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Tuna are fish

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    Tuna are fish reacted to Memsmullowayhunter in Mulloway/Jewfish Tips for Beginners   
    Hey fishos,
    No expert here but just wanted to provide some tips/guidance for people new to fishing for the ghost of the estuary.
    Some of this information might not be new to anyone but just want to discuss what has worked for me in the past.
    My most successful baits have been yellow tail scad, tailor and squid (yakka).
    Yakka and Tailor
    Generally I pin the hook right above the "shoulder" or towards the upper middle of the bait, stay close to the upper fin of the bait.
    If keeping yakka/tailor live is not an option, i tend to butterfly the bait.
    Butterflying is when you fillet from tail uptowards the head and removing the skeletal structure.
    Essentially the head should be attached to the two fillets, which looks like two wings.
    Fresh squid (I have never caught a jew on frozen store bought bait unless it was fresh non packaged squid)
    There are two main ways to use squid, if the squid is on the smaller side, use it whole on a snell rig (two hooks)
    Pin one hook near the tip of the squid and the second hook near the bottom of the hood.
    If the squid is large, remove the head (head is also amazing bait), cut the squid into triangular strips from tip of the hood to the bottom.
    I generally cut small slits into the bottom of the strip to mimic the tentacles.
    Again using a snell rig, pin towards the top of the hood and second hook to the bottom above the little slits.
    Live mullets and herring, again very similar to what I do with the yakkas however I have never butterflied them and used them live and hole.
    Live prawn, i generally pin the live prawn above the tail. 
    Where the "armour" of the prawns meet, you will notice a small black dot, i generally pin them on the first dot after the tail.
    **additional note**
    When using larger live bait fish and needing to cast far, it may be hard to keep the bait on the hook.
    Some fishos slide a toothpick right under the fin (running parallel) and pin the hook under the tooth pick (personally ive never tried this)
    Please note that I have seen jews caught on servo frozen prawns, when they are hungry they are hungry.
    However as mentioned earlier LIVE>FRESH>FROZEN.
    Generally the rig remains the same besides single or double hook depending on the bait.
    Braid to swivel to leader to hooks.
    I generally run 30-40 pound braid, using a running sinker to match the current.
    Below the sinker i use a small bead. There have been times where my sinker has damaged the braid knot enough to rip it.
    From the swivel I run roughly a 1m of 40 pound leader to hooks varying from 5/0-7/0.
    With the hook setup its really dependent on the bait and what you like to use.
    Generally for live bait using fish, I use a single hook right above the "shoulder" or towards the upper middle of the bait, stay close to the upper fin of the bait.
    Occasionally I will use a treble stinger towards the back of the bait fish, if the bait is larger in size.
    Fishing locations
    Deep holes, drop offs, structure, structure and more structure.
    My experience has been that Jews like to congregate in holes, where the water drops of from say 1-2ms to depths of 4-5+ ms.
    Bridge support beams also tend to be an awesome place to catch them.
    We have had one night where we caught 13 odd school jew fish under one of the bridges to the mouth of the Georges River in Sydney. (still one of my best jew sessions and may not ever happen again)
    Also gutters at the beach on a run in tide.
    This is an odd one for me, I have caught jewfish on any time of the tide.
    However towards the tide change seems to be the most rewarding times, 1.5-2 hours before and after the change of tide.
    Fishing gear
    This is dependent on the individual, I know people who love using heavier gear and people who will use 2000 size reels on 6-8 pound braid.
    For me the sweet spot has been 4-6000 size reels with 20-30 pound braid.
    Again this is something that is down to the individual.
    I tend not to use anything over 40 pound, i just dont find it necessary as jewfish dont fight as hard as say a kingfish, tuna, shark etc.
    As previously mentioned I am definitely no expert and can only advise of my experiences.
    Hopefully this helps some of you land your first fish, as for seasoned vets please feel free to provide anymore information.

