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Everything posted by Hweebe

  1. Was thinking the sounder to see if there was any bait fish showing in the areas you fished
  2. Hweebe

    NRL 2022

    Bookmakers still downplaying Cowboys form with Roosters favourite for this match. Aside from a hot start against the broncs i thought their attack was pretty ordinary
  3. Yep have seen the commercial fishos working bribie for tailor. Rust bucket 4x4 / dory boat and drag net. On a good haul they will bring in hundreds of fish / bycatch. Breaks your heart when you are wetting a line and just want enough for dinner but they have a right/license to be there and make a living. Just makes bag and size limits redundant when this type of fishing is allowed.
  4. Good Report @AUS-BNE-FISHO I saw at least half a dozen boats anchored up at the bridge on the way back from the Sunny Coast last night. Gotta be something lurking in all that structure / light. Do you have a sounder on the yak?
  5. This is what i would generally do also especially for flatties, they will be facing up-current waiting for baitfish / plastics to be pushed down current and ambush them
  6. I'm hoping I will be ok - I'd get to about 1200kg = 2645lb Which minn kota recommend i could get away with a 50-55lb (in no wind or current though)
  7. What size length is ellicatch? weight? I went 80lb but thinking it also might not hold in Rous. 112lb was getting expensive and 36v required.
  8. @ellicat how did the maiden voyage with the electric go? Still haven't got mine out on the water yet but keen to hear how you went figuring; Autopilot, Spot Lock - Spot Lock Jog, Auto Cruise, Itracks etc
  9. My webberQ can apparently be used for smoking things, so I'll have to give that a try.
  10. Looks like the sizes are getting better too, the photo lighting is giving it that greenback colour. Not sure if that was on purpose or a dodgy photographer at the helm What's your favourite recipe for the Tailor? Good family dinner size there
  11. That’s the plan! To have the leds on to attract bait and squid at overnight anchorages, not sure how effective they will be but will try anything It’s a 2012 Bar crusher 575c bought it pre-Covid second hand 150hrs very clean and tidy for its age, from older gentleman that unfortunately had done his back and could no longer use it. Fortunately I can now tell the minister of finance that it’s appreciated quite a lot in value since and any “mods” I make are fully recoverable if/when I decide to sell (she just doesn’t know I’ll never sell)
  12. Thanks for sharing @Daryl McPhee great article and not too shabby pose in the photo
  13. Had some friends move their family from Sydney to Townsville for work a few years ago, they were just about to send all their winter coats and jackets to salvos cause they haven’t been needed since their move and have only just opened those boxes from storage for this years winter
  14. Any tide times better for the Broadwater tailor or do you just aim for the arvo / twighlight conditions?
  15. Hweebe

    NRL 2022

    Frustrating game to watch last night, Broncs dropping a point a minute early on. We really missed Pat Carrigan's post contact meters and with Fegler off for HIA before coming back on. I really don't think we can carry both Turpin and Walters in a game as need bigger bodies in the middle.
  16. @Daryl McPhee really liking your videos, showing us how it is done and how KISS principle also applies to fishing. Seems better fishing in the broadwater than lining up side by side on the spit/sand pumping jetty
  17. Yep I have a 12v cig outlet that i have put an adapter in with 2 x usb sockets and a voltage read out. It's in the second photo next to the rocker switches. Also the 24v trolling motor battery has 2 x 5v usb sockets however this is tucked under the bunks.
  18. Simple as ...will carry a lemon / lime with me and watch out for @Drop Bear and the Ozfish cap. I'm a bit risk averse with no experience rock fishing so this makes me a bit nervous from stories / tales of rock fishing misadventures. I'm clumsy prone to trips and falls at the best of times. Sounds like getting your tide times right is the first thing to safely move around?
  19. Looks like a very cool way of fishing and as you say very direct
  20. Since I had the electrical panel open I decided to hook up some underwater leds I bought probably 12months ago Finished result Here is the rocker switch I installed (blue led). Last blank plate so does that mean no more mods I don’t have the best cable management with a few birds nests in here but I’m all about function over form. I could spend a bit of time tidying this up but couldn’t really be bothered some the excess cabling for the gps/sounder can’t be cut either Notice how I only have one more fuse / bus bar slot? another sign to stop modding the boat Side view of the leds I’m pretty content with where the boat is at in terms of gadgets / mods. Other things I’d consider adding but I don’t think I will add include - Rooftop mounted led light bar - Bluetooth head unit and fixed speakers - radar? (I think this would be overkill) - some 24v camp appliances? - downrigger? - rood mounted solar panel?
  21. Thanks for sharing a bit more about yourself to us all - it can only be positive to talk and share your experience thus far. I know there have be some disparaging comments / comments made in jest on this forum in the past but i hope this forum continues to be supportive. I can definitely see how fishing can be and is an addiction - At times it is all consuming for me (with every spare thought / moment thinking about fishing or something i can do related to fishing). So glad your family has been supportive around you. For me its currently boat mods, then I go through phases for rods, reels, lures and the cycle continues. For mind facebook, insta, youtube give us this mirage that fishing is all too easy. When was the last time someone posted donuts on these social platforms, however we all know as fishos it happens. I don't get out on the water nearly as much as I'd like with work and family commitments however i'll always try and post a fishing report post trip (fish or no fish). I'd recommend you writing a fishing report after each trip maybe not @AUS-BNE-FISHO level of detail but something that can help start the convo and get some ideas flowing from the forum to help crack the code in Yeppoon. The actual writeup of the report I find somewhat therapeutic and you will always get good words of wisdom from the forum regulars. It's always good to see people go through the journey and fishing progression through a series of reports over time. Something to look back at fondly about how far you have gone and what has been achieved compared to the beginning. It would be great for you to post about your past experiences when the fishing was amazing a bit of nostalgia always gets the fire flowing too
  22. Cast net for herring and live bait for jacks. Vibes and hard bodies will both work but you need to get these lures into some snaggy areas to land a jack, so you will be a chance of losing a bit of gear? Got to risk it to get the biscuit though.
  23. I'll have to try Northpoint camp ground next. Have only stayed on the eastern beaches. What's the walking distance from camp site to nearest rock fishing? I've never tried gathering oysters for rocks but would like to try some time, what do you look for? Tools? Even doing your thing for the community
  24. I drive past breaky creek most days definitely still see people fishing this area year round all the way from hamilton river walk > breaky creak > newstead Night fishing definitely better especially if you have a cast net (you will need to learn quickly where the snags are) Live prawn or potty mullet are the gun baits around lit up piers / areas that bait fish congregate around. Cause the river can run hard I tended to fish before / after slack tide - Was able to keep the baits in the right depths when the current wasn't pushing hard.
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