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Everything posted by Angry51

  1. Angry51

    tanning skins

    Yeah, I saw a bloke who got a speargrass seed in his thumb and 4/5 mths later it festered up on the top side behind his thumb nail and out came a grass seed when the doc cut it open. That's those big black spear grass up in the gulf.
  2. Angry51

    tanning skins

    Damo, you realise you can stir more than twice daily. I used to do it many times, whenever I was near it, doesn't hurt it, just covers it better.
  3. Yeah I think you're right Brett, Isuzu trucks was Bedford which was GMH.
  4. Angry51

    tanning skins

    We know he's the brains of the outfit but that's not his name.
  5. Angry51

    tanning skins

    I've only used that " Leidreitter's" tanning kits on cow/roo skins with good success. A fair bit of work but very satisfying. Most important part is making sure there's no meat/fat/sinew left on skins/hides before tanning. And then lubing them and breaking the fibres.
  6. Yeah, if I stand on the shed roof I can see your place on a good day.
  7. Used to cart live crocs from Darwin to Cairns in the early 2000's. When you mentioned "purge" I was reminded of the stink when you opened the doors of the chiller.
  8. There used to be a 23ft croc over the bar in one of the pubs in Richmond QLD. It was caught at the lower crossing in the 50's. The pub ( The Royal ) I think it was, burnt down in 67/68. It was a big bugger!
  9. ,,,yeah, but not much good for crabbing up some little backwater.
  10. ...long beans or the snake bean, or ,bless me, has beens?
  11. Not so much worried about the bumps it's the one that climbs in over the back, cause that's where I sit, and usually looking ahead not behind.It's OK if you're motoring up the creek but worry when you're just poking around checking pots, gives them a chance to try to climb in the boat.
  12. I don't think I deserved that response, that's hurtful.
  13. Welcome to the forum, don't know anything about inboards. But someone will come along to help out. Dont use it for BBQ wood, good luck. Keep us posted on how you go, with pics.
  14. You want to try fishing in a boat that's shorter than the reptile swimming along beside you.
  15. Won't post. Article on 4 mtre croc above the barrage at Rocky. I bet the water skiers wont let go of that rope.
  16. Weren't you listening when she told you?
  17. In a fiberglass boat I had the pipe base was molded in the boat hull and the seat pipe was held in with a set screw x2 which was adjustable, That was a lot of years ago so they might be different now Does yours have a set screw nut welded to the pipe base.
  18. I think that black flange is just a cover to make it look pretty. The pipe goes into a pipe in the bottom of boat.
  19. Welcome back Angus, your little one really enjoys the fishing. Beautiful photo's and some good fish.
  20. Angry51

    help please

    Me too, but it didn't go away when I reloaded.
  21. Yeah Matt, It certainly looks like it would fit going by your description, I don't know but someone will surely know and be along shortly. You seem to be getting onto the job, good luck.
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