  2. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Rebel in Mission Beach Jan 15 to 17   
    Top report.
    Great photos.
  3. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to ellicat in Mission Beach Jan 15 to 17   
    Great to get a report from you, Ted. Awesome gaff shots. 🤣
    The boys are lucky and it's good to see them up there.
    Pretty good going finding some good spots.
  4. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to crazywalrus in Figuring out Jungle Perch   
    When my boys were up in January we tried our hands at Jungle Perch fishing.  To be honest, if we did not catch anything,the walk in the rainforest and wading the cool clear streams was enough in itself.  We managed a couple, on most of the trips. No size though.  

    When Declan flew home I did another trip with Jacob and we seemed to have worked it out better, picking up a few small fish on every reach of the stream.  So Great you can pop around the corner and experience these things. “Paradise” 

  5. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to ellicat in Figuring out Jungle Perch   
    That looks so good !
    Much of a walk ?
  6. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Angry51 in New to Brisbane and looking for fishing friends.   
    Welcome to the forum, can't help as I live in NQ.
    Born and raised in Sydney, weellll, we won't hold that against you.😂
    Some one from down your way should be along shortly with some help.
    Look to join a local fishing club, put notice in local tackle shop.
    Good luck.😊
  7. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Memsmullowayhunter in New to Brisbane and looking for fishing friends.   
    Hey all!
    Little about myself, born and raised in Sydney however moved upto Brisbane with my partner. Don't have much of a social circle up here and would love to meet some new like minded people and go for a fish. I have done a fair bit of fishing in Sydney, love chasing squid, kings and the ghost of the estuary. It's amazing how many species we have up here that aren't in Sydney. I mostly do bait fishing with occasional soft plastics fishing. Currently only really doing land based fishing however will be buying a boat late this year or early next year. I work Monday to Friday in an office role and impatiently wait for the weekend to soak some baits. I'm a male in my mid 30s and looking at meeting some locals who want some company fishing.

  8. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to crazywalrus in Mission Beach Jan 15 to 17   
    Belated report.  My boys came up to cairns in January to visit. Weather was not looking that great so we head down to Mission Beach for a few days to find some better conditions.  
    My mission should I accept it, was to “get my sons onto some firsts and improve their PBs”. We fished 2 days and a morning before heading home.  Conditions were ok but improved while we were there.  
    First day we were a little lost and spent some time searching for ground and eventually got some location info off photo from a trip from the year before where we could start our search again. Found some awesome ground and some epic fish and of course some  bloody sharks. 
    Great trip and well worth the drive and accommodation costs. It really is fishing paradise. 
    Species caught - Red Emperor, Coral Trout, Large Mouthed Nannygai, Red Throat Emperor and other species. 


