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Posts posted by Brodie_S

  1. 4 hours ago, Bandicoot said:

    Many thanks for the great advice. Colin

    All good anytime 🙂 glad I could help the other reel you’re gonna get the Sedona 2500 should be good for handling fish like bream whiting and flathead and the Stradic CI4 will be great for slightly bigger fish and flatties both reels would suit the arrowz rod to seems like you gonna have plenty of options with those two reels can’t wait to hear some reports 

  2. 33 minutes ago, Bandicoot said:

    What sort of lure weights should I be casting with a Stradic Ci4+ 3000 on an Atomic Arrowz 70L? Can you recommend an upper and lower weight range? Finally, what weight braid should I use on the Sedona 2500?

    BTW, I'm heading down the coast to Currarong for a few nights next week so I'll check some of the tackle shops down south if I can't find the Arrowz in Sydney.

    Casting With the Stradic 3000 I would recommend casting 3 inch plastics with 1/6 and heavier jigheads and 80-100 mill hardbodies and I would recommend spooling the Sedona with 8-10lb braid and yeah you should be able to find the arrows rod soon enough 

  3. 8 hours ago, Bandicoot said:

    Many thanks for the clarifications Breaming with bro. I want to fish with lures and soft plastics but my problem is going to be finding a store in Western Sydney that has an Atomic Arrowz AAS-70L in stock. I'll try a few Anaconda stores and hope that their online system is not accurate as most stores seem to be out of stock.


    Yeah that’s a shame but you should be able to find one soon enough anaconda regularly have them hopefully you get one soon as they are the bees knees when it comes to lure fishing 

  4. Yeah the 70L estuary is a 1 piece rod i would recommend the ugly stick if you want to do bait fishing but if you want to do lure fishing a ugly stik really isn’t gonna do a great job compared to the arrowz the atomic arrows estuary rods are designed for whipping plastics and hardbodies over large sandflats or whipping lures or small baits into tight structures for speices like flathead trevally cod jewfish under 1m and also fish like bream and blackfish. The ugly stik however is rod designed for soaking baits and won’t really be that good if you want to use lures the ugly stiks don’t look and feel as nice to and the ugly stiks are no where near as sensitive as a arrows rod and also the casting distance won’t be great with the ugly stik . The ugly stiks are generally good rods but they aren’t designed for flicking lures for small-medium sized fish  .Also if you wanted another reel to the Sedona is almost as good as the nasci the only difference is a extra ball bearing on the pinion gear the paint job and the nasci has a few seals .the nasci isn’t a saltwater reel anyway so it can’t handle dunking or anything like that core protect is almost a gimmick really the only useful seal on the nasci is the drag knob seal the anti reverse has zero sealing which is the most common spot for dirty or rusty bearings so if you were thinking about getting the nasci I would get the Sedona and save some money . Hope that helps

  5. 19 hours ago, Bandicoot said:

    I recently dug out my old fishing gear and found a very nice 30+ year old spinning rod (I think it was a Loomis blank). The old Abu Garcia reel was couldn't be saved and on impulse I bought a Stradic Ci4+ 3000 reel to replace it. It is still a nice rod but I think I should buy a better rod for the new Stradic and buy a cheaper reel for the old rod. I am an absolute amateur and will fish the Hawkesbury and coastal estuary spots for bream, flathead and whiting with my grandkids. Can anyone recommend a one piece rod that will suit the Ci4+ 3000? The old rod is in great condition and is a tad under 6 foot. Should I buy a cheaper Shimano reel such as a Nasci for the old rod? 

    By new ci4+ I’m assuming you’re talking about the vanford or the older ci4+ FB reel anyway a good one piece rod for a 3000 reel  I can think of is the atomic arrows estuary 6-12lb 1 piece rod perfect for flatties and a fair few people use them for tailor and jewfish has awesome grips casting is excellent and the blanks are super sensitive .awesome rod another 1 piece rod I can think of is the daiwa TD hyper a 6-12lb model although I’d go with the atomic arrowz one I suggested 

  6. Seems like a fun day out . I normally use 4lb if I’m going after gar with small hook size 8-10 short shank fine worm hooks work amazingly for gar cover the whole hook in a tiny piece bread and leave the hook point exposed slightly once the gar are eating you’re bait wait 3-4 seconds then set the hook . That’s how I do it anyway lose drags are important to cause the bigger ones are prone to pulling hooks 

  7. 19 minutes ago, GJay382 said:

    My well off Gold Coast friend has just retired and purchased an (all bells and whistles) 6m Formosa bowrider with a 150 yammy. I'm his Gilligan and we try to get out twice a week. So far we have been out 10-15 times in the broadwater and down to Mermaid and  Palm beach. We have only snagged(correct word) 1 mac tuna on a fluke lure.

