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Everything posted by rayke1938

  1. Lost count the number of times we put on and removed our raincoats today. Bass were hard to find first off with only 18 boated by 10am but we finished off in style with a tally of 78 bass,2 yellas.one tandan ,one gar and a small feed of redclaw. Top of snag about 6 inches above water Cheers Ray
  2. How long have you had the rig? I personally would be taking it back to the dealer and get them to put motor on computer and if no issues found then water test may be something as simple as kink in fuel line or wrong size prop or trim issue. Let us know how you go.If you were in Brisbane I would recommend taking to Coorparoo marine Cheers Ray
  3. In the late 1950s after rain we used to pile into the austin a30 and head to jacksons creek at cribb island run the bait net for poddy mullet and cast them unweighted into the run out tide and always ended up with at least a sugar bag of flattys
  4. Bit of a slow day today with Andrew .Jake and Steve. We could find the fish on the sounder but encouraging them to bite was another matter. I even resorted to dropping live shrimp into one of the schools to no avail. Dam has risen at least a foot going by the stump at the floats. We ended up with more redclaw than fish. Fish tally was 20bass,2 yellas and one tilapia.Just got back to the ramp to dodge a heavy shower but Steve got wet opening the gate when we left.
  5. Bit damp at Hinze western arm this morning, Only a couple of photos as I put camera away so it would not get wet and then forgot about when it fined up.We boated 44 bass in the first hour and a half down towards the dam wall and took nearly 3 hours to find another 9 fish. Best bass went 47cm. Rick was the only one to miss out as he failed to catch a barred grunter. All on shrimp tagged and released. Cheers Ray
  6. Another cracker morning with plenty of bass once we found the schools which were in the normal spots between the 2 islands. Most of the fish were in high 30s and low 40s , I think Ricks 48 was the best fish of the day, Saw Jason getting a couple of 50+ yellas off one of the fads. 71 bass was final tally and left them biting. Cheers Ray
  7. There are bass barred grunter tilaia and carp in forrest lake but no fishing allowed tilapia and carp in creeks plus occasional bass cheers ray
  8. You can see the black trail on the ground where the burning fuel ran towards the embankment and then ignited the bush fortunately the firies attended and pot it out before it was able to spread. It would have been impossible to extinguish once it became established. SEQ water do have fire breaks cleared but they are only around 12 feet wide and easily jumped. On a lighter note here is the history of the tagged bass that I caught grown 25 mm.
  9. Gee yhat second one looks fatter than some of the dam fish. Cheers Ray
  10. Cheap project 4X4 at the gate, Some poor persons pride and joy destroyed. Took a while to find them this morning but good fun once we located the schools bass were in high 30s and low to mid 40s with 3 bass going over 50cm plus I nailed a fat yella. Few quadruple hook ups with mid 40s bass were interesting but avoided severe tangles. Final score was 76 bass.3 yellas.5 forkies. 3 bass over 50cm {Gives you the poops when a newbie gets a 50+ on his first trip) Few deer about also. Couple of yakkers from the sailing club enjoying a quiet paddle, Cheers Ray
  11. First off things were looking grim with 6 bass between 30 and 32cm and 4 forkies so we headed off to the floats for 5 bass and one yella before things quieted down. Next spot was in the usual spot between the islands where the fish were a little slow but consistent and of a good size. We stopped fishing at 11am with a tally of 58 bass,2 yellas.one tandan and 4 forkies. Tagged fish grown 20mm Did the redclaw pots on the way back to the ramp for 8 redclaw from 10 pots.
  12. Slow morning yesterday. After doing our redclaw pots we thought we were on a winner with a very large school showing on the sounder out in front of the fig tree, Two consecutive triple hook ups proved that the sounder was correct but the downside was that they were forkies. We tried all over the lower area of the permitted area to reach the grand total of 10 bass by 11am. In desperation we ended up tying off to the yellow float and picked up 12 bass and 2 yellas in the next hour before calling it a day. Lots of bird life attacking the bony bream on the way back to the ramp. Probably well over 100 pelicans stealing fish from the shags. Hope that the pelicans do not start roosting on the ramp again Went over the Ricketts road bridge twice and did not encounter any stray fishing lines or members of the lycra clad brigade. l
  13. Were you riding on the bikeway/pedestrian bridge or on the road? Was the fisho fishing on one of the fishing platforms. The fisho would have to be pretty good to land a cast on the bridge from the bank. Doing 30kph would be foolish if you were on the shared pedestrian/bikeway with attached fishing platforms Ray
  14. why were the police involved?
  15. Closed season for barra till 31 jan in tidal waters
  16. Achieved mine today finally got my xtrail back from the mechanic after a month no longer have to depend on others to go fishing. Another bonus its currently pissin down
  17. Was a bit smoky at NPD yesterday morning with great company with Michael Holland who kindly towed my boat up there from Redland Bay, The redclaw are still scarce but we got enough for Michael to take home for a feed. The fish were scarce to start off with but we found a couple of good schools between the 2 islands. If you look at the sounder shots and a couple of the photos you should be able to suss out the general area where we were fishing. The fish have been holding out there for over the last month or so. Final tally was one small forky,2 yellas and 71 bass. The fish were all good quality with 23 of the 32 that I measured and weighed going 40cm or better. Best bass went 48cm. Cheers Ray
  18. Graham had asked me to keep a couple of fish for him and when I tried to ring him his phone was crook so I ended up with a couple of bass that I filleted and cut up into pieces to use as redclaw bait.
  19. Quiet day today with scattered fish showing on sounder but suffering from lockjaw. 27 bass,1 yella and Rick the tandan king with one 8inch model. Redclaw good size but scarce with several pots with holes chewed in them. Been a week since the pots were baited and that is too long a period to leave them. With a bit of luck I may get my car back on Friday and be able to check pots more regularly instead of relying on the goodwill of Rick and Joy.
  20. no idea just bored because no fishing so going through old government achives some amazing photos with some old and some more recent such as building south east freeway and manly harbor marina,
  21. Another good day with Rick still driving as I am still waiting for parts from Nissan. Latest excuse is parts are held up in Melbourne due to bushfires. Been a week since we were there so redclaw numbers were down with 2 pots having holes chewed in them so 20 redclaw from 8 pots. Took a while to find a school of bass but we finally found a couple of migrating schools behind the island that we were able to follow before losing them. We had 45 fish by 9.30 and when we knocked off at 11.30 we had only increased the tally to 54 bass,1 yella and a forky that percy enjoyed. Cheers Ray
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