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Posts posted by Brodie_S

  1. 7 minutes ago, GregOug said:
    30 minutes ago, Breaming with bro said:

    Today I went out in my brothers boat things are still getting organised in the boat so I just usually fish from the back of the boat . Anyway I get there and chuck out some bread crusts for berley and sure enough the bream start coming in unfortunately all the bream I’m hooking are undersize after like 10 bream between 10-23cm I hook one that’s 26cm I brain spike it and bleed it out unfortunately I forgot that bream can lose a few CM after being killed and it shrunk I usually like keeping bream at 28cm and above  and also the ones that ain’t skinny to avoid this happening anyway I use my other setup with the Stradic 1000 and the atomic arrowz with lures but every cast I’m getting weed on my lure so I go back to the setup I was using to catch bream and I cut the 4lb leader off and attach a metre of 10lb Berkley fluorocarbon note this is the sienna 2500 with 13lb gliss and matched with my 2-4kg aird x rod don’t ask me why i tied a 4lb leader in the first place anyway once I tie my new 10lb leader I get a smallish running sinker a bead to stop the sinker ruining my knot and a normal suicide hook used for bream/flathead can’t remember the size and I use that now undersize bream as bait I cut a feel slices off and chuck the rest of the bream in the water for berley . Once I get smallish size piece of bream fillet on my hook I cast about 15M off the back of the boat and let it sink to the bottom 15 minutes go by a few little nibbles but no takers luckily bream is surprisingly tough and hard for baitstealers like toadies to eat .then all of the sudden something picked up the bait and took it for massive run I knew it was big to because I didn’t set my drag lose I had it tight so if something ran with it It would set the hook .i pick up the rod and start pulling I feel lots of big headshakes along with some runs my first thought was a giant flattie but it had a lot of weight and kept trying to go to stick around the bottom so I now thought either a stingray or a massive flathead after about 15 minutes fighting time the fish finally comes to the surface and it’s a bloody stingray then it goes back down and I have to fight it for another 5 minutes just so I can get it back to the back of the boat and to stay on the surface . Once I got it to the surface I took a few photos then cut the line near the mouth with a knife after that I pretty much packed up and called it a day the stingray was pretty cool to catch so I was happy with that. It was also great test for the gliss line as it did suffer some abrasion and the drag was fairly tight to . It was also a good test for the sienna for a $56 reel they are dynamite didn’t flex under heavy loads drag didn’t get sticky or anything like that for a $56 dollar reel I’m extremely happy With it I think as long as you don’t dunk it it will last have had the sienna 2500  since October now and I’ve used it a fair bit along with the gliss line and it has lasted well still performs like the day I got it 3/4 months doesn’t sound like that long but I used the reel a lot in that time frame keen to see how the reel will be like in a year or 2 

    conditions/weather tides ETC idk I’ll look it up tomorrow and re-edit this post with the conditions 

    gear .lure rod shimano stradic FL 1000 atomic arrows -ASS270BS 10lb gliss FG to 6lb ASSO fluorocarbon 

    gear other setup I bought with me today . Shimano sienna 2500 daiwa aird X 2-4kg 13lb gliss going to 4lb leader for the bream then I changed it to 10lb leader after I was done bream fishing and used it with fish bait 

    overall success rate %80 was not a full donut unfortunately only got small bream but the stingray is what made today’s 80% success rate 

    photos 🔽

    Phew! I hope you take a breath when you’re talking, because you certainly don’t take a break when you’re typing. Full stops Bro. Full stops. Lol. 

    Well done apart from that.




    Lmao there’s always something I forgot to do lol thks for the reminder I actually needed it because I’m starting school up again 

  2. 2 minutes ago, AUS-BNE-FISHO said:

    Good one Bro. The ray would’ve been a bit of fun. Shame it wasn’t something more desirable though.

    Cheers Hamish

    Yeah could have kept it for a feed had a fair bit of meat on it but I wasn’t keen to debarb a stingray would have preferred something like a Jew or something like a big flathead to release but a stingray wasn’t bad better then undersize bream 

  3. Should be good has held up fine for me so far I got 3 reels spooled up with it just make sure you tie good leader knots and check them to the line ties FG knots pretty well excellent casting distance and it’s pretty strong props caught around 25 fish combined on it now with the 13lb and 10lb.  Also found this on DINGA if someone needs a excuse for a new reel 


  4. 20 minutes ago, Jaz44 said:

    Hi all,

    I am just wanting to know the process in changing a boats maximum horsepower and it’s cost?I only want to see if I can improve the maximum by 10hp. 

