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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. We’ve booked 4 nights now. I wanted to give you Southsiders some hope for the comp. Not much, but some.
  2. Very funny! But you’re a Southsider and will need every bit of gear you have for the comp.
  3. Thanks @Drop Bear. That would be good. Can you pm me with your address and when you will be home please?
  4. I do have castable overheads. That’s not to say I’ll necessarily be able to cast with them though. Lol. Would appreciate a lend. Can you pm me your address and when you will be home please? Thanks.
  5. The house is at Eurong. Thanks for the tip about where they were. Might come in handy. Would appreciate the lend of the rod. Can you pm me your address and when you will be home please?
  6. Thanks @Drop Bear. However, don’t forget that unless you’re planning on fishing freshwater only, you’re going to need to pull the boat out at some stage during the comp to flush the engine.
  7. So it looks like we are going to Fraser on 30/8 staying 3 nights. Decided to get a house. Getting too old for that camping malarkey. Probably need to buy at least one or two surf rods. Any suggestions? Not too expensive as they will only get used every few years.
  8. Ah, and you’ve forgotten about @benno573 and @Leosonfire. Do so at your peril!
  9. 10 minutes ago, NguyenD said: I haven't caught a fish in awhile so I think it'll still be pretty even teams, sign me up for southside. Well, I think you’ll fit right in to the Southside Landlubbers’ team @NguyenD. Just the kind of dirty tactics they would employ. Shame on you trying to join twice! As if the numbers weren’t already grossly skewed towards the South.
  10. Okay. This is getting a bit hectic. Bantering on here, trying to watch the footy and all the while trying not to miss any juicy scenes on the Bachelor. Back soon.
  11. Why not? The Southside Landlubbers have already set you on course for a life of crime. An underage pub crawl is low on their list of dastardly deeds done dirt cheap.
  12. Bring back the Headmaster, I say! And the cane!
  13. Actually. That’s amazing. It even turns the fish around for you.
  14. So true. My spots are so secret even I don’t know where they are.
  15. Hey @Cobiaaddict. You may as well tell the Southside Landlubbers where you can buy that device. They’ll probably all be quiet with their posting for a while, as they all madly google trying to find it.
  16. Please see above. I didn’t even have to go to a previous page on this thread and found all these examples of the Southside Landlubbers’ dirty tricks.
  17. By the way Hamish, the fish must be in one piece when you photograph it. Not strewn all over the jetty in separate pieces
  18. Ah! The rot has gone deep on the Southside. Even the youngest members have been tarnished.
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