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    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to benno573 in 21 nights on moreton - 7/12 - 27/12 - photo links added   
    Hi all,
    Was hoping to wait until the photo issue was rectified but some of you may enjoy the story regardless.
    On 7th Dec with a very fully loaded car and trailer we jumped on the morning MiCat to Moreton Island with 21 nights of relaxation in my favourite place to look forward to.  I let the tyres down as far as I dare with the load on, had the obligatory smiley pie and coffee and soon we were on the beach at Tangalooma.  After a bit of a challenge getting to the top of middle road, we had a beautiful run up the eastern beach towards cape moreton.  Unfortunately, I was pretty much run off the road by a peanut coming down the hill from the lighthouse and the trailer then developed a mind of its own when trying to reverse out and I ended up needing to deploy the recovery boards to get me back on the straight and narrow and have another crack at the hill.  No dramas the second time and we were soon picking out a site at North Point campground.  A few hours of work followed and soon we had a camp set  up that would survive anything but the worst weather in a fairly shady and sheltered corner of the campground.
    Next morning I was up at early AM and went for a bit of a walk around to check the gutters on the beach and all that, had a cast but wasn't successful.  After breakfast we headed off down the beach with the kids to some beautiful little low tide gutters that were about knee deep and calm.  While playing around, I noticed some birds circling in the surf break and then saw some fishy-shapes chasing bait in the waves.  I grabbed the only rod I had with me (the 2-4kg flick stick with 10lb) and threw a 20g halco twisty on.  Second cast I was away.  After a very good argument on the light gear, I had the first fish tacos of the trip sorted with a 53cm tailor.  About an hour later he was sizzling away in a frypan back at camp.
    Next few days were a bit tough on the fishing front.  Early morning starts up the rocks spinning were mildly successful, however, I did work out I could put the little fella in his backpack carrier and take him along with me.  And the best part was he absolutely loved it... well.... for the first 90 minutes or so anyway. But was still pretty cool hanging out with him and managing to catch a couple of fish along the way. 
    Morning 4 was a complete bust on the fishing front, could not get a hit on a slug or a plastic anywhere so I was walking back across kind of a swampy section near camp and my morning took a massive turn - for the good!  There at my feet was my lunch, now if I could just get hold of him with all 10 fingers still in tact...  A few interesting moments and near misses later and eventually I had my prize - a 1.7kg full as buck muddie.  Even the young fella appreciated this - I held it up to show him which was met with a "Wooooowwwwww" from him.  Glad I had strapped him in to the backpack well though.  A crab wrap for lunch was a very unexpected but welcome addition to the menu that's for sure.  After the crab wrap, during the midday nap period, I went for a walk down to the rocks given the swell was picking up a bit and landed 3 mid 40's tailor in the first three casts.  Then a surfer paddled right over where the fish were sitting, sat there was a minute and then paddled off again.  Needless to say, the fish disappeared thereafter.  Maybe the surfer was a vegan or something and that was his idea of a protest.  Still, three tailor was ample for dinner.
    Next day I had collected some pippies and headed over to a favourite rock fishing spot of mine, however, it was very quiet but I managed to pull three nice dart out, the best one going 43cm.  There's another dinner sorted!
    After 7 days, the outlaws headed home and were replaced by @ellicat and my mum.  After a new false starts, ECat and I finally found where the flathead were hiding.  I was first on the board with a lovely 63cm model.  While it was only 1 or 2 each time we tried the spot, they were all quality fish in the mid 50's.
    The weather finally became good enough for me to try a kayak trip which saw me throw the tub in early and head on out.  It took me a while to to find them but I managed 3 snapper 43-49cm, one just legal spangled and a 38cm grassy.  I then hooked something huge that had me scrambling to get on top of it to try and pull it out of the rocky rubbly bottom.  A good battle ensued and a stud 53cm grassy surfaced, much to ECat's distain as he is yet to crack the 50cm mark on a grassy and I have now 4 times in his presence.  Sorry mate - oh wait, no I'm not... 😛   I headed back in and watched ECat land a legal flatty from the beach as I was coming back in.
    All too soon, ECat had to head home - hope you had a good trip mate.  Glad you got to witness the might BT50 recovering a brand spanking 300 series jsut before getting on the barge - that was a bit of fun. 😉
    The day after he left, it was forecast to be 20kn+ northerlies but they never showed up and the ocean completely glassed out around lunch time.  I grabbed the kayak and headed out, not knowing the carnage that was about to unfold.
