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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Also, I know it’s not going to have any effect on the outcome, and it might not be apparent from my posts whose side I’m on, but could you add me for the Northside please @christophagus.
  2. To keep it plain and simple, if you live North of the Brisbane river, you are Team North If you live South of the Brisbane river, you are Team South It’s not about where you were born, just about where you live now. Another thing - what if you live on the river? Do you get to choose?
  3. I only got to the second line and already I have a protest. South of the river there’s NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and several base stations in the Australian Antarctic Territory as well as the insignificant part of Queensland south of the river while to the North there’s only Queensland proper. The Southsiders are already cheating!.
  4. Are you still cleaning the fish!? Are you still cleaning the fish?
  5. Don’t worry too much Brian. If it isn’t in your yard just drive around Carindale. It’ll probably have unhitched itself anyway.
  6. Have you checked your yard to see if it’s still there?
  7. Whereas everyone else on here is in peak physical condition!
  8. Thanks Hamish. Very helpful. Could you post all that again but use inches instead of centimetres?
  9. I imagine his rig wouldn’t require a lot of water but that seems a bit unlikely.
  10. Gabbie (the Great). Good points - everyone loves her, she loves everyone, very cute, not too expensive to feed. Bad points - everyone loves her (get sick of the cooing noises from people), she loves everyone (bloody useless watch dog - would invite the burglars in), very cute (cooing noises again but she’s not fooling me), not too expensive to feed (only because she only likes caviar, eye fillet or truffles, but only in small quantities).
  11. Okay. Tha Oh. Okay. Thanks @Old Scaley. Mine was definitely connected properly because we always have a bit of a struggle getting it to unhitch and this time was no different.
  12. Thanks @ellicat and @Old Scaley for doing the trip reports. I totally agree that it was a terrific day. The company was great and just being on the water in weather like that was a joy. @Old Scaley and I dropped a line at shark spit at one point and the water was flat as a millpond. Great to meet your dentist Brian. He was very helpful with launching and retrieving. Sorry to hear about your tow ball misfortunes though Brian. Not sure what I am checking for with mine though. I understood you to say that the trailer came off the towball. My trailer is in the garage now and not attached to the vehicle so is there anything to check? cheers Greg
  13. Hi Brian, Yeah. Wednesday is not looking good now. Let’s keep an eye on Thursday. Otherwise there’s always next week. cheers Greg
  14. Next week’s weather is looking good. Seeking interest in a exploration trip of Moreton Bay on Monday. Anyone who doesn’t like speed need not apply.
  15. When I saw the pic with your shirt off I thought it was me for a second. Then I woke up.
  16. Even shallow tempest is pretty bloody deep. Just drop paternoster rigs with squid or pillies and drift. Fairly large lead.
  17. GregOug

    Nrl 2020

    Watch out! I’m on a run. A losing one that is. The Roosters should be really worried. I picked them next.
  18. Yes Hamish. A great jewie spot.
  19. If you go to the rocks at Cape Moreton itself there is a flat ledge right on the southern most point where it meets the ocean beach. It is called Harpers. If you fish there at night use big gear, an 8/0 hook minimum and a whole big squid or whole side of tailor doubled over so that the flesh is to the outside you can get huge jewies (mulloway) up to 30kgs. But beware! It is called Harpers after a guy who got washed off the ledge years ago and drowned. Good luck!
  20. The Nicorettes work for me. Have for the last twenty-five years. Now if I could just give up the nicorettes!
  21. I whole-heartedly agree with those who say 10 ft is way too small.
  22. GregOug

    Black Marlin

    Just go for fibreglass and enjoy the ride!
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