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Everything posted by Do$tylz

  1. man I love seeing pimp gear keep them coming
  2. Sunnydays - that's a pretty good line up... aren't you a teen? Kudo's to you sir. here's a pic of my reels. 1 Stella 10000 is now with Cookie_7. A couple of random reels missing from that pic... baitrunner, straid fi etc. I don't have a picture of all of the rods together but a lot of them are shared between Angus and I... here's a shot with a few of them..
  3. I wish everyone thought like you Andrew although what would Ellicat have to do? Well said mate and its great to see as a relatively newer member you have the same sentiment as many.
  4. Awesome. Well worth doing. Kiara - keep us posted how you go with finding details
  5. yeha man those look like awesome pants for a long weekends lazing about. I'm in.
  6. I've actually found better flathead numbers on the outside of the marina wall and the flats between the entrance and the main river ... it gets quite shallow there but that's where we've found some numbers.
  7. edited the above posts... removed the double from Darb and then had to re-qoute MJ coz I deleted his qouted post.. but man thats a bit stinker of a cattie. Shotgun not getting spiked by one of those.
  8. Do$tylz

    Funnies 2

    Four friends spend weeks planning the perfect backwoods camping and fishing trip. Two days before the group is to leave, Frank 's wife puts her foot down and tells him he isn't going. Frank's friends were very upset that he can't go, but what could they do? Two days later the three get to the camping site only to find Frank sitting there with a tent set up, firewood gathered, and fish cooking on the fire. Dang man, how long you been here and how did you talk your wife into letting you go? Well, I've been here all day. Yesterday evening I was sitting in my chair and my wife came up behind me, put her hands over my eyes and said "guess who?" I pulled her hands off, and she was wearing a brand new see through nightie. She took my hand and took me to our bedroom. The room had two dozen candles and rose petals all over. On the bed, she had handcuffs and rope! She told me to tie her up and cuff her to the bed, so I did. Then she said "Do whatever you want." Here I am!
  9. sweet. I'm up there in early Feb for a weekend for work... care to show me some local fishing spots??
  10. screamer of a fish jeez... that's certainly set the bar very high now. BMX are you in cairns these days??
  11. btw is that your jack you just caught in your avatar?? nice
  12. yeah I don't have a problem with a face blur, but we'll see how the other mods feel. Just post it as I don't think that blurring a face to protect privacy is a breach of the rules.
  13. yeah very true... I have no idea what it costs to run a boat so I'm just a bloke that pays whatever the skipper asks for. But yep.. as everyone has said, if you throw up an invite on here, just let other people know what you're expecting and all will be sweet.
  14. Do$tylz

    Old BFO pics

    any pics of anything BFO from the older days...
  15. Do$tylz

    Kayak adventures

    Pics of fish caught only from my Viking Profish kayak.
  16. Do$tylz

    The Isles & Bay

  17. Do$tylz

    Middle Brisbane River

  18. Do$tylz

    Other Waterways

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