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  3. Nice work man, cracking fish!, shame about the rod though.
  4. Any fish caught on a boat is fish for everyone on the boat. It takes a team effort to land a fish like that. Nice report, @Andrew_P
  5. ellicat


    Good tale, Andrew. It only takes one good fish... (is that a saying? haha) I've only 'caught' one cobia and it freed itself after my 1 inadequate gaff shot. You would be counting your lucky stars (is that another saying? ) to get up to number 8 !!
  6. Nice cobia , it certainly made a mess of the boat . regards neil
  7. Beautiful little Thready well done, regards neil
  8. Andrew_P


    A long time ago I had a colleague (that was a few sandwiches short of a picnic) who used the saying "When it rains, it rains!" a lot, particularly when it was raining. It made him happy so i didn't have the heart to point out it probably wasn't an accurate rendition of the saying he meant to say. Anyway, now that the seasons have changed and the very wet and windy Autumn has been blustered away by wonderful westerlies i have had a couple of opportunities to get out of Brisbane. My mate down the coast bought a new boat and last week we took it for a shakedown offshore from the tweed. We hit the near reefs on sunup for nada but a 10min fight with an unstoppable that turned out to be unable to be stopped. Spewing. To make matters worse he lost his sea legs for a moment and snapped the butt of his rod in the holder which he grabbed to stop him falling overboard - When it rains it rains!. Things were looking bad so we decided to cut our losses and head in. On the way in i decided to look for some bait so at least he had a bait mark in his plotter to show for the run. We jigged a few yakkas and 1 single slimey and had another half hour to kill before needing to be back at the ramp so we decided to soak a fresh yakka fillet a bit north and see what came of it. First two baits of mine got pickerered to death then my mate hooks something small on his 20lb snapper gear - turns out it was a 32cm bream! With that in the esky (for him, not me!) he dropped the next bait down and didnt even get it near the bottom when it took off. Having turned the engine on and spent time on the wheel only to lose a fish earlier that morning, i chose to "chase" this fish using the electric. My mate could only hold on as this fish took off at will, not fast, not slow, just long determined runs. he was very relaxed as it was "nothing near the size as what he hooked before". I called it for a small jew as that is what i was expecting at this reef, but as the fight wore on i changed my guesstimate to big jew or shark. 20 mins into the fight (broken graphite blank stuck in his guts affecting his leverage and trying to take a core from belly button to back!) we both saw it under the boat - a greyish/brownish shape with a white underbelly - 50/50 call shark or cobia. Mate got it close enough to confirm cobia ID and for a gaff shot which bounced straight off and the fish ran under the boat. He convinced it to come up a few more times with no luck (as in, turning its head and diving when near the boat to avoid the gaff point) and i was certain the fight would end with the 20lb leader separating from the hook. After 40mins my mate was cooked but luckily so was the fish. i had gaff chance #8 which i landed square in the bottom of the gills and sunk in which must've pierced the heart. In the same motion i hauled the fish up over the gunwale and into the boat before it bled out on the deck. this was no small jew it was 20+kg and 1.4m+ of cobia. We were both stoked! So with blood all over the decks, 20kg of fish to fillet and a list of things to fix/settings to change/additions to make we went back over the bar 30mins after our due time. My mate was super stoked with his efforts and i was frothing on this fishing weapon he has at his (and my) disposal. The shakedown trip was a late success and made me think of the other saying my old colleague helped create casting at tailor on Fraser - it was "Better than a slug in the ar$e on a wet Tuesday!" Later in the week i even managed a surf at a spot i had wanted to surf for years. It was great but sadly my performance as a surfer made me look like an expert gaffer! For those who are counting my 2024 fishing tally is still > than surfing (n = 1) but i hope to bring it up to parity over the next few months... Here's a pic of my mate with his boat and his cobe Andrew
  9. Not the most success, but you're on holidays !!! Winning.
  10. Hi all, Since I'm on school holidays now I've been doing a bit of fishing. First session was last Friday, where I snuck out to Bulimba for a quick morning flick. I arrived a bit before sunrise and got set up. It was nice and windy, but the tides were running out which in my opinion is pretty terrible for that spot. Anyway, I got to netting but struggled to catch many livies. Eventually, enough bait showed up that I could cast a line out, but there was a severe lack of bites. As I was cooking up my brekky another fisher rocked up but he didn't have any luck either. My baits were not even getting nibbled and the bites were very quiet. Before long it was midday and time to head home. As I was finishing up 1 of the 15 or so people who had come down finally caught the first fish for the day, a 60cm flathead. Hoping I can get one like that this holidays. Stats: Tide: 10AM, .8M, Low Moon Phase: 16% Bait Caught/Used: Live herring, silver biddy, mullet Fish Caught: - Air Pressure: 1012 Humidity: 74% Overall Success Rate: 0% The next session was Sunday. I arrived at a local jetty at about 5:30AM, and my Dad and I caught some prawns first up. Lines were deployed and I pulled in a bream before the sun rose. It then went a bit quiet and apart from a catty, there wasn't much bite action. I was a bit disappointed as it was a high tide change/sunrise bite window, but sure enough about ten minutes after my Dad left I pulled in a nice school of poddy mullet in the nets and a baby thready on the line. Thread Hopeful of another thready, maybe twice the size would've been nice, I caught a few more mullet. With plenty of bait now I redeployed lines but bites were quiet apart from the odd nibble or catfish. As the morning progressed I cooked my brekky and Michael arrived, who caught a couple catties and a stingray throughout the day. I continued fishing and eventually hooked a bullshark which jumped out of the water and bit me off. Surprising encounter for Winter. It got pretty crowded as the day progressed but by 4:00PM or so I was the only one on the jetty. A few more catfish throughout the day had me thinking it was time to head off, but my mate had came down and we casted a few more livies down. Sure enough, after some catfish, we hooked up to something that felt slightly larger. A short fight with a quick jump saw another baby thready come off, well basically a puttynose perch at that size but definitely a welcome catch! Thread We gave it a bit longer after that, but after using all of the livebait we headed off on sunset. Not the worst way to spend a day. Stats: Tide: 5:30AM, 1.8M, High, 12:00PM, .5M, Low, 6:40PM, 1.8M, High. Moon Phase: 3% Bait Caught/Used: Live prawns, herring, and mullet. Fish: Threadfin x 2, a few others trash fish Air Pressure: 1007 Humidity: 68% Overall Success Rate: 50% - threadfin were undersize. I had a few things to do today so gave fishing the miss but will be back out there tomorrow. Cheers Hamish.
  11. ellicat

