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Everything posted by ellicat

  1. A shame the bait was limited and the nibblers wasted them. You still got a couple most of us would be eating. haha
  2. Very nice. What bait for the black spot ?
  3. ellicat


    Thanks, Tony. Off to a good start this morning.
  4. ellicat

    The new boat

    Yes, I remember that day. We were lucky to have been sent warnings on the phone in enough time to get back to the ramp. A 10am thunderstorm in the middle of winter. Crazy.
  5. ellicat


    No, I wore my lifejacket all day in case I went over. Doc has given me meds and some exercises to combat it. Exercises where you do them laying down. Just my style.
  6. ellicat

    The new boat

    Very nice looking boat, Greg. The ability to get in and lock out the weather is a win, especially on a cold winter's morning. Did you get a live-well plumbed in ?
  7. I don't consider it when I'm deciding whether I will fish a particular day. However, it does help determine where I will plan to fish.
  8. I fish when I can. If one of the indicators happens at the time, even better. Neap tides make it easier to fish different places that are horrible with big tides. e.g. the river is better on neaps imo. The Rous seems to fish a bit better with run, but is harder to fish. Harry's is better on the neap tides as the run is just too strong at other times. The whiting in the Nerang bite better with more run.
  9. ellicat


    No good. I've been dizzy since Friday 24th. I have vertigo apparently. Luckily, it wasn't too bad on Thursday.
  10. ellicat


    I think that deserves its own thread, @GregOug.
  11. ellicat


    Brave, game or insane. I'm not sure which would best describe you. haha
  12. ellicat


    I guess the consequences of sneaking out without her makes it nonviable. Bugger.
  13. ellicat


    Yeah, but that was the shortest. haha
  14. ellicat


    test 20221017_144208.mp4
  15. ellicat


    Ghost Busters. hahaha
  16. I'll let that one in as I was slow posting.
  17. ellicat


    Mine's a picture of the wife when I have had too many last casts. haha
  18. ellicat


    Looks like we've got photos back.
  19. Token for this month is a hand in the pic.
  20. March 2024 Scoreboard Bream 1st @Old Scaley Yellowfin 35cm SOUTH 2nd @Old Scaley Yellowfin 31.5 SOUTH 3rd @Neil Stratford Yellowfin 27.5 SOUTH Australian Bass/Estuary Perch 1st @Neil Stratford Bass 39cm SOUTH 2nd @Neil Stratford Bass 35cm SOUTH 3rd @Neil Stratford Bass 33.5cm SOUTH Grunter 1st @Bretto77 Spotted 42cm @Neil Stratford 42cm SOUTH 2nd @Neil Stratford 39cm SOUTH 3rd Whiting 1st @Bretto77 39.5cm SOUTH 2nd @Neil Stratford 37.5cm SOUTH 3rd @Old Scaley 33.5cm SOUTH Flathead 1st @Ross.warwick Dusky 30cm NORTH 2nd 3rd Snapper 1st @Allnighter 63cm and 63cm SOUTH 2nd @Bretto77 53cm SOUTH 3rd @Huxstang 50cm SOUTH Jewfish - Silver, Black or Teraglin 1st 2nd 3rd Threadfin Salmon 1st 2nd 3rd Golden Perch 1st @Bob9863 57cm SOUTH 2nd @Bob9863 55cm X 2 SOUTH 3rd @taib 54cm SOUTH Tailor 1st 2nd 3rd Tuna 1st 2nd 3rd Mackerel 1st @Old Scaley School 62cm @ellicat School 62cm SOUTH 2nd @Old Scaley School 56cm SOUTH 3rd Cod (any type freshwater or salt) 1st 2nd 3rd Trevally (any type) 1st @crazywalrus Bludger 93cm NORTH 2nd 3rd Shark (including shovel nose) 1st @crazywalrus Whaler 2M+ NORTH 2nd @Neil Stratford Bull 72cm SOUTH 3rd @Neil Stratford Bull 68cm SOUTH Emperor and Tuskfish 1st @crazywalrus Spangled 65cm NORTH 2nd 3rd Trophy Fish of any Species not covered above. 1st @Bretto77 Morwong 50cm SOUTH 2nd 3rd Total Team North 11 points/10 contestants = 1.1 Total Team South 51 points 17 contestants = 3.0 Winner = Team ---- SOUTH Monthly scores NORTH SOUTH January 0 1 February 0 1 March 0 1 April May June July August September October November December Total for year
  21. Well, she is no longer upset. haha Bob is back!
  22. Yes, The Nod of Approval was received.
  23. Headed out with 'The Dentist' today. Up at 2.30am for a 5am launch from Mooloolaba. Headed to the area where we've had success on the grassies in the past. I managed a grassie first cast and then again on the second cast. Not monsters but were big enough to not need to measure them - mid 30's. At the same time, The Dentist was getting snagged and busted off and was retying for most of the first part of the morning. I thought it would be my day to out-fish him. Wrong. I didn't add a legal fish after those first two. Meanwhile the boat tally went to 8 grassies to low forties (Av size was down a bit this trip), 3 Spanish Flag and a Hussar. Only bothered by a few sharks, but nothing like the Bay. Towards stumps I landed three Red Throat Emperor which was cool to see. Undersized though. A Wobbygong finished my day. On the way back to the ramp we came upon plenty of schools of Tuna busting up - both Long Tail and Mack. Thanks for the day, mate. No pics as we didn't have time at the end of the day, due to being delayed because of low discipline levels and having a few casts at the tuna.
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