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Everything posted by Dinodadog

  1. An indication of how the fish move around, where Ray told me he found the fish was void of any life the day before.
  2. Norries spoons were the winner, color didnt matter,would of liked to stay longer, but the new knee was to painful.
  3. Slightly winday on the dam this morning and as hard as I tried I could not find any fish. Nek minute I look at my watch and its 8.30am and not one fish so far. I was casting to the edges for zilch. So I headed off trolling looking for a school and bingo, up popped a nice school. Its the first school I have seen for ages. Managed 50 before the leg was telling me to go home. Dino
  4. Gee the lawn looks neglected in that pic with the dog
  5. Yes it was a pleasant morning for a change, first bass came from out of the weeds.
  6. It was good to get out with Luke to NPD for a low wind day after all the wind lately. Fish were hard to find early, one rat up until 8.30am. We stuck to it and was rewarded as the morning wore on.I was raising the bass tally and Luke was on the yellas again. Might have to increase the bait fishing as the lures are getting harder, well until the schools show up. Dino
  7. Good to see you out and about and a toga as a reward, well done.
  8. This is the type I use all the time, only problem is the wire rope, it bites you after awhile, I will be replacing it with the strong rope next time.
  9. Luke and I redeemed ourselves from our effort on saturday. We got bass on spinnerbaits, spoons and tn60 and yellas on spinnerbaits. 6yellas which LUKE got 5 of and 21 bass that we both contributed to. Dino
  10. Yes we went upstream to the beam having a few casts here and there then came back down to the bottom of koala straight.Judging by the fish caught down the bottom we should of gone all the way down.
  11. You can take 5 bass and 10 yellabelly if you wish, I release them all .
  12. Luke and I hit the dam this morning. We nearly got blown out of the water, but still managed fish. Dino
  13. Anybody wants a feed of prawns, head to the pine, they were skipping across the water everywhere we went, I think the fish were full of them.
  14. I was worried if the salt water might get into my new knees.
  15. Could not wait any longer, Beau and I hit the pine river yesterday.It was a nice day to have a fish. we didnt go to far before I pointed out to Beau that I used to catch quite a few flathead at this spot. First cast and I was onto and landed a nice legal flathead.Beau hooked up to a underwater snag. Well that was the excitement of the trip, from then on it was no more fish for either of us, Beau continued to get snags and finaly finished on a good fish, probably a cod, that took him to a nice snag. So as Ray keeps saying you can stick the salt Back in the dam this weekend I hope. Dino
  16. I stepped outside this morning to pay my respects, it was good to see quite a few neighbors out in their driveways. Wife and I had several chats. Dino
  17. Getting very close to putting my tinnie in the salt to wash off the freshwater marks.Just have to balance long enough to get the motor on the tinnie without falling over.Maybe next week if nothing changes.
  18. I have been flogging the life out of my saltwater pool for days now and still havnt caught a bloody thing. I have up graded all my gear ready for when the dams open, hope it happens before I go crazy all together.
  19. I have been thinking about hitting the pine river, but having to wash everything when I get home sort of put me off.
  20. Could someone tell the yellas I am at week 7 of the new second knee and will be out to see them as soon as I am allowed, I have just about polished the stickers off the side of the boat, I have had 7 weeks of isolation, whinge whinge whinge
  21. Getting old (older ), middle son turned 50 last weekend, thats now 3 children over 50. Day before yesterday was my 54th wedding anniversary, now I am feeling reel old. Dino
  22. I hope he was only using one hook.
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