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Everything posted by mzaakir

  1. mzaakir


    Go seaway mate. theres so many there. everytime i go i catch at least one solid one
  2. I know a few people who have them and they said they wouldn't choose any other reel. Theyve said the slammer is the best reel ever. Its very smooth and the drag on it is amazing. It would be perfect for shark fishing bro.
  3. nice bro...those are amazing to catch..put up a great fight
  4. mzaakir


    yeah yakka or lures are the way to go.. vibes for jewfish go well
  5. Hi guys. Where do you guys reckon is the best place in brisbane/gold coast to catch big flathead and mangrove jacks. Ive been to alot of places people say are good for mangrove jack but havent caught any. Quite keen on getting a few.
  6. I dont like the ssm.. too heavy imo and looks too cheap and poorly built even though its a pretty good reel
  7. yeah i was looking at the slammer 10000 or 10500 i think it was
  8. ok thanks.. will do that. DO you just oder for Rob Hutching and pick them up?
  9. Yeah easy. Ill prob get a 14000 saltist mq or a 20000 stella with 80 pound braid and 200 verivas shock leader. Ill try out that saltiga braid,, might use it for a smaller combo before i try it on the big one
  10. Hi guys, im in Brisbane and just wanted to know if theres any stores in brisbane that sell live prawns or shrimp. Got a cast net but would prefer to just buy live prawns and shrimp and use castnet for herring and mullet.
  11. mzaakir


    I normally a 10g or 20g and they work fine, but when there's the occasional jewfish i like to use a 50g and slowly reel it in towards to middle-bottom water column
  12. mzaakir


    If you keen as well we should go for a fish together sometimes
  13. mzaakir


    yeah good idea. I dont have the new upgraded design unfortunately. regarding the live bait might be worth getting a cast net. I have one myself it its flawless. Always good to have a live bait or two while you working your lures.. they never fail, especially the big jewfish by the sea wall.
  14. Hi guys, I am buying myself a Daiwa Saltist Hyper v2 in the pe 8-10 rating and would like to know what reel i should get. I am a bit confused on the PE rating and what reel to get for a pe10 setup. I know that daiwa and shimano have different sizes for reel, like a daiwa 6000 might be equivalent to a shimano 10000. I will post likely be throwing big poppers and other big lures and trolling sometimes. What reel should i get and also what line should i spool it with, I was thinking 80 pound braid but don't know whether i should use braid or mono since its a heavy setup but i know using braid for lures is a better idea.
  15. thanks guys...will go to my local tackle store and get a feel what should work best.. appreciate it hopefully get a few spanish before the season is over lol
  16. Hi guys. I got myself a 6500 saltist and it came with a 27-35kg 5'7 rod. I fish from a kayak and target big spanish mackerel, tuna and kingfish. Would you guys recommend keeping the rod or getting a 6-15kg rod. Also I troll so im considering getting a longer rod. What do you guys recommend. I want it to be paired with the saltist.
  17. I'm in Brisbane and I normally just base mine off water depth and current.
  18. I'm looking for a small fun combo. I am thinking either a stradic 1000 or 2500 or a vanford 1000 or 2000. What do you guys recommend. Thanks
  19. Hi, so I will be going down to a lake to fish for Australian Bass and Perch and wondering what lures I should use, do you guys have an recommendations. I have rods for all different types of lures whether the are small or big/light or heavy. Thanks
  20. Hi, I've seen a lot of different posts about fishing lake manchester and would like to know if your allowed to fish it now. The posts I've seen are quite old and google says I can fish it but I want to know what you guys think or know? Also what fish are in that water? Thanks
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