    nrl 2024

    Maroons team for Game Two Reece Walsh (Broncos) Xavier Coates (Storm) Valentine Holmes (Cowboys) Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow (Dolphins) Murray Taulagi (Cowboys) Tom Dearden (Cowboys) Daly Cherry-Evans, capt. (Sea Eagles) Reuben Cotter (Cowboys) Ben Hunt (Dragons) Lindsay Collins (Roosters) Jaydn Su'A (Dragons) Jeremiah Nanai (Cowboys) Patrick Carrigan (Broncos) Harry Grant (Storm) Moeaki Fotuaika (Titans) Felise Kaufusi (Dolphins) Kurt Capewell (Warriors) Dane Gagai (Knights) Heilum Luki (Cowboys) Trent Loiero (Storm) Coach: Billy Slater
  12. You have to go to a good tackle shop & test the rods & reels. I have 2 Penn Prevail rods series 2 10ft & 12ft. Top rods. If you want a bargain there is a 12ft Penn Pursuit iv combo 2pce 8-15kg for $88.00 on Ebay expires on the 26.6.24. The guy who has it is Fishing online4. I have bought a lot off gear off this guy over the years.
  13. Yesterday
  14. Hamish, probably pick the rod first and then make sure that big reel balances well on it. It sounds like a good reel but fairly big (like all bait runners I think) and if you get a nice light composite 10 footer it may not balance that nicely.
  15. good to see you back Dino, although I am sure the NPD bass don't agree with my sentiment.
  16. Glad to see that you have not lost your touch. Well done
  17. ellicat

    nrl 2024

    Blues team for Game Two Dylan Edwards (Panthers) Brian To'o (Panthers) Stephen Crichton (Bulldogs) Latrell Mitchell (Rabbitohs) Zac Lomax (Dragons) Jarome Luai (Panthers) Mitchell Moses (Eels) Jake Trbojevic, capt. (Sea Eagles) Reece Robson (Cowboys) Payne Haas (Broncos) Liam Martin (Panthers) Angus Crichton (Roosters) Cameron Murray (Rabbitohs) Connor Watson (Roosters) Isaah Yeo (Panthers) Haumole Olakau'atu (Sea Eagles) Spencer Leniu (Roosters) Mitch Barnett (Warriors) Cameron McInnes (Sharks) Luke Keary (Roosters) Coach: Michael Maguire
  18. snap1946

    crab cuff

    i find them much quicker
  19. snap1946

    crab cuff

    so true but i put my crabs in the freezer before cooking but i know what you mean
  20. Ed.

    crab cuff

    Just saw this being used on the TV program "Stepping out with Burt", seem to work ok and is simple enough, don't know it it is better than a piece of string though. You would have to remove it to cook up the crabs where as with the string it wouldn't matter. Don't know what these cost but I imagine a roll of string would be much cheaper.
  21. Thanks rebel, I heard penn prevail.is a bit stiff, do you know any surf rod that you can recommend me?
  22. casting past the school and picking up the bigger bass on the outside of the school.
  23. Fingers crossed. Were you casting, jigging, or trolling the spoons ?
  24. My first over 50 for this year from memory,floods took a lot of the bigger ones over the wall or through the open gates, just have to hope winter brings a few around. Sorry I had already deleted pics from the other day.
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