    We are like boys in a lolly shop, all this top gear, huge waterways, lets do this, lets do that.  In reality we haven't a clue how to fish. We were out for 5hrs yesterday in the broadwater and had  2 nibbles. I did notice my Captain had a 4 oz weight, 500m leader and a double gang rig with a 125mm pilly, in 4mtrs of water. I was using a very light weight and small fillets letting the tide take the bait, to no avail. And no fish on the Garmin. HEEEELLLPPP. Even when there is fish on the sounder, I think its in Demo mode.

    Is there more logic to any of this, eg, finding out what fish is in season, where their habitat is, keep going back to try and get a strategy, what bait they prefer etc, etc,etc.

    I know this is very broad and obviously would appreciate any and all help, even to have someone come out with us to show ue the practicalities


    I suggest looking up tutorials for finding fish on you’re sounder .Every now and then you will get a massive bait school you can use a sabiki rig on a old rod you have with a fairly heavy sinker on the bottom of the rig to get where the bait school is.jig it around the bait school after you get enough baitfish you can either cut them up and use fillets or use it alive,livies @AUS-BNE-FISHO has experience using liveies and seem to have a fair bit of success on them . As for a rod setup ,I’m assuming you’re out fishing in a bay and not the river or offshore correct me if I’m wrong. A good rod setup in the bay would be a 4000 size reel matched with a 4-7kg rod 20lb braid should do the job make sure you use good knots and hooks and make sure you’re rigging the bait naturally I’m sure @ellicatshould have some excellent tips for this style of fishing

  8. On 01/02/2021 at 5:19 PM, FadKing said:

    Thanks for this info. No I didn't know this


    One of the blokes at work said to look at the Shimano Sahara reel. Bit more drag apparently.


    6 hours ago, FadKing said:


    @Breaming with bro there seems to be limited to none in stock of the bream surface in Brisbane but can get the Atomic Estuary rod in 1 piece

    Much difference and is a there advantage to a 1 or 2 piece rod.?

    I haven’t had any issues with my 2 piece rod the advantage to a 1 piece rod is it’s surpose to have a more responsive blank but the blank on my 2pc rod feels better then some 1pc rods around similar price range so I wouldn’t say there is Hugh difference in use between a 1pc and a 2pc rod. I’m not sure how versatile the estuary rod by atomic arrows but I know it’s great for hardbodie lures and plastics some people use them with bait to people mainly use them for flathead but they work pretty decent on whiting and bream from what I’ve heard and seen

  9. No that is false the only difference between the Sedona and the Sahara is a ball bearing and different colour it’s not worth the extra $20 for a ball bearing and the only difference between the Sahara and the nasci is that the nasci is the same as the Sahara but the nasci has core protect which means it has a few minor seals to protect against water but it you dunk you’re reel core protect won’t help much hope that helps 

  10. 16 minutes ago, FadKing said:

    So basically at the prices now. Need soonish as we are going camping in 2 weeks

    Revros Setup $229

    Legalis/Atomic Setup $258

    Sedona/Atomic Setup $248

    No offence to @ellicatIt will be definitely be worth the extra $20 for the atomic setup the revros rods are decent rods I own a similar rods but I don’t think they work as a allrounder as well as the arrowz does and I haven’t used a revros reel but from my understanding of the reel it won’t be as good as the Sedona for the price. Up to you at the end of the day both are great setup’s buy what feels right for you 

  11. 2 hours ago, FadKing said:


    I am new to fishing. I have done it but often use BIL's gear.

    Would love to get something for myself. Likely to be used while camping,  at Christmas time at our beach house (with river)  and the odd weekend.

    I'm not going to be out every weekend but as often as I can.

    Type will be estuary and fresh, mostly from bank but intend on getting a kayak at some point.

    If there is an allrounder style set up that would be awesome.

    Would love to chase flathead, bream, whiting and bass etc in the fresh.

    Budget: would love to keep it under $200 as my first but could stretch to $250 if it was worth it.


    Would love some advice.



    Atomic arrows bream surface rod it’s a 7 foot rod 1.5-3.5kg so it covers most common estuary applications I found the rod is best with 2.5 inch plastics and surface lures but goes well with small vibes and crank baits to also using bait is good . Price I got mine for $112 but are most common around $130 if you keep a eye out you can even score then for under $100 and it’s well worth it to . Great rod for small fish like whiting and bream but can decent size flathead 

    reels I would go with would be . Shimano Sedona 1000 or 2000 which retail around $99 or a daiwa legalis 2000 which retails for around $110 

    the Sedona has a slighter better gear set and is more rigid then the legalis but the legalis does have a better drag but I’ve found the Sedona drag to be fine there isn’t much in it. both reels are pretty similar in performance . So if you like daiwa reels go for the legalis if you like shimano reels go for the Sedona both are great options .line I would go with 6 or 8lb braid and generally use a leader of 6lb for bream and whiting but you could step it up to 8-12lb leader for flatties and bass . Hope that helps . A atomic arrows bream surface rod matched with a daiwa legalis 2000 or Shimano Sedona 1000 spooled with 150m of 6 or 8lb braid would be a awesome allrounder that would within you’re budget of around $200 maybe a bit more if you include the braid I recommend daiwa J braid x8 and X4 both great braids

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