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Everything posted by mangajack

  1. Yamashita Egi Oh K 2.5 or 3.0 are the best catchers I have found for cast and retrieve. Yamashita Egi Live are a close second. I have two Shimano Sephia jigs that have seen a fair amount of use and they do not work as well for me. You do need to fine tune some jigs to suit locations....less current or depth might see your jig being too heavy and sink too fast.
  2. fishing catalogue is no longer available......only the fourby catalogue. Interestingly if you type yamashita in the search the $5 special appears in the drop down but you cant access it.....if you hit enter the yamashita price is $12.99 thru to $22.99....
  3. I sun a Samaki Zing Gen 3 SZG-6101SXL rod it does a reasonably good job with the ultra light lures....1.5 gram micro popper out to about 25m. There is a trade off with length to casting distance.....longer rods do not necessarily cast further with ultra light lures. I had a Gen 2 at 7'6" with the same specs...it does not cast as well as this one does. It is all about loading that tip just right in the cast. My usual decky fishes a Gloomis with similar specs....he punches that twice as hard with the same micro lure for about 1m more distance than I get...cast it normally and it is about the same length. I don't gain any more if i really punch my rod.
  4. Sorry for the confusion i created. Std squid jigs everyone uses are weighted to sink.....on a paternoster rig they hang down or drag across the bottom. The jigs in the link are neutrally weighted so they sit horizontal and natural on the paternoster. I drift about fishing for whiting and have the one paternoster squid rod sitting in the rod holder.
  5. I bought my current boat new off marketplace.....it was a special order build that fell through...ended up being a good buy for me....even with freight from Adelaide to Brisbane. Gumtree is probably my third go to after boatsales.com.au if you have any local yards ask about boats that have just come in and not on the floor for sale yet.....means they don't have to spend money detailing them up for sale.....effectively about $1500 cheaper on average.
  6. it will work from a pier as well, but I use them in the boat drifting for whiting and covering lots of ground.
  7. Have the winter whiting turned up yet at the compass adjustment bouy to Nudgee Beach area yet? Looking at taking my grandson for his first whiting session out of Nudgee soon.
  8. Where are you at Matt? I have a blueseas 12 fuse panel same as the link above I bought for my last boat and never fitted it. I also have a fibreglass IP68 enclosure if you want it as well....
  9. To add to this, here in SEQ when I go chasing winter whiting I have a paternoster of these jigs down. These jigs are neutrally bouyant and are designed for this rigging. Normal prawn shape lures are not as they sink. Often catch as many as many squid as winter whiting with two guys fishing a rod each for the whiting and sharing 1 rod with the squid jigs. Far more effective than the prawn style jigs when drifting about for whiting. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004744524656.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.312971c1LFOLME&browser_id=81ee368f4b134ae4954a842ad7f15d91&aff_trace_key=99e85c7741fd418abf8ffeaf60cea719-1683376198727-06966-UneMJZVf&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=uagrhlgnwgcaxyvw18818021f0917374badc216cbb&gclid=&pdp_npi=3%40dis!AUD!45.46!22.15!!!!!%40211bea6216840299722388258d07ea!12000031936484251!sea!AU!0&isseo=y&algo_pvid=5637bc85-43e7-4d11-8923-7c619b1481ba
  10. Thanks Hamish. Heading into the river Sunday morning for some more jew.
  11. A bit of both actually....just can't seem to find the schools like usual. I will try again tomorrow near the old powerstation where they used to be a good supply spot.....haven't found 1 there yet this year.
  12. Evening all, does anyone know where I might find some numbers of yellowtail pike in the Brisbane River from Colmslie to the Port? Seems I only ever find them singularly this season. I'm looking for about 6 live baits per trip.
  13. mangajack


    What hull did you buy? I suggest your maiden run should be to the Brisbane Port outer wall....that way you will get a taste of how the weather affects the boat whilst still being in a fairly populated area in case you need somebody around. Aim for 10 to 15 knots for this run just to get to know your boat more than anything. I wouldn't venture past Mud Island on the maiden voyage unless it is quite calm. You need to prove seaworthiness and reliability to yourself before a big run.
  14. mangajack


    If you are keen to fish the islands regularly then at least double your budget and start looking for minimum 4.8m with rather deep sides. Any 4.2m alloy hulls are going to struggle crossing the bay once the winds come up to about 15 knots....at 10 knots it can be wet and bumpy in a 4.2m esp if the winds oppose the tides. Don't buy something just because it is in budget....it needs to do the job safely for you and the crew you are also responsible for.
  15. Good report Hamish. I don't back my drag off fishing with circle hooks, they rely on the hook being pulled from the mouth of the fish to set the hook. You never strike the fish to set the hook with circles. Step your circles up to 7/0 for baits over 13cm long. Do not pin your livies deeply onto the hook...3mm of flesh over the hook is more than enough. You need to hook to pull free of the bait and catch in the corner of the jaw as it is leaving the fish's mouth. Usually the shank of the hook will be outside the mouth using circle hooks correctly.
  16. The current kids can't work out the 2000's...... Funniest thing is put a spin dial phone on the table and see how they react.
  17. Being consistent catching jew off the breakwalls is not a thing. Yes you do get them from the breakwalls but definitely not all the time. Best results is when there is a big flush happening....run large hard bodies or soft plastics through the suds and shearlines. They tend to react better to constant walking pace retrieves during floods when the water is filthy. Catching soapies like in the photo tend to be patchy....you need to be onto an actively feeding school....jew do not eat all the time and they mill about in schools for large parts of the day. They tend to feed better towards a change of tide, dawn and dusk....smaller tides can see them feed at any time. 20lb main line is fine for anything up to about 1.2m...i would be using 40lb line for bigger models. leaders anywhere from 20lb to 80lb....30lb is my usual jew leader.
  18. Giggle searches don't show any 1960's images for powdered milk....I remember Sunshine and Nestles. Always acme along on camping runs.
  19. Do you train the mosquito to like sugar first?
  20. Brass and caustic soda are not friends at all.....have you thought about abrasive flushing them?
  21. I buy super cheap shrimp plastics from Ebay Chinese suppliers and fish these unweighted flicked into the snags for bass. Out catches the surface lures paddled about the water. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/121501134369?hash=item1c4a082e21:g:5EIAAOSwQJhUeBDm&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwH%2FpLJP3hs7JhSajlQLQKYvWdn5DavqCujVhP%2BoST0FDScTO8YulzucbVLBQ6RVk5wi2voP0NJeKYVleOLKjfWC%2BcFMx%2FQHkfGeWcfjmMDKxa%2FAtkaazpTw3pWpF%2FhLUAw9ACEG4Dc9ruU5tae8SGU0Eq%2FIy3pNUDBuEtbiFpQ5W8ZAgIq2E43DrelDfUBuk23tWnz2LyvF2hSfwMwiK8GaBAbrJwHwX%2BQy%2BndZ7aT5BEyO3Uyiex1vDny31dUaEIA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR76Lse3yYQ You can find these a lot cheaper at times, last batch i bought was 100 lures for $9 AUD delivered. I will need to order again in a few months. Ensure you keep these dry until use, they will go milky if left wet for a few days.
  22. Stradics (not Ci4 models) and $150 max rods is all i use.
  23. Why is this news really?? Calliope River has full time resident crocs, some of them rather large. It's like finding a bee in a bee hive.
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