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    AFO reacted to ellicat in Post Your Favourite Covid19 Meme   
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    AFO reacted to Better Tackle in Boom   
    we have been using the Flashers on the estuaries for a long time but yeah the estuary range is in its final prototype stage at the moment and the beach whiting rigs are on their way.   Just waiting on suppliers at the moment and with all that is going on around the world we might be waiting for some time.
    I personally use the Paternosters for targeting barra in the estuaries as well as threadies.   I even cut the sinker tail really close to the bottom Hook for when I am targeting bottom feeders like flatties and do really well.   I think because there is a brand called Snapper something people think flashers are only for reef fishing but in all honesty they are perfect for most saltwater species.
    Slowly getting things done just the Rapid Release Rigs have been killing it on the reef of late.

  3. Like
    AFO reacted to Better Tackle in Boom   
    Hope you are all doing well with all this going around.
    Check out this video a customer sent us.
    We could not have done a better job ourselves of showing off what Better Tackles Rapid Release Rigs can do and this is all from just one rig.
    We are Aussie made and owned and the Rod that Graham here is talking about is the GUNNEL ROD which is a Cairns inventor designed and manufactured right here in oz.
    I have used one of these bad boys with our gear and they are brilliant.  Almost as brilliant as our Pre-made rigs.   Check them out also

  4. Like
    AFO reacted to GregOug in Boat For Sale   
    Another boat that looks decent. Not recommending it. Never seen it. Just letting people know.
  5. Like
    AFO reacted to AUS-BNE-FISHO in Hey From Gluggy   
    Hi Gluggy
    Welcome to the forum, I hope you like it on here 🙂 
    We will happily answer your questions as well. We like reading reports on here to, so if you want to post up a fishing trip please do.
    Cheers Hamish 🙂 
  6. Like
    AFO reacted to ellicat in Hey From Gluggy   
    Welcome to the AFO forum. There are no silly questions. Please fire away.
  7. Like
    AFO reacted to GregOug in Hey From Gluggy   
    Welcome Gluggy
  8. Like
    AFO reacted to Gluggy in Hey From Gluggy   
    Live in Western Sydney at Windsor.  Do most of my fishing down the NSW south coast around Sussex Inlet.  My brother has a place down there and it is beautiful and great fishing everywhere.  I've just started back into fishing as a recreational hobby after years away and have tried surf, estuary and river fishing with a little boat action thrown in for good measure.  I just like the relaxing sessions on my own as well as the good old mates in a boat adventure when I can scrape some people together.  I'm building my depleted tackle box slowly and am surprised how much things have changed with graphite rods and multi bearing reels, its a whole new ballgame.  It puts my old Alvey to shame I think. Anyway, hope to pick up some tips and help from you friendly anglers and hope my questions aren't too silly to warrant answers.  Cheers and all the best, Gluggy
  9. Like
    AFO got a reaction from Fishyreb in New To Qld. My Experience So Far...   
    great stuff 
  10. Like
    AFO got a reaction from AUS-BNE-FISHO in New To Qld. My Experience So Far...   
    great stuff 
  11. Thanks
    AFO reacted to Fishyreb in New To Qld. My Experience So Far...   
    Hi all this is my first post on the forum excluding my introduction post. I've moved to Brisbane from Hobart about six weeks ago and I've been doing as much fishing as time allows because I'm very keen to get onto some species we don't have down south.  The missus moved us up here because of work and we've done a bit of traveling around because of that. 
    Mostly just fishing with an 8ft general purpose rod 15lb braid 20lb leader and Paternoster rig or running sinker rig depending. Then while baits are soaking I like to have a cast with my 6ft spin 10lb braid 10lb leader with a variety of lures depending. Squidgies biotough flickbaits are my favorite. Then there's my shark rod 5ft Penn warfare with a Penn spinfisher 850 with 30lb braid 50lb leader and a wire trace. Live baits or large mullet pieces. 
    So to begin with we were staying at redcliffe. I did a bit of bait fishing from the jetty for a few sessions but after only a couple undersized bream I decided it wasn't a spot for me. I wandered north a little and fished off queens beach a few evenings. During these sessions I got a couple grassy sweetlips, few large bream and a small snapper. Lost a few decent fish. One afternoon I had a go off the rock wall at the entrance to Scarborough marina. I got a decent sized catfish. I saw some birds working about 100 yards out into the bay so I banged a wobbler on my spinner in case they came closer. They didn't but shortly after I saw a large wake and swirl slowly moving against the grain of the water heading straight up into the marina. I thought it must have been the turtle I had seen getting about earlier but then I saw a narrow dorsal fin poke out. Excitedly I cast the wobbler across it and it did a big blowup but missed my lure. Two more casts for nought then on the fourth cast he had it and I was on. Apparently this fish was much bigger than I thought it was going to be because it screamed straight into the marina at high speed totally unstoppable headed for the boats. I stressed and put on as much pressure as I could without breaking anything and my lure popped out of his mouth. I guess he wasn't hooked real well because everything was intact. I was devastated and my hands were shakey for half an hour. Anyone have any ideas what it might have been?  I did see him again later (or one of his mates) but way out of casting range. I don't think my gear could have handled him anyway. 
    Then we went up to bundaberg for a few days. I was surf fishing just a little north of Elliot heads. That was great I got a large slatey bream, couple of Moses perch, three or four swallowtail dart and a GT.  fished a little bit with the missus at Burnett heads and got a heap of little fish. Javelin fish, whiting,  estuary cod, crescent perch and tiny baby Spanish mackerel. Got smoked by a big ray or something unstoppable. 
    Since then we've been staying at Petrie. I got my first bass from kurwongbah and I've been doing a lot of fishing in the north pine river around dohles rocks. I've caught some big bream and catfish there but mostly I've been targeting sharks because on my first attempt there I later out the shark rod with a big ol mullet head for bait and I hooked up only to be bitten off. Mangled my wire leader.  I've had a bunch of sessions there over the last couple weeks but no shark yet.  I had a legal size bream on for live bait one night and I had a wicked run. Shark took the head half of my bream without getting hooked. Another night I was using small live catfish and something was yanking them off my hooks with short hard runs but again no hookup. I don't know if it was sharks or maybe something else?  I've been using multiple hooks per bait since but no luck yet.  
    I've also had a couple gos at woody point and deep-water bend. Just bream and a whiting and a few weird little aquarium looking fish and a couple small shovel noses. 
    If anyone based north Brisbane wants a fishing buddy I'd love some company. I'd also love to get out on the water if anyone with a boat needs someone to pull the anchor! Beers and fuel on me. Haha.  
    I'd also appreciate any advice 
    Cheers thanks for reading 

