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Everything posted by Dinodadog

  1. Been using 1/2 oz, get a feeling how deep the water is in front of you and ajust how high or low you hold your rod.
  2. Luke and I decided to fish the edges in amongst the weed.It was to be a short walk, which turned into about 10 k around trip.Managed to have a good nights sleep, well good for me slept through from 9 till 3 this morning. It kills me but I just love fishing the edges in dam or creek. Anyway the fishing was great, we would bunny hop each other along the bank fishing the gaps in the weed, Most fish would strike just as the spinnerbait reached the front of the weed, then it was on to get the fish threw the weed, best idea was to try and skim the fish over the top of the weed. We lost afew fish but still managed to land well over 60 bass and the one yella. That cheeky Luke said ah well I suppose I'll see you in a month when you recover to do it again.
  3. Going for a walk this morning, know that I will be in pain for a few days, but its worth it I hope
  4. Where ya bin, NPD is starting to fire on the edges.
  5. Afraid not, but if you check up, they may let you leave your motor on, but not have fuel with you. (if you have an elec to use )
  6. Took the neighbor up to Baroon yesterday, it was a great day, but got a bit warm towards lunchtime. We started off a push off from the ramp and was into a school of small bass.We had some fun trolling through them back and forth. Then moved on to find some bigger bass and find them we did,getting fish from each spot we tried. Managed one 50cm but quite a few not far off it. Trolling, casting and shrimpin. It was also a gloomy start as can be seen in pic one. Dino
  7. Spinnerbaits were on fire this morning, all around the edges. Bass and yellas were trying to pull me out of the boat, then the wife rings and tells me to get home I have someone wants to buy some plants, they spent $10, wasnt worth racing home for. Dino
  8. I am sick from morning tea and afternoon tea, also had part of one of my fathers day presents for breakfast, a nice fillet steak and egg. I might be skipping tea, might I said.
  9. I only got a quick look at the screen, its amazing what people will spend to outfish you.
  10. Out with Glen yesterday, he was showing me the latest in sounders. We were sitting over the top of submerged logs or trees and his sounder was showing the fish come up to the bait,look at it and either take it or turn and swim away.It is a little expensive for me at over $4000. I got my but kicked with Glen getting the most fish , but he had the sounder I was fishing blind.Next time I will demand a sounder to look at, makes a big difference. Dino
  11. Pots not raided, just lack of shrimps lately. well it was good to find out they are back to taking spinnerbaits, my favourite fishing.
  12. Got 2 2inch shrimp from my pots, so plan B had to start, that was trolling hardbodies, that failed, so plan C was next, this was casting and trolling spinnerbaits. I would stick close to the bank in 10ft of water and troll a 1/2 oz spinnerbait out each side of the boat and when I seen a good looking point I would have a few casts. This proved successful as managed 16 bass and back at the ramp by 9.30am. Dino
  13. I think they said it was a dark trevally
  14. Bagged out on some species, but had to throw a lot back of other species.
  15. Eldest son was out at Fitzroy reef last week. HE has this thing on his boat that the newbies have to be the others bitches for the first night and have to wear the titty aprons. Heap of fish caught in the 5 days out and for once no damage to the boat this time, as last time they ran into a bit of bad weather and a lot of the welds on the stainless steel rails cracked. Dino
  16. Son was out off Fitzroy reef last week, I have a few pics to put up soon.
  17. Found a few small schools, tried the jigs but they moved away real quick.
  18. Took the neighbor for a troll around the dam this morning. Dino
  19. I meant to say I mentioned it to the wife, not complaining.
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