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  1. Past hour
  2. Try using Zerek Fish traps in 78 and 95mm for vertical jigging and 5 inch Molix RT Fork Flex soft plastics coupled to 5/0 3/4 oz jig heads for general cast and retrieves. These both work for mulloway and Threadfin ok for me. neil
  3. Beaut scenery, beaut numbers, beaut tucker, beaut day.
  4. Nice one guys and top it off with beefys yum
  5. Thanks for a top day Ray. Ps , It was a Salted Caramel Apple Turnover and I’m pretty sure it took 5 years off Joys life.I’m sure however she thought it was worth it though. regards Neil
  6. It must have been windy there overnight as on the tops of the ridges there were a lot of downed branches and debris on the road that we had to navigate our way through but it was very calm on the lake with lots of fairy martins chasing insects in the sheltered bays. The bass were hungry wherever we dropped a live shrimp. Best places were on the ridge out from the helipad and down towards the dam wall. Total catch for the day was 2,tandans, 2 small spangled perch, and 123 bass all on live shrimp except for a couple of small ones that Neil lured up when we ran out of bait. All tagged and released. I recaptured one bass that is not in the data base. Few photos from Neil because my camera is full. We gave CJS at Landsborough a miss took the long way home and dropped into Beefys for a couple of maggot bags the steak and kidneys were pretty good with plenty of kidney and chunky steak. Joy had an exotic apple turnover with cream and other unnamed extras .
  7. Today
  8. I don't bother with any plastics over 5" for those two.....yes they will eat larger if they are hungry, probably not if they are not. 4 & 5" plastics will be eaten at most times. If I do attach a stinger it is just that, a stinger hook not a treble....I do not pin the stinger to the bait. I do specifically throw 8" hard bodies for jew though when things are happening.....bait schools being smashed at night in the shallows etc....avoids a lot of those bloody tailor thankfully.
  9. Old Scaley

    nrl 2024

    Ahh, @Rebel, I tried so hard last year to get a rise out of you around State of Origin time, but you were the better man and refused to take the bait. Now I may have found your archilles heel. I guess Gould is like Gallen - if you live south of the border he is a rugby league guru who has reached the heights few mortals can dream of. If you live in God’s country, he is an arrogant twat who was an ordinary player, coach and administrator. As blues supporter you will never know the joy of watching Gould and Johns straight after another Maroons victory. Stand by for further ribbing in the next month. All in good fun though.
  10. ellicat

    nrl 2024

    How bad has the Bunker been this year. Every round there's at least one howler.
  11. @Bobwashere I have a 3000 Megatron. I have had it for two years no problem. If you clean them properly after you use them you shouldn't have a problem.
  12. Rebel

    nrl 2024

    @Gad The thing I like about Gus, is he is old school. He has done everything in NRL. Fast forward. He dislikes the NRL & totally dislikes the Bunker. That is why he gets my vote. Cheers.
  13. Yesterday
  14. Hey guys, I want to ask a couple questions, and see what other people do. So, do you guys use 160mm and 220mm plastics for jewies and threadies? And how do you rig them if you do. When throwing 4-5inch plastics i quite often add a stinger hook, and change the size as i increase the plastic size, do any of you do that and what size treble do you use for different size plastics
  15. Gad

    nrl 2024

    ROUND 15 THURSDAY JUNE 13 Sharks vs. Dolphins PointsBet Stadium 7:50pm AEST FRIDAY JUNE 14 Raiders vs. Cowboys GIO Stadium 6:00pm AEST Rabbitohs vs. Broncos Accor Stadium 8:00pm AEST SATURDAY JUNE 15 Tigers vs. Titans Leichhardt Oval 3:00pm AEST Warriors vs. Storm Go Media Stadium 5:30pm AEST Eels vs. Roosters Commbank Stadium 7:35pm AEST SUNDAY JUNE 16 Sea Eagles vs. Dragons 4 Pines Stadium 2:00pm AEST Knights vs. Panthers McDonald Jones Stadium 4:05pm AEST Bye: Bulldogs
  16. Gad

    nrl 2024

    Thanks Rebel... I'm aware of Gus's playing, coaching and admin record... admittedly the further Gus has moved on from his playing and coaching days the more feathers he leaves behind, and his reknowned honking is seldom there... he may now be almost fully moulted, but when does a goose no longer be classified a goose... just saying
  17. Understood mate I was just being silly. The picture of you running to the bow with a knife to take on a whale gave me a bit of a chuckle
  18. tugger

    Dinosaur Trout

    Thanks its one of my best trips and the anchor rope would have to of been cut with the knife to end the tow. I do this for a living on tugs in the brissy river but whales have a mind of their own and I just don't trust them to be gentle with me.
  19. Excellent trip - lots of quality there. What were you gunna do to the whale with the knife Tugger? With that many whale interactions you could call your boat the Pequod!
  20. Hi Guys, i am normally i am a rock fisho who uses lures mostly but i have been trying to fish back with bait recently for drummer and snapper but I don't have much experience targeting either on northern beaches. Normally in winter, I just pack my bags and go for squid or not fish at all. This year i want to try something different Does anyone know the features or spots i should try especially for snapper? I don't have equipment to distance cast
  21. oh wow, i heard about it but have mixed reviews. i kinda of want to try the kastking megatron for bait fishing but some say the paint gets off after a period of use.
  22. thanks rebel. looks like you were distance casting surprised you caught a drummer out far
  23. @Bobwashere The ledge near the swimming pool. Rig details are in my post. New rod. Welcome aboard the Forum.
  24. @Bobwashere I have bought Kastking reels off Aliexpress. Never had a problem with them.
  25. Hi Rebel, Was this north or south curl curl? what type of rig were you using?
  26. Hi Rebel, I use alot of aliexpress jigs and soft plastics. they are amazing
  27. Last week
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