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  3. Going to be needing the Southside vs Northside June icon for the Southside soon , I’ve turned him ! IMG_4096.mov
  4. I'll finally do a bit of Saltwater fishing this week so southside I should have a few entries for this new month.
  5. GregOug

    nrl 2024

    Do you score extra points if you pick o correct results? I’m a chance this week.
  6. I just want to thank you for removing these horrible things from the water ways. Chop the head off, and cut the backbone out. Float em down. They do work.
  7. ellicat

    nrl 2024

    They made my multi look very sick. The Knights were very ordinary. The Tigers would have been a chance to beat them last night.
  8. Randwick Council LGA has mandatory life jacket law in place, so wear one while fishing there. The LGA north, Waverley Council, does not have mandatory life jackets (I believe) which is weird cos there’s equally hairy rock spots there. They are harder to get to though.
  9. Rebel

    nrl 2024

    Here come the Bulldogs. Played well last night without their top playmakers.
  10. It depends on which beach you are talking about. There is good fishing on most of the Eastern Suburb Beaches.
  11. @ellicat There is a video on you tube, showing how high the waves can be. You will notice several posts in the rocks. If you take a harness & a rope with you. You can tie yourself to the posts.
  12. Last week
  13. Rumour has it they're good crab bait, if nothing else.
  14. Those trips are never forgotten we'll have to catch up soon for a fish
  15. Hi all, I might be moving from QLD to NSW (Randwick) and I’m wondering what is the best fishing to do around that area? There is a local beach and from what I see online there are lots of fisherman fishing from the rocks catching large pelagics. Plenty of warnings online so I guess you need a crew to go together if fishing near the rocks for safety? At the moment in Brisbane I mostly fish with light gear and do some kayaking. Do you think that area in NSW is good for fishing? Is kayaking less common around those parts? Cheers
  16. Looks like a pretty wild place. The climb down and up the rocks would put me off. The fish played the game, nicely.
  17. Hi All, Two of my Mates wanted to go, I wasn't really interested. This is a wild place. Lots of Deaths & accidents, mainly at night. Arrived around Sunrise. Great morning. The ocean was peaceful, so that was a plus. The waves here sometimes are massive. 12FT rods & 5000 reels with 20kg Mono, were the go. You never know what you are going to catch here. First up a huge drummer 44CM. Two Tailor. One of the guys caught a 70CM Kingfish. I caught two nice Snapper. 51 & 53 CM. We caught two more smaller Snapper & 4 Bream. That was enough. Bait was fresh squid & prawns.
  18. Thanks that is something ive done in the past Huxstang, as for mangajack reply, that is a good suggestion, and i never though about the braid going through the mono between. Thanks for your ideas all. Cheers, Peter.
  19. Despool the reel and wind it back on then your unused line is now on the top. But of a **** around as you wind off then wind it onto another spool then onto where you want it. I am sure you can work it out though.
  20. I use old braid for under shots on reels not needing large capacity. When I swap out braids I keep the bottom braid that is in good condition for under shots. I am not a fan of mono as an undershot because if you are getting close to an undershot on a big fish the braid can bury deeply into the mono backing when heavy pressure is applied....this does not happen with braid backing in my experience. I also use a nikko pen to blacken the first couple of metres of the top shot just for a visual indicator when playing a fish....back the drag a tad when it appears to preserve the joiner knot.
  21. Thanks Ellicat, I totally get that, I just wrote 150m to try make my question a bit easier to understand. Cheers, Peter.
  22. Rebel

    nrl 2024

    Top game last night. Paramatta played really well.
  23. Spool it with some mono backing and the 150 metres of braid on top. You won't need 150 metres of mono, though as it is thicker. Use the diameter guide on the spool to figure out how much.
  24. Good Evening all. Just a quick question. I've mentioned this before, I have just got a 2500 sized Daiwa Kix 23. For my custom build rod I made, 7 foot, 2-6lb. I am going to try switch to a 2000 if not the 2500 it is. I would like to know, for the bread and butter estuary fishing, (bream, flathead, whiting, luderick etc....) do you all think it is better to fill 150m of mono, then 150m of braid, then fluro leader? Or just do a small mono backing of about 10-20m, then just under 300m of braid and top with some fluro leader. Im asking because I've always used 300m of braid. I just realised, do I really need to spool that much braid on when I rarely with go over 50m of line (i am guessing by the way). I was looking at a different reel and peeled back about a bit of braid, and right underneath was brand new bright blue braid never used, just sitting there, 200m of braid doing nothing. Is it better to just pack the spool with mono and have 150m of braid instead. That way I only change 150m of braid, this way the braid holds less memory of the spool. Cheers, Peter K PS. Sorry I rambled on, that definitely could have been said in half the amount of words!! hahaha.
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