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Posts posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. 13 hours ago, Sylvathorn said:

    You know what Hamish, it was quiet, but you got do something that only fishermen can do. Enjoy that moment in a space that only fishermen can!

    A couple of years ago, Margie and I were checking out properties in Buxton (near Burrum Heads) and spent an afternoon on the Buxton Jetty on the last of the runout tide.
    We caught nothing but saltwater catties, hand over fist, and they were mutilating all my soft plastics, but you know what, it was a glorious session on light gear and we loved every moment!

    Salmon tail cats aren't the most popular fish to catch in the BR, but you know what, bull sharks love them almost as much as eels.

    I think it sounds like you had a slightly quiet but pleasant morning on the BR.

    You are quite skilled and an articulate and a valuable contributor who  consistently adds a great deal of value to this forum.
    I always enjoy your posts and know there will always be more coming!

    Thanks @Sylvathorn, I just I wish I could catch a few more fish haha. 

    3 hours ago, Neil Stratford said:

    You certainly put in the effort Hamish .

    Change of season fishing is always a bit tough .

    Keep at it , that PB Thready or Jew is just around the corner!



    Cheers Neil, fingers crossed. 

  2. 1 hour ago, mangajack said:

    Hamish, have you tried using a live bait like a lure, not anchoring it in the river and worked the live bait around the place?

    I would anchor one bait and work the second bait with a small ball sinker to coax the bait down a bit.

    I have never tried that, thanks for the tip. I know a couple of spots where this might work to cover more ground. What sort of fish did you catch with this method? 

  3. On 30/09/2023 at 12:21 PM, ellicat said:

    😞 I know the feeling, Hamish. I just experienced something similar. A decent catch will be just around the corner.

    Thanks Brian, hopefully. 

    On 01/10/2023 at 7:42 AM, mangajack said:

    Good report Hamish.

    The Capricorn Coast can be a heartbreaker at times.

    Have you tried fishing the Rockhampton city reaches land based?

    If you go after a shower in that area and look for the street drains to the river you will usually be rewarded with some barra land based. Threadfin can be anywhere there too.

    Thanks @mangajack. I've tried once in the city reaches of Rockhampton for no luck, I know it can fish pretty well, so thanks for the tips. Sorry for the late reply. 

    On 01/10/2023 at 9:27 AM, TheCharliefisho said:

    Nice report bro

    Thanks Charlie. 

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