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Everything posted by Angry51

  1. Angry51

    Ed’s Red

    Why's that Brian, haven't you got enough fingers and toes?
  2. Cancel the fishing? You'd have had to answer to Charlie & Hamish then. That wouldn't be fun Brian.
  3. Blew the clutch out of the Patrol 30 days ago. Couldn't get it into a workshop for 2 weeks so had a bit of waiting to do, got them to do front wheel bearings and electrical brake wiring for my new trailer while in there, the brake controller that is. Got a lift into the Towers this arvo to pick it up. Terrible being without a motor car for a month. She's all good now though.
  4. It was just a thought that wizzed thru the space between my ears and before I knew it I was posting said comment. It was out of character, your honour.
  5. Does that mean you only use male baits. hahaha
  6. Angry51


    +++++ Spot on, good advice.
  7. Geez Dino, I wouldn't average that in a year. Those fish must tremble when they see/hear a boat coming.
  8. @lachrdr that's a good session, and a good few feeds. Good that the weather was kind enough for you. With winter coming on we can expect some windy days, mostly weekends.
  9. You should play it forward Greg and let me sneak around you by a couple of points. haha.
  10. Good onya, it's a good feeling when you run into some one from years ago. More so if you were good friends and lost contact. Probably be many more hour long phone calls. Best of luck to both of ya's. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Never mind Hamish, everyone has days like that, makes you want to take a break, you just need to look to the next session. You're only as good as your next fish, ha ha. Good report thanks.
  12. Hey fella's, If it's got a happy theme post on here so we can all rejoice, we like happy stories. Another case of AFO bringing people together.
  13. One more, nother one, one more nother one.
  14. Very good. Must be a lot of concentration in doing that thread binding.
  15. Sshhh, Don't let them whippersnappers know what century we come from. They wouldn't understand the good old days.
  16. That's what happens when you get older. When you drop a line down you can have a lay down and have a BEX
  17. Geez, I bet that took a bit of working out. And here I was thinking I'd put one over you city slickers. Wazza, I think you need a Bex and a lie down.
  18. I love buying that pure milk from up north that hasn't been past your eyes or watered down. You've gotta shake the bottle to get the cream mixed up so you can pour it out. Probably not good for your diet but sure tastes good.
  19. To answer a few comments:,, It is still used in bread/cake making, we use it in bread making here at home as we are 90k's from town. I used to love the school milk. Ours used to turn up right on smoko so was really cold. We use long life for tea/coffee. Thanks for your comments, just one of those things that comes up in conversation.
  20. Hey Brett, I don't want to know if you like it, I want to know what brand was in the blue box.
  21. I grew up with it. If you wanted corn flakes in the morning you had powdered milk.
  22. Probably sounds stupid but we were talking about powdered milk. We used to get Sunshine brand but there was another one in a blue box I was thinking it was called CMA or CDA milk. Anybody remember back then, yeah a lot will say " what's powdered milk " but in the bush we didn't get fresh unless at home, and you milked the cows. Ray, you might remember?
  23. It's good to see the kids getting out and about. Rather than stuck in front of a device.
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