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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    Steve and I are there for you mate.
  2. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    He who supports Manly should not cast the first stone
  3. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    Just had a look at my tips for this week and how they are going. If anyone is prepared to part with $20 I am prepared to provide them with my tips before the round begins each week so they can go the opposite and race up the ladder.
  4. You had me right up until the Dremel bit! Lol.
  5. Yeah. A bit more. I’ll look but the noise in my boat is on the port side, so I’ll look there.
  6. Hi Sloth, Thats about as clear as mud to me. Lol. Are you talking about where you place your feet on the passenger’s side? How could I reach that with a hammer? Confused? cheers Greg
  7. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    Could you start doing a special one for me too please Brian? And add a few correct tips for me while you’re at it.
  8. I decided to leave the TLD on the same rod but replaced the roller tip with a non-roller one. In my experience the line has a tendency to catch around a roller tip at times. I did buy a new live fibre 7ft 10 to 15kg overhead rod as you suggested. I also bought a Tyrnos 16 to go on it. And just today I acquired a like new Gary Howard 6 to 10kg for $40! I’ll now have to decide what type of use to put it to, and what reel to put on it.
  9. Sorry Ed, I have no idea. They just said they would get it serviced and it worked when I got it back. Although when used it yesterday the strike drag was set a bit light and it was letting line out so I did what you said. Backed the lever right off and tightened the knob slightly. Seems to have worked.
  10. Yes, I did Ed. Well, Jones’s Tackle did for me. Thanks for your suggestions.
  11. Thanks @christophagus. I presume you were defending my honour and not just that of Northsiders in general, which of course is far less important?
  12. Mate, that’s the strangest sounder screenshot I’ve ever seen. What is it? Why is the screen filled with clutter? Why the myriad of colours? I’m confused.
  13. No. The river idea got canned. Anywhere now.
  14. Have a look at the thread on here about Stejcraft SS64’s. They’re not perfect but then no boat is. Most of the owners on here love them. They might be just what you need. There is a smaller 5.8m version as well. Just search ss64 and you should find it.
  15. Okay. I’ll put my two bobs worth in. I’ve had heaps of different boats over the years from 10 foot tinnies to 35 foot flybridge cruisers, so here goes. Please don’t take offence if I find fault with the boat design any of you currently have. Firstly, having had plenty of half cabins I personally think they are a complete waste of time unless you intend to spend the night in them, which most of us rarely, if ever, actually do. The cabin takes up a lot of the available space, and you end up with a couple of seats and a fairly small deck area, which is usually taken up, at least partially, by all your gear because half cabins have very little storage space. These observations are general only and obviously some brands are better in these areas than others. On the plus side the cabin does provide some protection from the wind and waves. An open boat like a large centre console or tiller steer negates the drawback of wasted cabin space, but once again these usually have limited storage areas and can become rather cluttered. Downsides are minimal protection from the elements, wind and waves. Upsides are they are usually a bit cheaper, provide all round fishing and anchor access and good visibility (unless it’s raining! Lol). Bowriders gain the extra space taken up by a cabin and usually have heaps of storage, because even though there’s more seating, those seats are also storage lockers. Visibility is good with moderate protection from the elements and wind. With regard to the waves, if they’re big enough to be coming over the bow, they’d be big enough for seawater to be hitting the windscreen on a half cabin, which can cut visibility to near zero. I’ve found this can be more dangerous than a few sprays coming into the front of a bowrider, because you can’t see the seas coming at you. As @benno573 said a lot of bowriders are not fishing friendly, being more set up for lounging and cruising, however some of the newer designs provide rear decks where you can sit and fish from quite comfortably. Upsides are heaps of storage and ability to use for more than just fishing. Convincing the Minister of Finance might be slightly easier too over an open centre console or similar. Then there are the larger boats like your flybridge cruisers. I would never go near another one unless I won multiple millions of dollars. They are slow to manoeuvre in tight spaces, extremely costly to own, run and maintain, require permanent berthing and did I say, costly? In the end, I think that the boat that suits you best ultimately depends on your stage of life, financial situation and the time you have available for boating. Good luck with your search for that perfect boat!
  16. Hi all, Davos Tackle are having a sale with 10% off everything. Which is great if you are looking at the more expensive reels etc. Ends tonight though. cheers Greg
  17. Hi all, Just saw this on Gumtree and thought someone might be interested. Don’t know if they are any good, not recommending them. Just bringing it to your notice. cheers Greg https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/1270776531?campaign=DM213802&utm_content=INSSe_C1A_01_19_Int_1&utm_source=trigger&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=saved_search_instant
  18. Great to see you’ve got your mojo back Sam.
  19. Hey Ray, do you travel from Redland Bay to NPD each time you go fishing? You certainly have dedication.
  20. The thing that puzzles me the most is why there are always so many undersized fish but very few keepers. For example, the small squire are in plaque proportions around the southern side of Peel and yet a legal sized one is nowhere to be seen. I mean, don’t any of them grow up? If even ten percent survived there should be many more larger fish around. And I realise they move to different locations as they mature but there must be many locations unknown to most anglers holding a multitude of large fish if most of the smaller ones survive. Why should thousands reach 25 cms or so but only a few reach 40cms? Doesn’t make sense to me.
  21. Funny you say that because my mate and I tried crossing it a week or so ago and had to turn around because we were hitting bottom even before we got to the bar proper. Very shallow! Scary couple of minutes trying to turn around with the seas hitting us side on and the motor with no water to work in. Strangest thing was the tide was racing out even though it was supposed to be only half high tide! I won’t be attempting a crossing there again in a hurry. I’ll try Mooloolaba next time.
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