    Things started slowly, it took me a good 1/2 hr before I got my first decent hit - and what a hit it was.  Ripped 20lb line off the reel under fairly heavy drag and ended up busting me off on the rubbly bottom about 100m away, my best guess was a GT or a kingy - or so i thought... maybe another culprit was to blame as will soon be revealed. I soon after I found a patch with some nice snapper, and put three 40-48cm models and a bonus grassy into the box.  I tried a different area and first cast hooked the 3:14 express from central that had me chasing after it flat out while it peeled line from the reel.  Surely this couldn't be a shark, I would have been busted off ages ago... what could this be?  After about 10 minutes I got sight of the fish and about 10 minutes after that I had 85cm of cobia doing it's best to escape from under my legs on the kayak.  A very quick brain spike and bleed and a louder than necessary yahoo and then a minute to recover, check leader, plastic etc and we were back into it.  Next cast a 43cm grassy came to play.  Followed shortly after by a cracking 55cm snapper that gave me a real run around and completed my bag out.  I decided that was enough and just one more cast... wholly hell.  Seconds after the lure hitting the water two things happened.  A manta ray surfaced just near where my lure landed and my rod was just about ripped out of my hands.  For a second I thought I had hooked the manta but it zigged and whatever i had zagged.  Knowing cobia love hanging around mantas i quickly worked my way out over sand and settled in for the battle.  This one was far heavier and more stubborn than the first one and was slugging it out down deep, I would make a metre of line and he would take 2 back.  This went on and on.  About 1/2 hour later I finally had the fish yakside - now how the hell do I land this thing?  I ended up tailing it and lifting by the line as well and got it on my lap.  A quick spike and bleed and a rather nose heavy and slimy, bloody kayak headed back to the beach.  The big cobia went 110cm - not huge by cobia standards sure but everything seems bigger on a floating bit of plastic.  It also meant a double bag out for the first time ever on the yak.
    At this point I will mention that ECat had been kind enough to loan me his 60L freezer which was a very welcome item in the campsite after such a trip - on top of my 80L fridge/freezer.  approx 11kg of fillets were recovered from the days captures - a day of kayak fishing I will not forget in a hurry.
    Other than that day, a few more nice flatties found their way into the box but the fishing effort was rather half hearted - I was happy to finish on a high.
    Roast turkey and potato bake made for an awesome Xmas dinner, plenty of time spent with the small people at the beach.  Luckily, we only copped one storm on Xmas eve with a fair bit of wind and 57mm of rain in 1/2 hour, got the edge of a few others but nothing too bad.  Everything stayed standing and dry on the inside at least.
    All too soon - even after such an extended stay - we were packing up and heading back to the MiCat for the trip home.  Middle road had washouts about 1/2m deep in some spots from the storms the previous two days which was pretty crazy to see.
    I will attempt to add some photos when the site is fixed if people are interested, I didn't take heaps but there's a few that people might like.
    Hope you enjoyed the read, I tried not to make it too long.
    Benno <'><
  2. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO got a reaction from Rebel in npd 11/1/24   
    Good fishing Ray. I’m glad to hear that your batteries/motors are going well. 
  3. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to rayke1938 in npd 11/1/24   
    Went back to NPD for the first time for a couple of weeks to see if the fishing has improved. The shrimp traps were mainly chocka except a few that have rusted out. Found a few forkies at the second rock wall so we quickly departed that location. Could not find a fish over the next 2 hours until we found a school on 20 feet of water near fad 0.We quickly pulled 13 bass there until the school moved on to parts unknown. Fish were between 32 and 20cm. I got that excited to actually catch some fish I forgot to tag them. I have just replaced my 24 volt 285 a/h agm batteries for my minnkota bow mount with a pair of 135 a/h lithiums. I was a bit dubious as how they would go as I was told not to run my older kota over 8.5 speed to avoid burn out problems with the armature. I am very pleased with the performance as I have picked up 1/2 a KPH and at the end of the day both batterys indicating they still have 80% capacity
  4. Haha
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to fatboy in new to afo   
    @ GregOug you are 100% correct, I will give myself an uppercut, maybe I should have said "this is one of the rare forums where you can have an opinion or ask for advice without some smart arse taking the piss out of you, however, as is the way their are always a few exceptions". Hows that sound you reckon.