  12. Like
    AFO reacted to AUS-BNE-FISHO in Dry As A Bone   
    Another great session Dinodadog 🙂
    Good to see plenty of bass around. It's certainly pouring down now though (where I am anyways lol)
    Cheers Hamish
  13. Like
    AFO reacted to Dinodadog in Dry As A Bone   
    Looked like it was going to be a good morning, overcast and looking like rain. But the rain never came and the sun kept bursting out from behind the clouds.Took till nearly 10am to get 11 on lures, then in the next hour or so got 27 bass and one yella on shrimp. So all up 38 bass and one yella.

  14. Like
    AFO got a reaction from rayke1938 in Site Down?   
    Hi Greg, apologies yes there was a an hour or two of downtime unfortunately with the site, if it was longer for you it was probably a caching issue. Apologies again, it was an unexpected issue that took a little to resolve.
  15. Like
    AFO got a reaction from kmcrosby78 in Site Down?   
    Hi Greg, apologies yes there was a an hour or two of downtime unfortunately with the site, if it was longer for you it was probably a caching issue. Apologies again, it was an unexpected issue that took a little to resolve.
  16. Like
    AFO reacted to tugger in A Week At Ballina   
    Stayed a week at Shaws Bay holiday park the weather was calm all week. I have never explored this coastal area what a beautiful part of the world.
    Went luderick fishing in my mates tinnie along a rock wall in the river. We caught 2 fish on cabbage nothing on weed all morning so gave up with it being quite.
    I fished the northern wall the next night but couldn't find any fish. Easy access to the wall from the park.

