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Another Wazza

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Everything posted by Another Wazza

  1. Hey Greg, it might be worth checking to see if your hull has been coated in what’s commonly referred to as fish repellent, I’ve heard a few not so successful skippers talking about it lately.... just a thought
  2. He might be knackered himself, and lacking the strength to complete his detailed summary of today’s events, the weather was certainly spot on this morning, it would have been great out there today
  3. Patients grasshopper, all things good come to those willing to wait
  4. Easily justifiable these days, you were just doing your best to stimulate the economy, what more can you do really
  5. No unfortunately, I ran into some issues with my ute the night before, I put a bandaid on her a while back, but it came off, now she has to go to hospital to have an operation
  6. I think I’ve twisted my arm, I’ll be heading out around 5am, and depending on how its going, probably head back around lunch?, see how it’s going, I haven’t got a radio in my tinny yet, too busy buying new reels. As for my new acquisition, it has got an air conditioned gearbox, well spotted Brian, it also comes with built in mega cast 2000, and it has 0 titanium alloy coated bearings, the same type they don’t use in space
  7. I was entertaining the idea of having a little fish around Macleay tomorrow, still undecided as yet, I am however rather keen to try out my new Stradic To the untrained eye it might just look like any other hand reel, but this one is jammed packed with cutting edge new technology
  8. Never lose faith Brian, the day you don’t go there based on previous trips, is the day you hear they were braining the kidney slappers
  9. Hey Brian, keep your whiting heads and give them a burl at one of your new spots, you never know, there could be a stonker there with a hankering for some tasty whiting head
  10. Oh what a slippery dark path it is, and heaven forbid Kat gets the taste of using a nice overhead, it’s all down hill from there.....
  11. Nice rig man, hmmmm new boat smell, it’d get along alright with the 25 too. Snakes are very capable swimmers indeed, I was fishing downstream from Mt Crosby Wier, waist deep in water throwing a lure around, when I noticed to my left only a few metres away, a large eastern brown snake swimming to get to the other side, not much you can do in that depth of water except be still, and hope for the best.
  12. You know it won’t survive the guppies, so the tadpoles are pretty safe
  13. No budget!, whoa!, go nuts!, you could end up with a very, very nice outfit in a couple of months, or a very, very substandard outfit if you trek down the road Greg traveled, hahaha
  14. Don’t pressure wash it with a hose, it’ll force stuff in your trying to keep out, if you need to, lightly rinse, then dry, and reapply oil to places like the line roller, handle etc, the reel you purchase may come with a diagram showing where you should be using a reel oil etc, I don’t use spinning outfits that often, most of mine are overheads, and the maintenance is a little bit different between the two, same principles though
  15. Hi there Kat, as Ellicat has said, you don’t need to spend heaps on an estuary outfit for your bread and butter species, providing you keep it clean after fishing, and lubricate when required, most setups will last quite a while. There’s nothing wrong with dusting big dollars on glory reels either if that’s what one wants, but to be honest, for most of the fishing I do, the reels I use the most I bought over 20 years ago, and they cost less then $200 back then, I’ve kept them well maintained and they’ve been rewarding me ever since, moral of the story is, just look after your gear, and it’ll look after you
  16. The FG is a great knot, I’ve lost count how many times I’ve gotten my jig head bogged, tightened everything up to snap or pull him loose, and very rarely does the line snap at the FG, I don’t have any reels spooled lighter then 10lb though so not sure how I’d go trying it with lighter line. Its definitely worth learning, and before long, you don’t think twice about tying it, just some practice and patients really
  17. Hey there Hamish, good work man, excellent, detailed report indeed, given your persistence, and the fact that your always trying with good live baits when you can get them, I have no doubt that it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be doing a report about a stonking salmon, I’m looking forward to seeing the 100% overall success report
  18. The snag is the fisherman’s nemesis for sure, all that gear you end up donating over the years.... when you grab some more twisty’s it can pay to get a few different sizes, 20g through to 40g covers it most of the time, the Gillies range of slugs is good too, even a tad cheaper,
  19. Hi there gooodluck, $10 a twisty might seem cheap, but if the macky’s or tailor are ravenous it can get expensive real quick
  20. Yes, worthy adversaries indeed, but I feel your underestimating my ability to catch the elusive grinner, I will reluctantly admit to having landed a monster a couple of trips ago, and upon carry out the autopsy, (cutting its head off before filleting) I was surprised to find an intact gar in its guts, I then rigged the gar on gangs before using the fillets, however, my efforts were futile, nothing good came of it
  21. Hey Greg, cheer up mate, its not that bad, you should hold your head high knowing that if there was a sledging category...you would have taken it out for sure
  22. The tinny in your post would be ideal for the Logan, the pine, and the Port mouth, you could sneak out in the bay on those rare mint days, but they are few and far between, and you must be prepared to bail early if it looks like picking up, some 20 odd years ago now, it took me over an hour and a half to get home from Peel to Cleveland one night, 4.3 with a 25hp, bilge pump running the whole time, I was $h_ting myself, things can go bad really quick out there and the last place on earth you want to be when it does, is in a small boat.
  23. Hey Kat, I’m pretty sure that’s one of those old school rulers that’s in inches.....wink , nice bream
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