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Everything posted by Dinodadog

  1. I had 15kg braid on as I was ready for big yellas.
  2. Had a reasonable morning at NPD yesterday, managed 31 bass and the monster from hell. Biggest forky I have caught out there and I have caught some whoppers. My hand held scales bagged out at 25kg but actual size was more like 15kg, it had a head as big as a shovel, pic doesnt do it justice. I made sure it was unable to breed with a little surgery. If a 3" can cause a heap of pain, just think how much pain this one would cause if it pricked you. Barbs were 8cm long. Dino
  3. Bass would not leave me alone up at Baroon this morning. They attacked me at the ramp, then again not far from the ramp. I was worn out after 4 hours of bedlam. Some on spinnerbaits, some trolling flickashads in 70ft of water with the bass sitting 15ft down and the rest on shrimp. 78 bass, 6 spanglies and one eel. It was that hot a session I could feel myself melting and as I have enough scars from the sun already, I knocked off early.Most bass over 40cm. Dino
  4. Sorry Brian may not make it, to much sun yesterday and visitors arriving at some time this morning, still trying. Dino
  5. Should be able to drop in for a soft drink on the 5th Is it BYO
  6. Had to really reach into my tacklebox yesterday to grab a few fish. They were not hungry, very lure and bait shy. Managed 28 bass and one yellow. Spent most of the morning fishing the edges where the yellow and a few bass come from, also persuaded a few to take a shrimp. Spinnerbaits, slow blats and hardbodies also used.NPD usually gets a bit quite around christmas. Dino
  7. I forget what some faces look like,might have to drop in for awhile if its on the northside. Dino
  8. I think you might be right there, it was very fast.
  9. Decided a change was needed,so hooked up the boat and headed up to Baroon. It paid off big time with several small schools found out from the points in 15 to 20 feet.There was a distinct thermal line at 15ft. At one stage I was getting bass down 15ft in 60 to 70 ft of water. Managed 77 bass on spinnerbaits, flikashads,crazydeeps and shrimp, 26 on lures and rest on shrimp. 76th bass a had a blue tag and when I dived into my bag I found out I had no glasses, so couldnt read the tag(waiting on new glasses) I was the only boat on the water,but there was a stand up paddleboard with some sort of motor attached.When I first spotted it I thought it was a skier but couldnt see the boat.It was extremely fast, went from one side of the dam to the other in seconds. Water was as rough as. Dino
  10. As previously said its a long way to row back. I started off running 12 volt front and back and now run 24volt. At the least you need a 12v front and back and a 7.5amp for the sounder.Its wise you are running 2 motors as elec motors give you no warning they just stop, where batteries slow down. Dino
  11. I caught one silver perch at the sons place, awhile back dont know where it come from.Luke (basshunter ) claimed he saw a JP one day, but it was gone before I saw it.
  12. Yeah it only fires from Nov to Feb, water comes down from the mountains and is very cold.
  13. Wife middle son the dog and I slipped down to the sons place for a few hours, me to fish the rest to have a few sips. Well they enjoyed themselves as they were very rowdy on the trip home, my ears are still bleeding. I also enjoyed myself, catching several bass ,with the biggest at 42cm my PB for the area is 43cm, also was lucky enough to catch a nice 70cm mary, a new PB up from 66cm in this area. Most fish fell to spinnerbaits, a couple to small hardbodies. Found out its getting harder to climb through barb wire fences, much easier to roll under the bottom wire as long as its not to close to the ground. Also couldnt work out why one farmer never fixed his entry gate, I have strugled with this gate for years, finaly worked it out that i was swinging it the wrong way (thick head ) Dino
  14. These were between bullockies and forgans,keep your poltergeists for in the boat.
  15. Day off have to mow the lawn but fishing next day.
  16. Wife had some girlfriends coming over for the cup so I decided to go fishing bankside at NPD. Intended staying for a few hours from 11am till dark but back caved in after awhile and I was home for the cup. On the fishing side I got 5 fish from the first 5 casts, then they shot through, so I moved a few meters and found them again. They were only interested in a dark purple spinnerbait,I must have tried a dozen other lures for zilch before returning to the dark purple and getting a few more. Ended up with 26 bass, 2 were right on 50cm and one spangle.One bass wanted to come home with me but I said no. Dino
  17. I have just got to make sure I wash my hands before grabbing my rod.
  18. Doc pointed out all the nerves and showed me where they were to close together and would be causing a problem, he said if it was only one then he could probably operate, MRI shows the lot.
  19. Saw the back and neck doctor this morning, good news no op. Bad news is my neck is like my back fffff stuffed.Xray looked like someone tried to chop my head off several times and failed.I have several nerves in the neck in bad shape, to much arther, Doc said he would not be game to go looking for the bad nerves in amongst all the damage. So I have ordered more deep heat and ice jel
  20. Thats only the most decent shots, rest of pics was rubbish. Third fish is a brother to fifth fish
  21. Still feeling the pain from the day before, I decided to head out in the boat thursday morning. Fished the edhes early and then moved out in the deeper water. TT spinnerbaits and shrimp accounted for 41 bass and one yella. Around 8am it was black overhead, then next time I looked up it had cleared a little so I fished on until 10am. Dino
  22. Yes he is used to going on the eldest sons boat deep sea fishing,I think their next trip they will probably bring the boat home from Bundy. Never seen a snake, sorry son seen one go down a hole near a log. Other walkers have spotted a few about though.
  23. Asked the son would he be a good boy and take his daddy for a walk. Had to remind him that if he wanted to inherit my fishing gear he had better brighten up his act. It was a slow morning, only catching a few, covered about 10k, feeling it today, but still went fishing this morning, report up in the morning.All bass casught on TT Spinnerbaits. Dino
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