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Posts posted by fishingnut

  1. 35 minutes ago, Old Scaley said:

    Hey @Ryannnnnnnn, how did you go? Looking at buying a MK Riptide iPilot very soon. Any advice welcome.

    Go see Troy at https://www.minnrepairs.com.au/ he is the guru on all things electric motors, from repairs to installs and everything between what he doesn’t know isn’t worth knowing, is the bla repair agent too so he’s no dill. Tell him I sent ya 

  2. On 13/03/2020 at 9:30 AM, rayke1938 said:

    They would be starting now if they were going to do it in daylight. Kurwongbah especially if no more rain. has dropped a lot so they may be able to do it and not disrupt traffic

    Ray if you look at the correlation between when the PRFMA  used to be able to do the recovery below the wall returning what we all knew were stocked fish, after that seq water took it on and they put what ever they caught below the wall back in. Just simply uneducated staff, I remember asking her what fish she returned and all she could tell me was perch. So if they don’t know the difference between yellas and bass how the hell are they to know the difference between eel tailed and forkies ? 

  3. On 10/03/2020 at 3:56 PM, rayke1938 said:

    Do not think so Dave Roberts was very surprised when first one was caught by Andrew. We had to keep them so he could autopsy and dna them to try and find where they came from.



    Not by him but one of the workers thinking they were doing the right thing, I used to know one of them and she ain’t too bright 

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