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Everything posted by Dinodadog

  1. Had a demo sounder while mine was being looked at, it ran for 5 hours with no problems,I did rewire the lead that went to the battery,next trip I will try mine again. Anyway started shrimp fishing, when Igot to 60 and being a little bored I decided to find a new school. I ended up finding one that was happy to eat hard metal, slow blats done the trick, with another 11 being caught and just to show I am a good sport, I donated one to the bass. I made a long cast and the lure just kept going.Sounder shot shows a school of fish that were not one bit hungry. Dino
  2. Probably will only use it in narrow parts of the dam,they are only good if you spend up on the dearer ones.As explained to me, for $400 all you get is dots, once you spend over a grand you start to see fish shapes, if you spend 5 grand the fish hook themselves and swim up to the boat
  3. Lowrance hook 7ts, it was great while on, very clear.
  4. Having teething problems with my new sounder, it turns itself off and wont come back on. So did I sulk and go home, nah I started trolling and when I got a double hookup I stopped and started bait fishing, result was 77 bass,one yella and one eel tail catfish. Going to check my wire joins tomorrow, while the head piece gets checked by the experts. Dino
  5. Wont be long now and you can get your own set of wheels, watch out fish population then.
  6. Yeah it puts a smile on the dial, I even left them biting and still had shrimp,gets a bit boring when they are all the same size.
  7. Good to see the school I have been following for a few weeks still active after getting quite a bit of attention. Bass were mostly around the 35 to 40cm size and the best part there was no forkies. Managed 73 this morning and 67 a few days a go. Dino
  8. Strangely enough there are some out there that are against hurting forkies, but its OK to swing bass about by the neck.
  9. Found a couple of schools that were OK and one that was not OK. Managed 77 bass,2 yellas and a heap of forkies.I pulled up over this school that looked good and the first thing up was a mongrel forkie, so I said i'll give it another chance and rebaited, then all 3 rods buckled over the side and up came a forkie on each one, well I quickly moved on from that spot. Dino
  10. Are schools rewarding, blxxdy oath they are, when you can find them.First school I found was a bit bait shy only pulling the odd bass now and again. So I moved on and found a better school, these were hungry and stayed under the boat for quite awhile. It was a mixed school with small bass and now and then a good one, managed a 51 from the school, a eel tail catfish and the biggest eel I have seen at NPD it was as thick as the top of my leg, when I reached for the knife to cut the line it shook its head one more time and the hook and sinker went within a mozzie **** of hitting me in the head.Anyway managed 73 bass all up all on shrimp. Dino
  11. This time last year they were hitting lures around the edges, most of the lilies have gone and only the ribbon weed left in a lot of places.
  12. Getting old, thought I had put this post up. Had a great morning saturday, managed to find a couple of good schools. Some wouldnt touch a thing and some were very hungry. Managed 61 on shrimp and none on lures this time. Dino
  13. When we first started in boats at NPD the spanglies were over 30cm and would take trolled lures, not so now, only one now and again.
  14. Took me ,myself and I for a fish yesterday morning and boy did I enjoy there company, we got on like a house on fire.Trolling was a bit slow to start with and then I found a school, where I managed to get over 30 bass on slow blatt lures, mixing up the colors to keep them interested. Moved off in search of another school and lucky me I found one. This school was a mixed bag, they would not touch any type of lure I showed them, so out come the faithful shrimp and I proceeded to fatten themup. First 9 fish were yellas, then the bass started with yellas in between. All up for the morning 62 bass and 16 yellas. Dino
  15. Ray is the redclaw man I dont bother with them anymore.
  16. Thats the way they come, sometimes the assist hook are at the top and sometimes on the bottom, I always hook onto the assist hooks.
  17. Had a nice session yesterday using the blat spoons, along with spinnerbaits and trolled smack 12 lures. Didnt need shrimp and managed 38 bass. I found a small school on a dropoff, I would cast past them let it drop to the bottom, then a couple of lifts, before a slow retrieve,I had to keep changing color as they would go off the bite after 2 or 3 casts. Dino
  18. Great pics and yes I have wanted to get up there for ages, last time was in the army and no fishing.
  19. Back over to Lake K yesterday in the yak, on the water early and off the water early. Bite was full on to start with, then stopped a bruptly around 8am back at the car by 8.30am. Still managed a good score of 38 bass.As I was putting the hobie in the water noticed I only had one and 3/4 finns, about 4 inches fell off one fin, must of perished. Over to hobie land after lunch,due to covid no stock so on waiting list, meantime put shorter finns on. As usual left a few dollars short, buying bits that was needed. For everyones enjoyment I am off to get skewerd tomorrow from both ends,(colonoscopy and endoscopy) Dino
  20. Yeah I have always said the bass up there would out pull a NPD bass of the same size, they are deeper set. Dino
  21. Took the neighbor Bruce up to Lake Baroon yesterday for a change of scenery. It is no doubt one of the prettiest dams around. We arrived to a non fogged out dam for a change, it was glassed out and it felt like you didnt want to disturb the water by launching your boat.Well we soon came back to reality and got the boat in and started fishing. Fishing was very slow to start and I had only caught 2 bass by 8 am and Bruce was still on zero. After a change of spots a few times we finaly managed to get amongst some bass, picking up some trolling and casting spinnerbaits and some on shrimp. Found a few bigger models with a couple of nearly 50cm bass and a nice big 52cm one.We will be back another day. Dino
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