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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. GregOug

    Sportsfish Comp

    Good to hear.
  2. Or just buy a cheap gps/sounder, set your depth alarm at one metre, set the chart colours to something that suits you and stay in the coloured area which is safe depth water. On my gps I’ve set white as safe ground.
  3. GregOug

    Sportsfish Comp

    Hi Hamish, Actually is a photograph and release comp but you can also keep to eat and weigh in if you want. The rules actually state that catch and release is encouraged. cheers Greg
  4. Hi Ryan, I have about the same size boat as you are getting and usually drive it off and back on. I just reverse the trailer to the same point I would usually use if winching on/pushing off, ie the car wheels within a foot or so of the waters edge. Just remember to trim your motor right up when driving off and on. Works for me. cheers Greg
  5. I think it’s a great idea. Don’t give up on it just yet.
  6. I imagine they would be expecting it the same time every day. Different fish come out of a night time.
  7. Hamish, I’ve been thinking for a while when reading your reports that it isn’t all that safe you fishing by yourself in these isolated locations. You really should have someone else with you. It’s not your fault. There’s a lot of crazies out there these days. Always err on the side of caution, like you did today.
  8. I’ve never heard of a texama thingy but it sounds good. Where do you buy them?
  9. Bloody hell. You get around! Brisbane, Hervey Bay, Newcastle. And all in the same day.
  10. I reckon buy it then contact the manufacturer and tell them your going public with it. Should at least get a free new rod out of it.
  11. So. It’s not just me that stuffs everything up. I’m pretty sure Ed said something that I was replying to, but the site chose to not include it. Lol.
  12. Mate. That’s pretty pathetic. Obviously no quality control whatsoever!
  13. He just said the quality is not there any more since they moved manufacturing overseas. It’s a pity because I would love a new rod for reef fishing the bay.
  14. Hey! I was taking it easy on you guys. You should see the list for when someone actually applied!
  15. My mate at BCF said the live fibres are now made overseas and aren’t worth buying
  16. What can I say? I’m devastated!
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