holds, when you try to wind back on it MAY slip on the spool and not be able wind back on. Hence mono backing; or at least electrical tape on the spool. 

    I wouldn't worry about it, the likelihood of it happening isn't high unless you target fish that you shouldn't be on that combo... in which case, serves you right 😏

  5. 19 minutes ago, rayke1938 said:

    You still wielding the willow or no opportunity over there?

     Cheers Ray

    G'day Ray! Great to hear from you. 

    No mate, the passion for cricket faded a few years back (in terms of playing). I don't even want to know how many bass have holes in their lips since last time we spoke! 

  6. Tailor and trevs were yesterday. Trevally being probably the most underrated table fish in my opinion. 

    Yes the stealth pro fisha is basically a surf ski designed for fishing. Everything packs in the 7ft fish hatch so my gear stays dry in a surf launch. Or when I flip it half the time on the way in 🙃 it's also very fast and glides well. What is your kayak?

    Thanks mate! Yes they are both 20kg mackerel and tuna. Nice fish. 

  7. 3 hours ago, ellicat said:

    You're looking well, Sam.

    With that lifestyle it's no wonder.

    Some nice captures and that yak looks a real weapon for offshore work.

    Remember us more often. haha

    Thanks Brian, 

    Yes it certainly keeps me active and I'm grateful I took the plunge to make it happen. 

    Good to see you're out fishing mate! 

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