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Posts posted by swmcl

  1. Ellicat,

    There was a time a way back when the BOM got it wrong and there was a big storm with a lot of damage.  Since then, they 'err', or their software has been reprogrammed to err on the cautious side.  I live in Toowoomba and I now know to only consider it a possibility of significant rain when the BOM site predicts a 90% chance of rain.  I can be pretty sure there will be no rain at 70% and only a shower at 80%.

    It is also heavily influenced by legal people.  They ruin everything.  A more disastrous forecast than it turns out to be means no possibility of any legal implications.

  2. I wouldn't mind visiting the same sort of area in these holidays with the kids too.

    I'm using Google Maps to try to locate an area.  (I'm in Toowoomba).  What's below the Bullocky's Rest area?  Is it all mud flats ?  Can one use a kayak in the area safely?  Are there any bridges or rocky breakwaters or something to scramble across?

    I would prefer saltwater fish.

    A jetty or three would be good ...

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