  5. Haha
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to GregOug in new to afo   
    Except for me on occasion. And let’s not get started on KM. 🤪
  6. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to fatboy in new to afo   
    Welcome to the site Peter, recently joined myself, this is one of the rare forums where you can have an opinion or ask for advise without some smart arse taking the piss out of you, good luck with you fishing exploits
  7. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to Peter K in new to afo   
    Thanks @ellicat I fish the estuaries, bread and butter really, bream, flathead, flounder, tailor, whiting I am interest in getting my first bass, trout and perch but I'll have to do some travelling to get out of the salty water 😞
  8. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to ellicat in tying leader to split rings and changing hard bodies.   
    The metal where you tie to could be bent, causing it to swim out to one side. Check that and try to make it straight, if it is bent.
  9. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to Rebel in tying leader to split rings and changing hard bodies.   
    I use clips all the time. Never have a problem. There is a swivel type clip on ebay in different sizes. Some are stainless steel. Worth a look. I have been using them for years on all Lures.
  10. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to fatboy in tying leader to split rings and changing hard bodies.   
    Hi Peter K
    Mate you must be attaching the split rings to the lures yourself? Not a trick question, as I haven't bought any lures for years, never used to have split rings on them when I purchased them, anyway back to your issue, assuming I am correct that you are attaching the split rings yourself, if you use a non slip loop knot tied to the split ring you have attached to the lure, you should not affect this type of knot when taking one split ring off one lure and attaching it to another, because of the actual knot, not being tied to the lure eye, 100% agree with @ellicat that you will most likely compromise the knot you are currently using doing what you want to do.
    Look up non slip loop knot on  youtube to learn how to tie it, not hard to do, the knot is used by most serious lure fisherman as the knot allows the lure to achieve its full movement potential. Pick one of the youtube videos that only go for a minute or so, lots of self promotionalists on youtube that take 10 minutes to explain something that takes 30 seconds to do.
    I will clarify the advice i have given you by saying that using both a split ring and a non slip loop knot is overkill, just tying a non slip loop knot is easier than tying a double uni knot in my opinion.
  11. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to Peter K in tying leader to split rings and changing hard bodies.   
    Thank for the suggestion, never seen them before, I'll have to have a play around and see what will hold up. Thanks for your replies. 
  12. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to ellicat in tying leader to split rings and changing hard bodies.   
    I think your concern is warranted, re affecting the knot.
    There are different types of swivels that can be used other than the regular snap swivels.  Hawaiian snap swivels, for example - https://www.anglerswarehouse.com.au/shogun-hawaiian-snap
    These will not unclip.
    Personally, I find it much quicker to just tie a new loop knot each time. Playing around with split rings is a pain for me.
  13. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to Peter K in tying leader to split rings and changing hard bodies.   
    I've heard/read countless stories of snap swivels opening and the lure coming off, not sure if its true and how common it occurs, I don't want that risk when working $20+ lures. 
    I could just take all the split rings of my hardbody bibs and have 1 ring tied on and just attach it each time, the main query I have here is, once a knot has been tightened on the ring, would using the pliers and spreading the ring open potentially loosen/stretch/weaken the knot? I'm using double uni. 
    Thanks, Peter
  14. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to ellicat in Suburbs of Origin 2024 Monthly Competition   
    Good luck. Surely there's a flattie or two waiting at Hayes Inlet for you.
  15. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to Peter K in Suburbs of Origin 2024 Monthly Competition   
    Im in, can I join south team?
  16. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to fatboy in new fisher - looking for lesser known/decent fishing spots around the northern brisbane suburbs   
    Hi @TheFish
    If you are happy enough just catching some fish for a bit of fun to get the hang of it all, go to Deepwater Bend on a neap high tide ( neap tides are tides with a high low tide and a low high tide which means minimal tidal movement) and fish for gar fish. Fun to catch and excellent to eat if you know how to butterfly them. Lots of information on you tube on how to catch them , simple as this.
  17. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to ellicat in aldi life jackets   
    They sure do. Every time they pull you up for a look they check the life jackets thoroughly - both MSQ and Water Police.