  9. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Junky in How much do you spend on your rod/reel combo?   
    From hand me downs to 2k. 
    They all work for their purpose. 
    The reason I spend big on outfits is because they last if you look after them, and they serve their purpose. More for the larger species. 
    I have mid to high end reels that are almost 20yrs old and still in excellent condition. 
    I don't really care what I'm using, so long as I'm not losing. 
    Busting off due to equipment failure gets old real quick. It sends you mental.
    My high end gear gives me confidence that I can lean on it and it will respond. That's my number one requirement. 
  10. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Bretto77 in How much do you spend on your rod/reel combo?   
    Just yesterday a mate of mine went out off Cairns. He was the skipper and likes his high end gear. He got them onto plenty of fish (as per usual). Him and his expensive combo loaded with 65lb braid was no match for the skilled operator of an 80lb handline. He got his backside properly handed to him 🤣🤣🤣🤣. 
    I understand that this may not always be the case, but I couldn't help thinking about this thread last night when he was telling me about his spanking🤣.
  11. Wow
    Tuna are fish reacted to WildeFishing in How much do you spend on your rod/reel combo?   
    Oh god, this is very subjective and as Ellicat posted, a can of worms haha. Most anglers have this discussion regularly. See the difference of opinion from your friends to enthusiasts! Like the old Billabong slogan, "Only a surfer knows the feeling", this rings true for us too I think in some ways!  
    You can catch any fish on a K-Mart combo or the best combo. A Toyota Corolla and a Rolls Royce will both get you from A to B just fine, one just feels a lot nicer and the price difference is considerable, same same with combo's, both do the same job, but one will feel a lot nicer than the other and cost difference is there as well!  
    As already mentioned, you can get a beautiful combo for that 250-400 range, its what you prefer and your budget allows.  
    I stopped buying cheap a long time ago, but that's me. I went down the very very slippery slop of the best gear (It doesn't take long either!!). Once you dip your toe over the edge, you fall and are sliding very fast down that slope hahaha I use near $2k combos for just my flathead fishing, is it needed no, is it excessive, for sure. Does the gear feel amazing, my god yes, yes it does! Once you get a taste, there is no comparison in terms of weight, sensitivity, action, smoothness etc. You would not even think a 500-600 combo would have much difference to a high end combo, but let me tell you there is and some differences are night and day. I only lure fish as well, I don't use bait, as a lure fisherman, I can notice and feel the differences.  
    But I also see and get value out of my gear, I am fishing a minimum 3 days a week and sometimes 7 days. So, they are the tools of my trade so to speak and I get the use out of it, I am also lucky to be able to be in a position to buy it. I seen a meme the other day, it said "People see my lure collection and think I am rich" he said back "Nah mate, I am just irresponsible" haha That's probably me lol I can afford it but I probably shouldn't, but fishing is my passion and life. You buy what is good for you, makes you happy, what your budget allows, as long as you are fishing, is all that matters!  
    If you are a regular fisherman and love it, my advice is to buy the best rod and reel your budget allows! But I have mates that are just as serious about fishing as me and they buy cheaper combos, purely because they don't look after their gear, they acknowledge that, and buy gear that if it breaks, they have not lost too much. I very much look after my gear, so that is a difference too and something to consider.  
    At the end of the day as long as you are fishing that's the main thing, could be a handline or a $2k flathead combo hahaha  
  12. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Cobiaaddict in Back In Action   
    Hey All, 
    Been a bit quiet this past 12-months, with not much fishing due to lack of motivation & house reno's ,
    I think I managed 3 trips in 2022 and didn't catch a fish/ apart from catching live baits & squid,  not sure if that counts,
    So I sold the Surtees in October 2022 as it hadn't been used enough and the offer was more than I paid for it, wasn't even advertised, just a random guy at the ramp liked it, so he bought it.   So, I took it with plans on doing something else with money, but after a trip to Fraser Island before easter for a wedding the itch came back to get back on the water soon, 
    So last week I bit the bullet and ordered another Surtees, not a Centre console but this time a 610 Gamefisher  with a few tasteful additions along with a 130Hp 4 stroke and Aluminum Trailer.  The Build will start at the end of May I believe and will be completed sometime in August ready for shipping. 
    Should arrive early October from NZ and will take about 2 weeks to get fitted out and get her on the water, will be a tough 6 months waiting, but I'm sure it will be worth it. 
    If I get any build photos i will try to add them up here once it gets started. 
    Cheers Josh <><
  13. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Rebel in How much do you spend on your rod/reel combo?   
    Mate, My Grandaughter catches Bream on a $100.00 combo.
    The fish don't know what you are spending on them.
    I spend around $450.00 on a beach combo. I do a lot of beach & rock fishing. In saying that I always shop around for the best price.
    Good luck.
  14. Haha
    Tuna are fish reacted to Angry51 in Not finger pointing at all, just saying.   
    Not accusing anyone, just seen this.🤣

