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Everything posted by Angry51

  1. And you don't have to listen to those "cheeky,nasty,sore back " peoples Who should be at work to supplement our pensions.
  2. And if by chance someone mentioned " let's go fishin " there'd be no pain at all, I know, we all have it at some time.
  3. Shouldn't you be at work Brett. Midweek on this site is for us retired peoples.
  4. Yeah Brett, there seems to be more of this type popping up every year. We need public floggings to put a stop to it.
  5. They fish midweek so they don't have to be frowned on by "cheeky/jealous/selective and nasty" peoples.
  6. Good one Hamish, you can't beat that catch and cook session can you. Tastes unreal straight out of the water, no ice, no sitting in the fridge for a night, just fresh. Thanks for the report.
  7. Yeah, welcome to the forum mate. Like Brett says on the switches, you can have too many do dahs, try to keep it simple and neat. Not sure on the compass, you'd only need that outside wouldn't you, not in close to shore. Someone in the know will come along shortly and put us all right.
  8. Thanks Brett, was pretty sure that was it but also couldn't find it via google. Tell your Mother thank you from me, she's worth more money. I did a lot of searching online and couldn't get anything up about it. Thanks,I'll sleep better tonight.
  9. You've only got one mother, so don't worry about their mother. But I know what you're saying, if only we could go back and know what we know now.
  10. Thank you, and your mother. You haven't forgotten Sunday is Mothers day have you?
  11. Hey Brett, Has your Mum got home yet? Getting toey for the answer.
  12. The dealer in NZ is Carbine Marine. Email mdkitson2@gmail.com They might be able to help with parts. Mike is his name, phone I think is 021320297,
  13. Angry51

    Ton +

    Looks like a softening up was the idea Brett.
  14. Yeah, I can suffer mozzies but not sandflies/midges. Well you proved a theory right and got a feed, just apply it at the right place/time and you'll be sweet. Good report, thanks, and that plate looks good too.
  15. You said " this morning " and i'm reading this at 6.48 so what time did you go fishing this morning.? Too early for me Dino. Looks like a good session don't matter what time it was.
  16. Angry51

    NRL 2023

    Yes, my own fault, I tipped the cowboys, titans, and the phins and then thought of the betting odds and changed all my tips. My own stupid fault, I can see your smile from here Steve. Good onya, you deserve the points for being faithful.
  17. Good onya mate. Patience and know how will pay off every time. Good report, thanks.
  18. She's not as bad as you Kelvin.
  19. Hamish, make sure that 1st car is a 4x4 ute dual cab with towbar and anderson plug. Then cavvy can get a boat to hook on the back.
  20. Anyone want to swap places with cavvy for 369 days.hahaha
  21. And then you'll have even less money. Between fishing and owning a car you'll be broke all the time. Better off getting a girlfriend who's got a car. hahaha.
  22. Another good day, you'll have to start rugging up shortly for the nippy mornings.
  23. Angry51

    Ed’s Red

    No, probably only 2. He wouldn't have thought to look down to his footies.
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