    Lol sorry couldn’t help myself. Ok there a few ways I’ve heard of that increase HP of outboards but the most common one I can think of is . Swapping out the propellers with something that is a itch less in pitch . Wait do you have a outboard or a inboard 

  5. 1 hour ago, AUS-BNE-FISHO said:

    Looks the goods, Bro. I would be tempted to make it 12 + 1 ball bearings. Then it would be REEL nice!

    I don’t have that kind of experience on my belt and it would probably cost $100 just to buy 5 more bearings then I would also have to buy shimano grease to go over all the grease I would misplace by opening and touching parts on the reel . If I had more money and experience I would definitely be doing it as it would definitely be worth it . If I replaced all the bushings with bearings it wouldn’t be to far off Stella quality I think a Stradic FL with all bearings would be very close to a Stella in terms of performance and engineering they are pretty much the same reel with a few minor Differences such as weight and I also think the Stella has slightly more gear support and instead of a aluminium drive gear with black coating like in the Stradic the Stella has a brass main gear mating with I think a stainless steel pinion can’t confirm that but I’m pretty sure that’s what it has .one good thing about the Stradic is it doesn’t suffer gear lash which most reels on the market do only the best of best reels don’t get gear lash such as the daiwa exist shimano Stella  and now the Stradic FL and Vanford doesn’t suffer gear lash

  6. Was the anti reverse bearing seized to . I dunked my legalis which is basically the same as the Exceler without a screw in handle . In the ocean in the extremely salty water the everything else was fine but the bloody anti reverse bearing sized ended up spray WD40 in the whole reel just to try and fix what was stuck in the back of my mind it physically hurt me do to this because I knew it would strip all grease then I got even more annoyed when I figured out that it is only the anti reverse bearing that was seized. I ending up greasing the pinion gear and a little bit of the main gear but it doesn’t feel like new anymore it feels kind of weird . So I just gave it to my brother for a Christmas gift still works fine just doesn’t have the smoothness it had before. I’m pretty sure you have the older model Exceler though the grey one both are pretty good reels My friend has a older Exceler and legalis and their both pretty great reels considering how old they are

  7. The other night I ordered a ceramic hybrid bearing to upgrade my Stradic FL 1000 to 7+1 ball bearings . The Stradic FL comes with 6 bushings and 7 bearings out of the factory if you done the full upgrade it would make the reel 12+1 ball bearings like the Stella . The upgrade I did was only a simple one as I didn’t want to upgrade the whole reel which requires taking it apart . The upgrade I did was replacing the bottom worm gear bushing with a bearing the reel feels slightly smoother and I’m happy with the result . The bearing size is RD11018 or 3X6X2.5mm if anyone wants to try it for a 1000 size Stradic you can use a regular cheap stainless steel bearing for like $5 or you can buy a ceramic hybrid bearing for $15-20 both should work just fine the ceramic hybrid bearings are more durable and longer lasting and also have less friction and don’t require lube . Sorry for the blurry photos my phone camera needs a repair I’m overall pretty happy with the result it’s noticeably smoother although I was still happy with the smoothness of the reel before the upgrade. 



  8. On 08/09/2020 at 12:50 PM, Do$tylz said:

    Hey BwB,

    There are 4 models before the FJ.

    The FE, FG, FH and the FI.... there's a theme in the Shimano naming conventions 😄

    The FH's are almost collectors items these days. Absolute workhorse and hard to find.

    I've still got a FH1000 and a FI 2500 (well, actually gave that to my brother but I keep wanting to take it back). Never got into the earlier ones so can't comment on those puppies.

    Yeah must of missed that thanks for the info I’ll check them out 

  9. 1 hour ago, christophagus said:

    I would love for science to prove that plants feel pain...how would a vegan react to that.