  15. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to old.salty mick 1983 in Fisheries arent really that good in my views in regards tobe with dealing with issues within Fisheries as they are really hopeless they needed was get their heads out of the sand thiswas my views   
    here was my biff about the hopelessness of Fisheries as they really are really bad as they are really not good at being in charge of the fishing rules 
    as i knew thiswas really a feeling they needed was their heads out of the sand as they are really Clueless on how to manage the fisheries as far i knew the pollies was the problem these was really the problem was the Govt was really the bad set of Issues in the Govt As I Knew they are really are had their heads in the sands all the time as far i knew thiswas really my strong biff about fisheries Dept they are waas underfunded and dont have the needed resources to say do fishing patrols and related stuff as im saying the truth as a fine keen fisho im really fed up with the inaction of the Govt in my home state of NSW we got a new Labor Govt under new premier Chris Minns as im really have my worries on how this new NSW Govt was gonna fix the mess in the Fisheries Dept as i see thiswas really was needed to clean the mess the last Govt had left in fisheries and Maritime these was a need to make these Depts more  in tune with the public not the faceless fat cats as i see thiswas really my boat licence fees was being spent in all the wrong places that money should be used to really fix all the boat ramps and other boating facilities same said of the fishing facilities too as thiswas really a need to tell the govt toreally start talking to the fishing and boating public not to those faceless fat cats in their nice offices they should be talking to boatowners like me on the boat ramps and fishing facilities badly needed  dire and urgent upgrading in future as needed as thiswas really my main worry was thiswsa going tobe ignored thiswas the boating facilities we boaters and fisho's use as we needed the govt to get their heads out of the sand on this matters and start talking about this in future was a badly needed facility upgrades say for a example the fish cleaning tables needs lights so Fisho's like me can clean our fish catch in a safer ways in times when the day was dark or in low light say on those Arvo's when evenly the fish was being cleans in a safer way if we had lights in the fish cleaning tables thiswas really be good for those Fishers like me who have a disability and we find it harder to clean our catch on those days when the light was bad say in the winter Arvo's when we are out in the boat gettin a fish for dinner the fish cleaning tables needed was good overhead lights that comes on when a boat comes in with fish tobe cleaned thiswas on days whith low light as thiswas my idea we needed was good lighting for the fish cleaning tables  in all fishing locations where boats was used to be in fishing this was rec fishers the tables with lights willbe a boon for us fishers even those with disabilities who was wanted to fish but can do things we take for granted like cleaning the fish and filleting the catch as well like we can do well thiswas really why we needed was really good lights in the ceilings in the roofs of the fish cleaning tables thiswas for everybody too not just the disabled fishers too but everybody too as i knew thiswas really the case in my views now as we are gotta be really be helping our less fortunate get into fishing these was disabled folks as well in power boating too these passtimes willbe more fun for the disabled in future if we give them the option of learning to drive a powerboat and get their boat licences too like the reast of us as disability was no barrier togetting a boat licence in future if you have a gaol stick to it this was getting a boat licence and a boat to drive and fish from thiswas whith good help you can get it this was happened to me in the year 2005 i finallly got my boat licence and i had it on a decade now im on a 10yr licence now and soon be back on the water in future thiswas my goals in future now was getting back on the water thiswas my goals now in future thiswas really the case for me now hope you read this my friends 
  16. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Sylvathorn in Looking for a 5000-6000 size spinning reel   
    I'm selling a Yoshikawa Baitfeeder 6000 threadline reel spooled but never used, it's like a Shimano Baitrunner and should easily handle what you're after, if you want a cheaper option
    Link is : Yoshikawa Fishing Reel Baitfeeder 6000 spooled but never used like Baitrunner | eBay
    It's spooled with 20lb Mono (can't remember the brand - think it was Penn)
    I originally got it as I had two Shimano 4500 Baitrunners and wanted a heavier spare for when my wife and I were both fishing.
    I never used it as not long I bought it I decided to really up the ante and bought a Shimano Thunnus 8000 for me and a Shimano Thunnus 6000 for my wife.
    It's listed as $75 or best offer plus postage, if you're interested, my rock bottom price is $65 - just let me know it's you from AustralianFishingForum so I don't try to push the price up with a counter offer.
  17. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Angry51 in The new house..   
    Here's the latest project, our new chook house.
    The girls just love it. Need to put gate on front of pen.
    Getting that made in town, couldn't be bothered doing it here.

