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Drop Bear

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Everything posted by Drop Bear

  1. Oh good. you can help me up the beach as I always make sure mine are 80lb...
  2. Just a foot injury I did back in May last year... Stupid tree root...
  3. Any after that weekend. Also out for 2nd march weekend and out for 5th April weekend but free other than that. In saying that I may need some surgery in the next month or so.
  4. Oops. I will still be in hospital... sorry but I cant make those dates.
  5. Sounds tops. I have no opinion on location and can fit into dates. count me in. I will check with Mrs Drop Bear and little drop bears
  6. Brisbane river CBD Represent~
  7. Ok they are catching a stack of Tilapia behind the Greyhound track at Capalaba. Use bread or worms. Bit of fun. Remember not to throw the fish back as you have to kill them because they are a noxious fish. Have fun
  8. what area are you in? There are lots of Tilapia caught around capalaba and many other spots. This weekend is the AFO social so most people, including me, are heading to the gold coast camping on the boats. Next weekend should be better. Also keep an eye out for decky spots on the site. Some to North Pine Dam are awesome and many others too.
  9. Good luck mate. They take worms, bread and maggots too. Lots of things really. Small hook strong line. Many use a float. Get some pics of them if you get them or some of the place if you don'g please.
  10. It has been my great pleasure to have done this with you. Cracking days
  11. I guess a jet ski is a boat? I hope there will be a few at the social. @Angus did you hear from sean?
  12. Perhaps you can teach me these ways on Sunday...
  13. I hope one day I will grow up. I admire the likes of Ray who target one type of thing but the grass is always greener so want it all!!!
  14. Yes I am keen to add this one. @JohnTheFisherman invited me out a few weeks ago but I couldnt make it. I need to wet the yak more.
  15. Yep pretty much fish where ever and when ever I can. I would have gone out today but it would have blown the paint off my outboard.
  16. I have a few sieenas. Mostly 1000 or 2000. They have been a great reel but dont take a dunking. I have had to swim to some spots down at Wooli and they didn't like this. A top reel for the price.
  17. Hey Yabbyman, The only place I know would be Hinze dam. They get a few red claw in there. I hope someone with better knowledge can direct you more specifically
  18. Beautiful rod mate. I have no opinion on cost but it looks in mint condition. Luv it is right. I had so many times when i forgot to break the rod apart with the metal ferrules and it got stuck. They get pitting and corrosion on the chrome so don't forget to give it a wash. There is a bit of history on the JW page https://www.jarviswalker.com.au/list/about-us/the-jarvis-walker-story.html I have fished with them a lot and still have a few rods... none in as good condition as yours. I hope you enjoy your rod
  19. hmmmm there is something in this. I regularly dodge the pots put out the front of wynnum creek. good call. Sandies wont hurt the pots as much as muddies either.
  20. I had to look up what Gamma radiation was. I had heard about it but it's very interesting. That is pretty devastating for the farmers and workers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_irradiation
  21. Nice. Food for thought there.... I have a stack of bungee cord... hmmmm
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