    Did a bit of sight seeing the next day along the coast up to Lenox heads. For starters this was my view from camp.

    This is flat rock between Ballina and Lenox Heads looks very fishy off the rocks was perfect weather to do some rock fishing as well

    The view from Lenox headland looking back south

    Fished the beach next to town just a short walk from the park where you can have the dogs offleash. Caught a few good whiting and bream with our dogs keen for each fish to come ashore.

    Fished the end of the breakwall again on the last night but could only manage a small black spot cod.

    It was a good week exploring and catching up with a mate I used to work with. The park is located next to the river and shaws bay OH did I mention it is next to the pub and fish and chip shop as well bonus.
  17. Wow
    AFO reacted to Andrew_P in Offshore Mooloolaba Last Week **nerdy Fish Science Stuff Added   
    So here’s a bit of interesting info. In my report I said the hussar measured 50cm on the boat. In the lab the frame measured 48cm total length. Fish do shrink after death, especially when placed on ice. There have been numerous studies done in Australia showing this, including on Qld species like coral trout. Fish can shrink around 2cm in the first 48 hours. Cool hey!

  18. Like
    AFO reacted to Andrew_P in Offshore Mooloolaba Last Week **nerdy Fish Science Stuff Added   
    Some more pics

  19. Like
    AFO got a reaction from Drop Bear in Offshore Mooloolaba Last Week **nerdy Fish Science Stuff Added   
    Great report
  20. Like
    AFO got a reaction from Andrew_P in Offshore Mooloolaba Last Week **nerdy Fish Science Stuff Added   
    Great report
  21. Wow
    AFO reacted to Andrew_P in Offshore Mooloolaba Last Week **nerdy Fish Science Stuff Added   
    Headed out from Mooloolaba last week in some nicer weather. Well it might have been a bit too nice as the fish weren’t playing the game! Fished hard all day for a couple of tuskies, Maori cod, Moses, a nice snapper and the biggest hussar I’ve ever seen!
    Between 6 of us on two boats we kept about 20 reefies for the day. 
    Conditions were so nice my spearo mate was foaming at the mouth to jump in, even after we saw a decent shark on one of the spots! 
    Brilliant day on the water nonetheless. 
    Mmmm fish tacos!

  22. Like
    AFO reacted to tugger in Evans Head Adventure   
    Just got back from Evans Head with the caravan what a top spot the van park has. It has the river and surf as 2 borders of the park and on the other borders you have the Rsl, pub, surf club and bowls club. 

    As I have never been there before I took this as a challenge to visit everything. So I had a drink in all the establishments and fished both the river and surf.
    My brother also brought his van down as well as his roof topper tinnie so both he and our partners went fishing up river. The girls outfished us and got some big whiting and a nice flathead which fed us for dinner.

    We fished off the northern wall which was 300m from camp but had no luck.

    We went up to razor back lookout for beers and niblies with a spectacular back drop ,  it was good to see the position of everything. Then after we bought some ocean king prawns from the Co op to finish off our bellies. Here is the rainbow touching the lookout I was hoping it would bring me luck

    The last day to keep it simple we pumped yabbies off the beach right in front of camp and fished off the bank for more good size summer whiting. The river itself is loaded with these yabbies banks more than I have ever seen in any estuary I have been on and each 1 loaded with yabbies.
    It is a destination I will be going back to with plenty of natural beauty and of coarse plenty of fishing options.
  23. Thanks
    AFO reacted to Drop Bear in Unresolved - I Cant Post A Topic In Chat   
  24. Like
    AFO reacted to Drop Bear in Unresolved - I Cant Post A Topic In Chat   
    Works a treat thanks mate. 
  25. Like
    AFO got a reaction from Drop Bear in Unresolved - I Cant Post A Topic In Chat   
    See if that is now fixed
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