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Everything posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. Hi GregOug Thanks for the report again, I hope to put a pot or two out soon too Cheers Hamish
  2. Hi GregOug Thanks for the report, it had some good tips in it. You certainly won't want to be rock fishing any time soon Cheers Hamish
  3. Hi DJDinnerroll Good luck with it Cheers Hamish
  4. Wow, good job on the thready. I was there in the afternoon with no luck as well. Cheers Hamish
  5. Hi Leejin Did you end up going to the Story Bridge on Saturday? Cheers Hamish
  6. Hi GregOug I hope the boat comes soon, I will be excited to hear about it's maiden voyage Cheers Hamish

    Nrl 2020

    Hi ellicat That is a lot of benefits with the membership, thanks for the game times too Cheers Hamish
  8. That sounds to good to be true kmcrosby78 Cheers Hamish
  9. Hi rayke1938 Good too see the redclaw thriving, will provide you with a feed for a while now Nice bass there too, and good job on re-catching the tagged specimen. Cheers Hamish
  10. Hi DJDinnerroll I think these Rapala 4" twitchin' minnows might go OK, but they are a bit smaller. Here they are- Hope that helped, Cheers Hamish
  11. Hi GregOug That looks like a lot of fun, I hope it comes soon Cheers Hamish
  12. Yeah, awesome how you got so close Made bigger waves than some trailer boats Cheers Hamish
  13. Hi GregOug That is good news, you must be excited! Cheers Hamish
  14. Hi North Beach Awesome boat! I know GregOug can't wait to get his I'll be excited to hear some stories on/about it when you take her out for her maiden voyage. Cheers Hamish

    Nrl 2020

    Hi Gad I'm excited too watch it, won't see all of it but hopefully the first half Cheers Hamish
  16. Hey fishingnut Alright, nor do I Like you said, there is nothing wrong with keeping a feed (if legal) Cheers Hamish
  17. Hi Gad Wow, I'm surprised that they frequented around the mouth, is there some sea grass around there? Cheers Hamish
  18. Hi fishingnut That's very nice, they must've been yummy (if you kept them ) Cheers Hamish
  19. Hi christophagus Great session, I really need to get out on my kayak with my dad (hopefully in the coming weeks). I've never chased jacks before either, and that's something I'd like to do too Cheers Hamish
  20. They had a nice session ellicat Cheers Hamish
  21. Hi Aal Yeah, it is a very nice place isn't it - My family tries to go up there annually, we all like it so much Cheers Hamish
  22. Hi rayke1938 That makes sense, I hope the rangers find and fined all of them. Cheers Hamish
  23. Hi rayke1938 Good to see some good redclaw, they must be absolutely thriving with all the new food (grass). Some nice bass and the yella too, looks like a fun day overall By the way, is it not allowed to fish in the Beeville Road area? (not that I've fished there before). Cheers Hamish
  24. G'day Aal While I will not be much help with Iluka, I can recommend another location. Brunswick Heads is a fish rich place, has a great tackle shop and good fishing and crabbing. First off all, I'll start with the kayak. I mainly used mine to drop crab pots (will get to that later) but I scoped out a couple of spots that are only accessible from kayak and I know fish are there because I've seen them. Stonka Yellowfin Bream and massive Sand Whiting where feeding around the bridge pylons, in the river that runs into the main one. Here it is (by the way, it's not the first bridge, it's the second.) The blue line are where the fish are hanging around the pylons, red lines sandbanks (which my Dad and sister have seen fish congregating/feeding on when swimming) and the black lines being rock walls/family friendly parkland you can fish off. They park is a nice spot to chuck a couple of rods in the holders, order some chips and have a feast Also on the kayaks, you can drop crab pots. I got a sandy, but that was after I found the spot to drop them. I assume it is good because someone dropped four pots in a line there, so you must produce. This is in the main Brunswick River, it's a bit of a paddle, we were launching from the caravan park. Once again, blue is where I think you should put pots in (if you do), the red part is where I'd say launch from (you might as well launch from the boat ramp though, and the black bits are where I've crabbed with no luck. Finally, that rocky groin next to the red circle has produced very well for me, with flathead and bream in abundance. I have gotten a big take on an unweighted pilly there too, and caught Moses Perch. My rig of choice is a running sinker with a shank hook to suit the bait, and I've seen some guys pull up about 5 luderick on the opposite groin. Baits that have been productive have been prawns, pilchards, mullet strips and worm. If you've got anymore questions, I'll try to answer them, I am not saying go to this spot either, and I don't know much about LBG there (been to rough to go on the rocks all the times we've been there) and I'm sure Illuka would have fishing better, if not as good. Hope this helped Cheers Hamish
  25. Hi Dinodadog That is very impressive, I would've thought they stay in the same river system their whole lives, go to spawn and then come back Cheers Hamish
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