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Everything posted by Angry51

  1. Yeah, David's looking for her.
  2. Couldn't find anything via google.
  3. Good session , and got enough prawns for lunch. Good report, thanks.
  4. It's probably mounted in dash not portable/carry around.
  5. That's not a bad days work. Good feed or three.
  6. You didn't happen to see a big hunk of metal under the bonnet that makes a noise somtimes did you. Don't throw it away. haha
  7. Ed, if you drain 50/60ml oil every 3000klm how often are your oil changes and do you need to top up engine oil between services'.
  8. In all honesty, no one can call that progress. Poorly designed, engines of yesteryear didn't bypass oil like that. If it did it would be rebuilt, it'd be worn out.
  9. Yeah grizzly, we used to do the same but we added a heap of sugar and it was sweet as. That was living, eh. PS. Welcome to the forum grizzly.
  10. Yeah, everybody should try pulling 3 trailers up Mary K jump-up and the big HP engine decides to do a burn off. It's makes you wonder about engine ears.
  11. Manga, I think they call it " teck knowligy ". That's why I had to buy a 4.2 before they stopped making them and went stupid with the DI rubbish.
  12. People of your calibre are just not out there any more Brett. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. From all of us who no longer cut their lunch every day and do the slog. Thank you.
  13. Yeah, I'm hearing you. I'm dissapointed in myself I didn't retire years ago. Don't let Brett know or he'll be upset having to go to work and all
  14. Yeah, you don't need alcohol to have a good day.
  15. Ignore,,,, that's the best/only way to treat any of these idiots.
  16. Yeah, see if you had a body like mine, which no self respecting germ would live in, you wouldn't get sick.
  17. ,,,,,,different generation, you can say that again. I think a lot of the younger ones are missing something up top, like a 6pack short of carton/sandwich short of a picnic style of thing.
  18. I think if it was not needed the OM wouldn't have put the foam there in the first place, Leave it there. More important to know your boat is under capable in rougher weather and not put yourself/ passengers in the predictament in the first place, Moral, only go out on days you are comfortable with and reduce the chance of being a victim . Happy boating.
  19. cripes, you could start a Sunday market between the two of you. Looks good Neil.
  20. Angry51

    tanning skins

    Yeah, if you do a season during the shearing your hands get very soft. Good for your skin.
  21. Yeah, I'd just finished sangers and mash leftovers for lunch when the sea bass recipe post came up. Just love curry anything, got reared on curries/salt meat food.
  22. Angry51

    tanning skins

    I hope you're stirring that skin Junky, we don't want you going to sleep on the job. haha
  23. Welcome to the forum, that was very nice of you to post that just after I had sausages and mash. The dish looked beautiful . Keep them coming.
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