  18. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Huxstang in Trying Digitaka for a reel   
    So need to update my baitcasters into something low profile, I was thinking of trying a DC braked reel but there seemed to be a flood of them on the market which makes me think the DC whirr I gets annoying.  And anyway I have no need to cast 100metres and no how to control the spool.  Anyhow I got caught in the hype of the release of the new Shimano Bantam which is available here but at a massive premium, so trying Digitaka.  Got my shipping info so will be interesting to see whether it gets hit with GST….only @$350 shipped so its under the value but not sure if they should be registered for collection.  Should save @ $300 on buying local. 
    It will be a big step up from my old Calcutta’s and Abu’s….I bet the new braking systems are amazing.
  19. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to old.salty mick 1983 in moving into my new home in future as case worker was getting me my new home as my mum was getting older and i have to live in my new home in future   
    hi my friends as you knew im being getting ready for my new home in future as my case worker was getting all the paperwork sorted out and getting my new home sorted out as far i knew things was are getting better for me now as far id see things was really are getting closer as i have to wait as needed as im hoping my new home willbe close to my future boatin waters as you see thiswas really getting this far now as i knew thiswas really getting this finally closer as of now i see thiswas really have my own sheds with workshop areas in the sheds so i can service my cars and boats as you my friends will know im getting my new home now as my mum was getting older now as well as she was caring for my sister Donna who has downs syndrome and needs full time care as my mum was really be caring for my Sister all the time as i used to care for my sister when i was still with mum a few years ago now as i have to sort of moved on from mum now due to my Sisters increasing care needs was getting a bit too much for me as i had to watch her alot as she cant do much and she has a really bad heart this was why i have to sort of care for her too with mum but im ok now im gotten my new house now as this came about when my case workers was getting me ready for my new home with ono on ne care as these was carers i have in the house with me thiswas really just me in the home and a single carer and thiswas really far better to be happy with that in my life now as i have a 3 bed house in case the care mob i have in future was using the other beds as offices or other uses thiswas my news to you guys in the fishing groups who wasnt aware im moving house in the future as you see thiswas getting closer now just had towait and see where id move to in future hope you knew thiswas my news my buddies 
  20. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Huxstang in Bcf and Anaconda working age   
    I was in Anaconda on the weekend at Tingalpa and a damn nice young fellow was there re-sorting all of the Zman plastics.  I stopped and said it must be frustrating and he was just all positive about it was great to do it and make it all spot on again and time flies getting through it.
    I have to stop being bitter and twisted about work - nice to see youthful enthusiasm in action.
  21. Like
    Tuna are fish got a reaction from Rebel in Bcf and Anaconda working age   
    Can finally answer this question, as i am now working for anaconda.  The youngest they hire is 14 years but you are unlikely to be hired until you are 16ish or if you know someone who can put in a good word for you.  But just a heads up, not everyone will take you seriously because of your young age but most people just know what their looking for and are nice as.
  22. Like
    Tuna are fish got a reaction from WildeFishing in Bcf and Anaconda working age   
    Yes Sir 😀
  23. Like
    Tuna are fish got a reaction from Bretto77 in NSW slot limits   
    Don't quote me on this but i believe they are like barra, where when they get to a certain size they change genders, and i also think that when they get larger they produce more eggs and more often.  this means that the slot limits will help a lot in protecting the larger breeding ones, as they small ones can breed from quite early on, around 20 - 30 cms
  24. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Bob9863 in Jumping Spanish   
    Definitely interesting, although I think I have a solution to the current shark VS Spanish mackerel problem here although only in a purely hypothetical/theoretical solution. 
    When chasing SM and shark predation is a problem, catch one or two sharks of a legal size, kill them and let them drift off and other sharks should go after them for an easy meal. 
    That helps address the shark population problem and might keep them away from a SM on the hook. 
  25. Like
    Tuna are fish reacted to Sylvathorn in Custom SnyderGlas Rebuild/refurbish .... From this to this   
    one of my bigger projects has been refurbishing an old custom rod based on a SnyderGlas blank (I love their blanks).
    Originally wrapped with C grade thread and a pretty basic design. Now wrapped with A grade thread and I think a more interesting design.
    I'm adding pics of the wrap as it progressed as well.

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