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Drop Bear

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Everything posted by Drop Bear

  1. https://www.gctigerprawns.com.au/farm-gate-sales.php Address: 148 Marks Rd, Woongoolba, Q 4207 Please call ahead to place your order: T: 07 5546 1361 E: admin@gctigerprawns.com.au
  2. How do we buy local prawns? Any ideas of where their outlets are?
  3. I cant wait to hear how you go in the Kimberly. That is my dream trip... sorry for distraction... back to 1170
  4. Sounds too good to miss. I will throw my hat in the ring for a decky spot. It is a long way out and I don't know what my work commitments will be then but I would love to go.
  5. Drop Bear

    Nrl 2019

    So I currently hold the Wooden Spool. Try and get if off me!!
  6. I use a heavy hand line with a hook at about 3/0 ish and a ball sinker. Subtle rigs are not required. Best baits for me are meat that is tough to get off the hook. Chicken hearts are a cracker if you can get them but I have done very well on venison. I don't like soft baits as I find they can mouth the bait and get it off without you knowing. As for baits I cut them up and bag them individually before freezing them. Bigger is better
  7. Thats awesome. Would have been insane in the shallow water. Well done and thanks for the report!
  8. Did you get out? How did it go?
  9. Hey Legends, I have often been told the best way to catch Spanish Mack Trucks is to slow troll a rigged Gar. I have heard lots of methods with 3 x 6/0 Gangs and a cast net sinker or premade rigs and using soft plastic squid heads over the top but I have actually never done it. Does anyone recommend it and do you have any tips on how to rig and how fast to troll etc?
  10. Drop Bear

    Nrl 2019

    Haha ok. Poor Old Scaley
  11. No rods for me... Good luck with the sale. I hope you get what you are after.
  12. Drop Bear

    Nrl 2019

    Poor Benno.
  13. Great advice above. Pro's and con's for center or side console or tiller. Pros Center consoles are nice to run around in with a bit of a swell you stand up to drive. Cons Center consoles take up a lot of room in a small boat. You will find yourself constantly pusing past it and harder if you have a few on board. Pro's Side consoles are nice to sit at use a steering wheel. They seem to waste less space than a center console but you steer sitting down. This can be good or bad depending on what you like. Con's side console they still take up a fair bit of deck space and it can be tricky landing larger fish if you cant get them on the other side of the boat. Tiller Pros are without a doubt you get so much more deck space. Great if you take too much gear with you when you go fishing or have a few people on board Till cons some people don't like to sit with there hand on the tiller and prefer a steering wheel. You have to travel sitting down (well unless you get an extended arm). FYI I have a 5m tiller and love it but do see advantages on other styles of boats. Up to the user. They are all wet at times. If you don't want to get wet you will need to get a cuddy cab. Good luck and feel free to ask lots of questions but only on one condition... when you catch some fish you have to post up some photos and a bit of a brag story.
  14. Drop Bear

    Nrl 2019

    Well at least he would have a reason to use his fishing rod.....
  15. Drop Bear

    Nrl 2019

    In. Well you need a whipping boy
  16. I hope you are taking a phone or a camera! Good luck mate. Have a great trip.
  17. looks worse than it was I stayed dry the whole time. This was a few years ago. I have one now that I will wear. By the way the spot at the sand hills is mostly beach fishing.
  18. This is a rock I love to fish at the Sandhills. Have caught; Jew, Bream, Dart, Tailor, Flathead, Trevalay, Whiting, Spotted Hind, Somber Sweetlip, Wrass etc here.
  19. A week at Point Lookout will be awesome. There are lots of fishing options. Point Lookout The main area I like to fish is from Deadman's Beach to Frenchmans Beach. I have attached a map. There are lots of whiting along Deadman's up to the sandhills. Worms are your friend here for whiting. Best at lower tides but they will bit most of the time if they are there. The areas around the rocks at the sandhills is great to throw small soft plastics for Bream, Flathead, Dart and Trevs. Curl tail or paddle tail grubs with a small weighted jig head with about a 2/0 hook works well. Favourite colours are dirty red or clear with a flash. Try some bigger soft plastics at high tide for Mulloway especially if you get a good southerly. This can be a great spot to fish in a big southerly sea. Try heavier jig heads with about 4-5/0 hooks and pink or deep green plastics. Widdow's Rock is a long high area right on the water. It gets its name because waves can crash over it and it is a good drop to hard rocks behind so be careful especially on a high tide and a Northerly or Easterly swell. It can be a good spot for pinging chrome lures for tailor. They can be thick here at times. You can also try any deep holes near the Sandhills. The sand moves around a lot and what was a deep hole last week can be just sand the next so move around looking for the deeper holes for tailor. The 2 hours leading up to High tide and high tide itself is often productive as they will come into the gutters then. If you can combine this with Dawn or Dusk you are in with a great shot. First rock is great for Gold spot Blubberlips (known locally as Spotted Hind), Tarwine and Bream. Best baits are Cunji that have been cut the day before and left to toughen in the fridge over night or washed up and dried Cunji that you find washed up on the beach. I have a secret bait that I will tell you about if we ever go for a fish there. If the water is deep here it is also worth a ping for some Tailor or Mulloway. Dawn is best here and be very carefull of high tide as waves will wash over the whole rock. If you can, use a long rod and heavy weight and try to cast to the rocks to the north of here. There is a set of stairs leading from Point Lookout down to Frenchman's Beach. It is a good work out and totally worth it. Dragging a bag full of bream and Spotted Hind up these stairs lets you know you are alive. There are lots of options to fish the main headlands. They can be dangerous and hard to get to and I don't fish them much so wont put up a guide here but the spot in front of the life savers is worth a go. I know that Angus uses larger soft plastics here for Kingfish. Main Beach Like the others have said Main can be productive. I only target Taylor at high tide and whiting at low. I have always found the bream, Flathead and dart patchy at best. The trick with whiting is to use worms (pipis sometimes work) at low tide. The last 2 hours of run out and the first to of run in. Go to the little blind gutters and fish in about 1 to 4 foot of water. They whiting are feeding on worm heads at your feet. Fish each hole for only a few casts and move on to the next one. There are a series of fresh water lakes (The Keyholes) behind the dunes at Main Beach. Where you see the shiny water on the beach I find it harder to catch worms and pipis. I think that the fresh soaks through the sand and puts them off. Basically south of the Causeway the lakes become less frequent and further from the beach. For this reason, for whiting, I like to fish south of the Causeway. Anywhere is fine for Taylor. Look for deep holes not the long featureless gutters for Tailor. If you are up for it there is good night time fishing for Mulloway. Look for the same water as for Tailor and use live baits, Mullet fillets or a whole worm. Jumpinpin At the southern end of Main beach you will find Jumpinpin bar. It is a great spot for Bream, Flathead and Mulloway. Amity Amity is inside the bay. It has great rock walls to fish from and lots of people fish from the jetty. If you want to see Dolphins they always come to the jetty at about 5pm. The best place to see them is just in front of the sight that says "Do Not Feed Dolphins". Don't feed them. They like fresh fish the best (especially whiting) but will eat pilchards. At the southern end of the caravan park at Amity there are extensive yabby banks. The beaches at the front of the caravan park fish really well at night with yabbies. So that is about all I can think of. I hope you have a great trip. Let me know if I have not covered anything. We spend a lot of time here so know it pretty well. Make sure you do the headland walk. Stunning views. I didn't proof read so sorry for the typos.
  20. Nice. I don't know how many rods I have... I know I have a lot of broken ones haha. I need to sort out some more rod storage before I buy any more. I think I will use a system like to pool noodle one. lots of bang for your buck!
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