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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Does that mean you’re interested @benno573? You replied to my post?
  2. I can’t see clearly but that looks a little bit under the number
  3. Hi all, Just thought I’d put a wanted ad out there. Looking for a new best mate. The ideal applicant will meet all, or at least some, of the following qualities: 1. Retired, or rich enough to be able to go out fishing whenever they want to. Note, if you are mega rich you will score extra points under this selection criterion. 2. Willing to go out into Moreton Bay to find the elusive Spot X, or preferably Spot X’s, in winds up to at least 10-15 knots and, if **** happens and it changes to ‘Oh ****!’ or even ‘We’re ****ed’ be able and willing to save me and get me to shore safely. 3. Know everything about fishing, tackle, methods and any of that other ****. 4. Have a ‘Speed Boat’ and ‘C’ class licence and be of sober character when fishing, ready to drive the boat and car home when I have one or three too many drinks while out on the water. Note this happens quite often, and is the main reason I paid for both my sons to get their boat and JetSki licences. However, once home, it would be good if you are unsober of character and prepared to listen to my repertoire of classics dating backwards from today’s hits to those of the fifties, including Dean Martin, all the while replenishing my red wines on ice as needed. If you can get absolutely pissed along with me extra points will be awarded. 5 Preferable live on the Northside, or be prepared to travel long distances, so as not to put me to any effort. If you are my ideal applicant, I am prepared to give you a house key so that you can wake me when the boat is ready, fueled, trailer attached to the car, stubbies placed in the esky, ice placed on top and everything is ready and raring to go. 6. Know how to use a high pressure washer, clean fishing gear, reverse a trailer, drive a boat on and off a trailer, tie knots the names of which I can’t even pronounce, gaff fish when the ******** on the end of the rod lifts it’s head out of the water at precisely the wrong time, clean fish, cook fish.... Well you get the idea. 7. Just generally be a bloody good bloke. Or Blokette. Please reply on this thread if interested. cheers Greg
  4. Where are you? You must be south of Queensland. Poor bastard.
  5. I’ll have my imaginary friend record them next time it happens.
  6. GregOug

    Christmas 2020

    How about Northshore Riverside Park?
  7. GregOug

    Christmas 2020

    It was just announced this week that they have finally finished the upgrade to Kingsford Smith Drive. Supposed to be some good spots along there. Probably be pretty busy though I imagine.
  8. It was a while ago now Hamish. The exact details are a bit foggy.
  9. Shakespeare! Now there was a fisherman. I remember the time we went fishing in the Thames. Bloody great day!
  10. A decade ago! You’re lucky. Mine was last century.
  11. I bought a pair of these. Bloody fantastic. Cut anything. I think they were around $65 from Total Tools.
  12. Okay. I’ll tone it down. Sorry @ellicat. No offence meant. A few too many reds that night, but that’s no excuse..
  13. Great grassie Brian. I’d be happy with that.
  14. Too much? I note a couple of wows.
  15. GregOug

    Christmas 2020

    Noosa? I can bring my boat for joyrides.
  16. GregOug

    Christmas 2020

    Yeah. But at least it’s only five years and we’ll be able to use it!
  17. Brian, I’ve met you now and there is no way either of us are in danger of slipping any further than our midriff. I don’t have any hips any more, and neither do you.
  18. GregOug

    Christmas 2020

    Yeah. I’ll go if you twist my arm. Ouch!
  19. Okay. I think I’ve got your drift. Will try it next time.
  20. Nah Hamish. Just take them straight home and cut out the middle man.
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