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Posts posted by samsteele115

  1. I've only been seasick when on some medications, and in those times I found ginger tablets and ginger beer helpful! Plus not staring at something on the boat for too long (sounder, knots, lures, willy, etc) 

    +1 to eating a meal beforehand too. Nothing worse than throwing up stomach acid 

  2. 17 hours ago, ellicat said:

    Good to have you out there, Hamish. A shame the macks are making themselves scarce this year. Might have to troll around a bit to see if our luck changes.

    Thanks to @Cavvy for letting you come out with us. I enjoyed the day.

    I don't target schoolies much yet (0 from 6 from the last two efforts), but from all reports they seem to be in better numbers in the rainbow channel instead of Rous compared to previous years. 

  3. Bugger! Pretty sure it says to wait 3-5mins on mine? I find it quite satisfying to use, but sorry for the bum steer. I guess if you have a high pressure hose nothing will really beat that. I'm stuck with 300kpa mains pressure and no gerney 🙄

  4. If you look at its Ph levels I think it's only slightly acidic, I've read else where that it seems to be fine on gelcoat, glass, wraps etc.. not sure over a long period of time though. 

    I tend to not use it every time, if I'm going out the next day or the day after. Only when I know the boat will be sitting there for a week or so. But that's only cos I'm a tight***!

    Yeah mate it speeds up the process for sure!

  5. Hi Greg, 

    Recently purchased both the salty captain engine flush and the boat wash (they are separate products). 

    The hose attachments and fittings they come with are of better quality than expected and worth the money in my opinion. The engine flush is good peace of mind more than anything 

  6. Jigging rods tend to be a slower action, short, thin, light and strong for its appearance. Its helpful to have a soft tip for slow pitch jigging as the quarter turn of the reel and subsequent bounce of the rod tip is what gives the jig action and best feel. I don't have a specific jig rod anymore and I kind of miss them but you definitely don't NEED one for jigging! 

  7. I like that you're paying attention to this... hopefully never need to use it! But no harm in being prepared. I also pulled out the boat epirb and it took me a few seconds longer than anticipated taking out of the bracket. It needs to be in as easily accessible place AND somewhere you can access in the event of your boat being tipped over. I like having it near the sides somewhere for that reason. It is currently not in a fixed mounted position (Just sitting in boat side pocket) so a good reminder to get that done in case I need to fumble around for it one day...   

    There SHOULD be an expiry on the device somewhere.

    Also test it. First 5 mins of the hour by pressing the 'TEST' button. 

    I also have a PLB which is light and compact and I can attach it to my life jacket along with handheld radio (for bar crossings and higher risk situations). The drawback to this is it doesn't transmit signal under water like epirbs do. 

    I think the standard epirb sends a signal every 5 mins or so? And the more expensive gps ones a live location? Just a guess.

  8. Well I've got the flatty bug again. Been out a couple more times since, and stocked up on the appropriate gear that I had been quite light on. I tend to have mostly heavier gear these days. 

    What I've also been loving is occasionally seeing squid have a go at the lure and switch baiting them like so: Simply leave lure out there to keep them interested and put the rod in rod holder, grab another rod with squid jig ready and cast out. The jig will get their attention and you're on! So yeah, picking up calamari bycatch has been quite satisfying even if the flatties are slow. 

    Muzz (co boat owner) got a nice 58cm and a couple more in the 40s were boated. 20210627_165648.thumb.jpg.85cf84475d64826f6e8e99bb715dc170.jpg

    I also lost an 80cm+ near the net the other day! Was a bit of a bummer. Obviously would have released the big girl anyway but it would have been nice to take the lure out... 8lb leader can be a tad too light for these larger fish. I usually like using 14lb for flatties but only had 8 or 20 to choose from. Nevermind, I'm stocked up and ready for next time! 

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