    Technically no plants have a nervous system nor can feel pain as we know so far but a lot of plants can feel touch and sunlight And make sound but unfortunately humans can’t hear the sounds because of their Frequency some can even move a little for example a Venus fly trap can move it’s mouth to trap fly’s. So theoretically plants have some sort of nervous system but nothing like a nervous system in humans and plants don’t have a brain to so I highly doubt plants have consciousness 

  10. On 03/11/2020 at 12:52 PM, christophagus said:

    i understand where you are coming from Kat, and its a hard question to answer. Is my thrill enough of a justification to go fishing in general? for me it is. The whole idea of sports fishing has developed into a huge industry of which many people make a living from. Plus my thrill extends past just fighting an catching a fish. i love the experience of being in such close contact to such a cool animal. Can only learn so much from a book or internet video.

    i think it also comes down to individuals morals. As someone who as copped a lot of flak for shark fishing in the past, one thing ive found interesting is that people have zero problem with me fishing for mullet to then cut into pieces to use as bait to catch bream, but for some reason when you say the word shark...people lose their bananas. As if sharks have more feelings then other fish etc. Are my actions of taking a mullet purely for bait to catch other fish justified? for me it is. Also, the bigger the shark, the more "offended" people tend to become. When you say to people that you tag sharks for a research program, their anger usually magically disappears. Which i think just shows peoples moral compass limits on the issue. 

    @Drop Bear makes a great point about the experience and education side to it. I once caught an extremely rare type of hammerhead shark in the bay which i tagged and released. I was the contacted by someone from a university who wanted as much detail about the shark, where and how it was caught etc. They were very surprised to see this capture. This wouldn't have happened if i wasn't fishing with the intent to release. Also begs the question, if someone else was to capture this and taken it to eat...would have taken a very rare shark thinking it was just a normal hammer of legal size, which was my thought at the time.

    To each their own, and you make some really valid points. This will be a topic that will always be slightly contentious issue. But good on you for outlining your point of view on the matter and not just bad mouthing the couple in this video. If only everyone else was that civil and nice lol

    Technically anything with nerves and a Conscious can feel pain . I think people tend to think the smaller the fish the less live/living/complex the fish is which isn’t really true . Different speices of fish are more sensitive to feel then others some also have higher IQ and memory it really depents on a lot of things including the nervous system which is responsible for senses and the brain for consciousness. Recent evidence has shown some plants even have a nervous system and can feel pain 

  11. 1 hour ago, Ed. said:

    I built my self a rod rack several years ago which held 15 setups, unfortunately they bred and so I had to get rid of about 6 setups, and since then they bred again so now I think the only solution left now is to make a larger rod rack. 🤔



    Rod rack 3.jpg

    Are you sponsored by pure fishing ? You got a lot of penn reels and a Abu Garcia rod there . Also what are those rods with the Mahi on them never seen them before . Seems like you like to catch monsters lol lots of overheads and large penns you got there

  12. 24 minutes ago, Andrew_P said:

    Good review bro. I’m looking to replace a 13 year old a Shimano Seido 2500 with an FL Stradic. 

    A FL Stradic will certainly do the job well . I ordered a bearing the other night to replace the bushing on the bottom of the worm gear which can be replaced without having to take apart the side plate and the rotor I’ll tell you how it goes. Yeah the FL stradics are awesome reels that can take a absolute flogging and still preform like new 

  13. Fave reel is the shimano stradic FL super reliable reel especially for the price . Smooth drag heaps of pulling power no flex lays line perfectly great gearing system super light and holds its smoothness. 10/10 would recommend 

    fave rod would be any of the rods in the atomic arrows series . I have a bream surface and it’s excellent it’s the bees knees better then anything else in the price range great casting distance super light sensitive blanks and great EVA split grips awesome rod  especially for the price to. Got mine for $112


  14. 33 minutes ago, Old Scaley said:

    The Alvey Snapper reels were usually teamed up with a short, stout fibreglass rod and used offshore for dropping paternoster rigs for snapper and reef fish. There are also snapper winches which are similar but bigger and attach to the gunwhale of boats for offshore work. Strong and durable with a fast retrieve, but not a sportsfishing reel.

    Yeah thanks makes sense now my nan had a short fibreglass rod which I have now will probably pear them up together . I’m thinking of maybe spooling it with 30lb mono. 30lb should be fine for paternoster rigs offshore right? 

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