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Everything posted by ellicat

  1. Oh, I just saw the Google photos. Very nice.
  2. ? It was only a one month comp. Pics of anything would be good to share though. Especially after a donut day in the bay. Would everyone like to make it the best of three one month long comps during the year, say Jan, Apr, Aug ??
  3. Yeah, they don't eat all day every day. Barometer play any part, do you think ? With the Livescope, the river threadies and jew will be praying for you to go on holidays again.
  4. Yeah, I see them. How cool is that. It would make the no bites more frustrating. What were you throwing at them ?
  5. Video of the Livescope in action would be good.
  6. I'm not sure what's worse. Last time I was there (maybe 15 years ago) @rayke1938 was typically cleaning up on the barra, so he took me and a couple of other members out to get us a barra. To that point none of us had got one. Sure enough one of the other members hooks up and lands a nice one. We were trolling and it was agreed that the next hookup I would take. Soon after, there was a hookup. I took the rod and wound in a big cattie. Aaaarrrrggghhh. haha I still haven't caught even one.
  7. Are there yabbies at Hayes Inlet ?
  8. That doesn't happen often !!
  9. ellicat


    Photo issue is being worked on currently, so things may go a bit awry until that is resolved.
  10. Disappointing conditions. I'm heading to the Rous on Wednesday to get away from the 'brown'.
  11. ellicat


    Yeah, sorry Tugger (and everyone). John's been dragging the chain for a long time now. We just have to wait for him to get to it. You can upload to the Google Photos AFO page and then share the link/s if you like. Not ideal, but at least we get to see the pics. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNZg3pijBjwQGyGZCu5K5t_C9VillVOhVsjALmyOfIHF9KCGXZ-LCN_adCwq4BjJw?key=Mm1JY0RtVXZ5Z0JCc1MySV9ZTDR4Y0hjQThJaFpR Let me know if you need a hand.
  12. Solid breambos. Are you not a flattie fan ?
  13. ellicat

    sand in block

    If you're sure it has a belly full of sand, then drop off the leg as said and check the impeller. It will make it easier to line things up when you put it back together.
  14. ellicat

    sand in block

    If you decide to drop the leg off, make sure you have it in gear.
  15. ellicat

    sand in block

    Are you still getting sand out from the water ?
  16. ellicat

    sand in block

    Are you getting water from the tell tale ? If not, pull the bottom of the leg off. Clean out sand from the impeller housing. Replace. See if water now comes from the tell tale. If not, try connecting s hose to the tell tale hose and back wash. Continue until the sand stops coming out. Further, you can remove the thermostat to see if the water is flowing.
  17. ellicat

    nrl 2024

    @kmcrosby78 @Gad @Towknee @benno573 @Old Scaley @Angry51 @Coconutdog
  18. Nothing wrong with those feeds. The sharks are so painful the last few summers. Plague proportions.
  19. ellicat

    braid talk

    I'm currently testing out the new Daiwa Expedition braid. So far I've only used the 15lb, but find it is super fine, smooth and casts a long way with little effort. I have some 10lb, 20lb and 40lb to try out yet. Based on the 15lb I'm expecting a positive experience.
  20. Yuk ! Plenty of bent rods though.
  21. ellicat

    nrl 2024

    We all would be - it should be our collective mission.
  22. It was Darren that got both the blueys. I just watched, but next time I get to go there I will target them.
  23. ellicat

    nrl 2024

    It could be your year. As long as you beat Kelvin, I'll be happy. As for the pin, I think it's not necessary if you follow the link.
  24. ellicat

    nrl 2024

    https://tipping.nrl.com/comps/join/W4S3M69T Click the link to join in or sign up. The pin is W4S3M69T
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