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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Did it have teeth like Bugs Bunny?
  2. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    Every round seems weird to me!
  3. The weather forecast suddenly turned from great to sh..t about eight o’clock last night for some reason. Tomorrow looks good though.
  4. All those are on my bucket list too. As well as every other fish in Grants Guide To Fishes.
  5. Did you ever catch a mud crab Greg? I remember you lamenting some time ago that you couldn’t find one to save yourself.
  6. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    Sarcasm? You mean there’s another type of communication?
  7. Has anyone used the Victoria Point boat ramp since it was dredged and how is it now? Any things to watch out for?
  8. GregOug

    Kayak motors

    Or around 2 cartons of beer
  9. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    Doesn’t bother me either way. I’m carrying that much weight from the people above me already that my doc says my back will never recover and that I should move to the Notre Dame Cathedral so that I fit in.
  10. First two ABU outfits sold pending pick up.
  11. If you’re talking about this Friday, yes I will be, unless I win Powerball tomorrow, in which case I’ll be at the pub.
  12. Ouch. Ouch! Yes, it’s still available, Tuna.
  13. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    Thanks for doing these each week Gad. It reminds me to put my tips in. Although, come to think of it ............
  14. GregOug

    Motor flushing

    Thanks guys. I’ll keep doing both then. Do you use the attachment with the engine hot or cold?
  15. GregOug

    Motor flushing

    Hi all, Being old school, I always flush my outboard by attaching muffs and running it at idle for around fifteen minutes. Since I got my new Mercury I have done that but have also ran water through it with the motor off via the hose attachment on new motors. Do I really need to do this as well, if I run it with muffs attached, or are muffs outdated and is the attachment with motor off the way to go? cheers Greg
  16. Lol. I forgot I’d even advertised them. I’m at Wavell Heights.
  17. How many live fibres amongst them? Thunnuses?
  18. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    You have got to be kidding me. I go out drinking for the night and come back to check how my tips went. Manly 36 Titans 0. WTF! What happened?
  19. Now we’re talking. And it’s definitely not the same as the blubber lip I have caught in the past.
  20. GregOug

    Kayak motors

    You could put your name down for when they come back in. Moreton here you come! Or, they still seem to have the more powerful ones for $159, in stock.
  21. GregOug

    Kayak motors

    Just noticed they’re out of stock. Oh well.
  22. GregOug

    Kayak motors

    Just saw these electric motors on the Dinga site. $109! Even if they didn’t last forever must be worth looking at. https://www.dinga.com.au/watersnake-asp-t18lb-24-shaft-salt-water-electric-kayak-motor-55043.html
  23. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    I know mate. And it’s greatly appreciated.
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