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Everything posted by tugger

  1. I'll enjoy the weekend fingers crossed for the weather
  2. Thanks Hamish report will follow if we get out
  3. Going camping and fishing again on South Stradbroke island on the last weekend of this month. Will be good to get away do some fishing and sit around a camp fire. Hope the weather plays nice and I can chase some mackies on the close reefs they have been thick of late. This is a great camp site and is well protected from the weather and big boat wakes. It's time to get away from the big smoke and have some sand between the toes.
  4. The odd small black marlin we keep if it can fit in the esky the big fellas we release last year I got my PB at 150kg
  5. Yes sailfish are 1 of the fastest fish often leaping just like other billfish species , we had it jumping on one side of the Boat then seconds later jumping on the other side. Hope to chase a some myself again in a few weeks down the gold coast there is plenty of black marlin down there this season.
  6. We thought it was a marlin as it didn't fold out its sail till boatside it was a cracker of a sailfish since then he has caught plenty of marlin but he is a lot bigger and older now.
  7. Plenty of favourite catches over the years but for me the best was watching my 10 year old son catch his 1st billfish. The day started off with the intention of targeting mackerel so my son Brock a friend Brad and I jigged up some live yakkas and anchored on the gravel patch off Burleigh heads. Brad fought the 1st fish which was a big Mack tuna then another bait got hit and Brock grabbed the rod. He sunk the hook and the fish jumped clear of the water I shouted MARLIN. It was a fair distance out and I thought it was a black marlin I was wrong. We dropped the anchor rope with a bouy and started the engine to chase it down. Brad was spotter man and I drove the boat , Brock worked hard and the fight wore on. The fish was fast and peeled line incredibly fast and jumping clear of the water many times It was February and hot so we poured water over Brocks head and gave him sips of water. This fight was taking a toll on the young boy and he wanted to pass the rod on but I challenged him to keep going. If we had touched the rod he could not say he caught it by himself so he kept at it. After 1 hour and 15 minutes we finally boated a sailfish that went 9 foot long and approximately 80kg. It was fantastic to watch my son fight and catch this awesome fish Brock and I will never forget that day.
  8. I'm sold on circle hooks takes a bit to get used to but I love using them now just don't strike but slowly add weight and you hook fish in the corner of the mouth 95% of the time
  9. Smithy producing again plenty of action for the day yeehaaa
  10. Yeah that's Rob this was an upgrade on our usual camp facilities
  11. Not free but reasonable price call 55773932 to book
  12. You can only reach it by boat so I don't think it gets to busy
  13. We had the place to ourselves I reckon as long as you don't do school holidays or long weekends the facilities were excellent good clean shower and toilet blocks.
  14. Went camping over the weekend at North Currigee camp ground on South Stradbroke island got there Friday morning and left midday Sunday. The wind was up most of the weekend so no offshore fishing but the seaway and broadwater were the go to for fishing. Friday after setting up camp we went fishing down in the seaway after finding small live yakkas. 1st drop for both my deckies was a double hook up on jew after a quick measure both jew were just under size so back they went to swim another day. We dropped another couple of jew then the tide started and they went quiet time to head back to camp. The arvo was spent greeting more crew and having a few coldies and beach fishing. That night we sat around the fire it has been a while with fire bans for nearly 6 months. Saturday was windier and only the young lads went fishing fishing , off the pontoon was easier for me. Saturday night was another top night around the camp fire after dinner. It turned out just some good camping with mates top spot and I will be going there again. Sunday morning we had some showers after an early morning storm but we were well protected. We all left together around midday planning the next camp back there will be easy.
  15. Go crabbing and prawning
  16. Are you getting forgetful Steve in retirement lol. I just go when the weather is good and cross my fingers
  17. I would try the mouth of the canals at raby bay and aquatic paradise both fish well then along tingalpa creek has fishing platforms start at the bridge on rickett road platform and you can walk from the same parking area down the track to the next platform
  18. Thanks Sef it was good to be back up there
  19. Thanks Beau good planning brings rewards.
  20. Always be just on the front edge of coral bombies tight drag and pull them trout out before they run back to there hole. Plenty if mackerel so you find deep water 20m + running fast past structure eg: ledges rocks headland and you will find mackerel use any method you know already. Good luck Robbie
  21. We will all have to get up there together Wayne
  22. Awesome trip when a plan comes together car and boat went well bonus
  23. Yeah typical half carton job Kelvin and still got no scars from filleting no crays this trip
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