    I have mine professionally serviced and certified and have had to provide the certificate to them on more than one occasion.
  18. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to Old Scaley in aldi life jackets   
    Service protocols are the same as the Burke 150. I find the process easy and relatively cheap. Good habit to get into because you don’t want an avoidable failure at a critical time. 
  19. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO got a reaction from Hweebe in tying leader to split rings and changing hard bodies.   
    Good idea Peter, but you’d be much better off using a snap swivel, this basically allows you to tie the line to the snap swivel, open the snap with your fingers, clip your lure onto it, and change the lures far more easy that it would be than changing the split rings each time. 
  20. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO got a reaction from Bretto77 in fishing goals for 2024   
    New PB Threadfin
    First Threadfin on a Lure
    First Mangrove Jack
    1M Brisbane River Jewfish
    50cm Brisbane River Bass
    1.5M plus Brisbane River shark
    What about everyone else? 
  21. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO got a reaction from Rebel in tying leader to split rings and changing hard bodies.   
    Good idea Peter, but you’d be much better off using a snap swivel, this basically allows you to tie the line to the snap swivel, open the snap with your fingers, clip your lure onto it, and change the lures far more easy that it would be than changing the split rings each time. 
  22. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to Peter K in new to afo   
    Good Afternoon all,
    I'm Peter, and as the title suggests I'm new to the whole forum thing.  I've been fishing for about 6 years now. For the first 4 years I only used baits, then I ventured into soft plastics for the past 2 years, I'm now starting to try hard bodies. I live by the Georges River in Sydney. I hope to learn a thing or two and get some advice. 
    Peter K
  23. Haha
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to Andrew_P in fishing goals for 2024   
    @Hweebe if there are SMART goals then there must be DUMB goals?
    Definitely Underachieve Maximise Buffoonery
    Apologies So Sorry
  24. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO reacted to Hweebe in fishing goals for 2024   
    What are SMART goals?
    The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Defining these parameters as they pertain to your goal helps ensure that your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame
  25. Like
    AUS-BNE-FISHO got a reaction from Doughnuts in sunnycoast trip   
    Hi all
    Snuck up to the Sunnycoast near Dunethin Rock on the Maroochy River with @charlie.hans.fishing on Boxing Day. Plan was to fish in Dunethin Lake and the surrounding area of the Maroochy River to try for a few flatties and maybe a jack if one came by. We arrived mid arvo on Boxing Day and went down for a fish around mid tide, flicking plastics off of the lake jetty.
    I was off the donut first after we had each had a couple of missed hits with a little flatty. We continued flicking for another hour before it started to rain - just as this happened Charlie got a little flatty too. Decided to go to the beach for a swim that arvo but the next morning we were fishing again.
    We started off canoeing around the lake a bit to no avail, so went had a cast around the opposite bank of the river to the mouth of the lake. I think Charlie got a spotted grunter here and one or two flathead (one that was legal sized). These put up a decent fight as he caught them casting in some shallow water near a snag. 
    I got off the donut with a small flatty that liked my 2.75 inch Froff Bait paddle tail while we were drifting in the canoe (it was my first time using these lures, they're alright) but didn't manage to catch much more that day. I think we had another flick down at the lake jetty for nothing. It was very hot and unpleasant fishing, and with a lot of rain around the area recently too the mosquitos were very bad... It was nice going down to the beach again that arvo.
    The next morning we had a quick flick around the bank opposite the mouth of the lake again. Here, Charlie got a bream on a plastic while we were drifting on the canoe along the bank. After a few more drifts and with a lot of tide/wind action making us drift very fast, we decided to go and have a cast at the deepest section of the lake. 
    A ways into our first drift, Charlie hooked up to something decent. It was pretty heavy and quick, he hooked it in shallow water near the mangroves. Unfortunately, just as we were about to see it the hooks pulled. Bugger. I had another good hit on this drift, before later in the morning catching a flatty around the 40 mark. My Dad also had a cast on his canoe somewhere that morning and got an undersize barred grunter on a plastic.
    We tried for a bit longer but the heat and mosquitos were pretty unbearable so we decided to go back to the campsite, pack up, and go home!
    Thanks for reading, although the fishing was a bit quiet it was still good to get a few hookups. The next day I was sick and have just recovered enough to go fishing now so will try in the river tomorrow. 
    Cheers Hamish
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