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Everything posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. Hi all Sorry if I've somehow posted this topic twice and in the wrong topic section I've either clicked something wrong or the computer has gone funny, I'm not sure. Cheers Hamish
  2. Hi rayke1938 Great session, that is a huge amount of fish. 110! Do yellowbelly school, just out of interest? Cheers Hamish
  3. Hi all This weekend my Dad was doing a camp with his Cub Scouts (the level lower than scouts) so I decided to tag along with a couple of my mates. It was great fun and even though I didn't catch anything, it was quite fun and we had fires, went hiking and swimming. I know this is a fishing forum so if you aren't interested in reading a camping report with only a little bit of fishing, I don't advise you continue The report also has a lot of photos, so you will have to put up with that too Since there weren't any cars to take us up to Rocky Creek Scout Park, we had to train up. The 1 and a half hour train trip up wasn't so bad, but since my friend decided his 'extra good satellite map' would work quicker/better than the route I had planned, and he was being stubborn, we took that way. After the 30 minute walk, we realised the stupid thing had taken us to a big steel fence on the other side of the camp, so we re-traced our steps and got back to the starting point. Afterwards, we took the actual route and arrived. We were all worn out, especially me as I had two packs on, but we were just in time for lunch I was loaded up well, with two backpacks and a tent - Loaded up After lunch, we proceeded to get our tents up and went down to Rocky Creek. It was pretty high and a lot more fast flowing than the last time I was there. My friends and I went for a swim, which was very nice. The water was a bit murky and we had to keep checking for rocks. We went on a rope swig that had fortunately been made and slid down some of the slippery waterfalls (hurt your butt a bit but was worth it ). Then, I went for a fish as well - Fishing in Rocky Creek I was using soft plastics, poppers and didn't bother flicking anything more expensive out as the creek is riddled with snags. It was on a 6'6'' telescopic rod spooled with 10lb braid and 12lb mono leader and a size 4000 Shimano reel (my travel rod). That was fishing in a pool below a small waterfall, so that's what all the white bubbles are from. It's my second time not catching anything in there, so I'm questioning if there's even any fish/eels inhabiting it. I also was going to use some bait (any leftover meat) but it was quickly consumed by the group of about 40 people camping out. After that, I had to get back to camp to make the nights bonfire for everyone. I love making fires on camps, it's one of my favourite things to do The cubs had just put a whole load of grass on one of their fires, so in this process I was getting smoked alive LOL. We were quite low on wood, so I just used all the big logs first with lots of kindling so it would light. At first I thought it wouldn't go off due to dampness, but after some blowing it did not disappoint This was about 2 hrs after the creek, and after dinner, which was sausages. We had a couple marshmallows and I was getting seriously tired. After the fire, I was completely done for the day. My legs ached, I began to feel a bit sick and I was tired (more than ever). I decided to crash in my tent, at about 8:00PM. Unlike me though, my friends (who are crazy) slept in the trailer and went to bed at about 1:00AM. I'm not sure what they did in that time apart from getting slayed by mozzies and eating, but they did find a green tree frog - One of the few 'catches' Well, I had a really nice sleep and I had a good sleep in too. After drinking a bit, I felt better and today I was up to anything (hopefully ). After waking up and packing up our gear, I was told to cook breakfast so I got started on the bacon while I waited for the others. They eventually got there and then our cooking operation became more efficient, with the final product ending up like this - BBQ Breakfast Now, it occurred to us we had to go home . We packed up our tents by about 8:30AM (or at least I did) and since we were catching the 11:05AM train, we still had a couple of hours. To kill time, we went for another swim in the creek. The rope swing was fun, and as well as water we had another fire, which I built on the rocks. That was very nice, but we had to keep it going so it took a while for us to chuck some logs on and just let it burn due to the struggle of finding any. It eventually turned out nicely, and we all were back by 10:30AM. The creek had gotten considerably clearer overnight as well. Nice Creek Overall, it was a nice camping trip and even though there was no fish caught, it was still fun. Next time, I might camp on the rocks under the stars, but we will have to remember everything possibly to repel mosquitoes. Here are some statistics of the report (not much that to read LOL) Statistics of trip: Location: Rocky Creek Scout Park Suitability: Good for large groups, but not much to do... I suppose that's why it's a scout park Fish Caught: None Tackle Used: 10lb braid, 12lb mono, small poppers and soft plastics Overall Success: 85% - getting there and fishing weren't to good, but otherwise it was awesome! Now, I have school camp tomorrow 'till Wednesday, so I won't be on the forum until then. I still need to play the trumpet and pack, too. Hope you enjoyed reading the report, Cheers Hamish
  4. Hi GregOug The boat looks absolutely awesome, I can't wait to hear about it's maiden voyage (or for it to be done). Cheers Hamish
  5. Hi Donhaz I don't know about Bongaree but you want to be looking for steep banks with holes and fresh mud around them, feeder creek mouths and if possible mangroves. Cheers Hamish
  6. Hey Fishyreb You must be pretty experienced with all that knowledge on trout (expert), but up here a bream over 40cm is a whopper! Thanks for the advice too, if I ever go I'll make sure to accommodate for that. Cheers Hamish
  7. Hi GregOug Yes, I don't like standing in the waves and turning around then getting wiped out either. Must be very fun when you land one though. Cheers Hamish
  8. Hi rayke1938 That is awesome! A 50lb jew and 8ft shark Did the jewie become dinner? Those rods look very nice also, while I have not done much surf fishing I've still done ok with light spin rods in the gutter but if I ever get right into it I will have to invest in one of those. Hi GregOug I assume you've had experience in the surf, care to share some stories? Cheers Hamish
  9. Hey rayke1938 Yes, that would be disastrous. Does it have any affects on the fish? It's good SEQ facilities has provided cleaning gear though, will make it a lot easier Cheers Hamish
  10. Hi rayke1938 When you fished with your Alvey what species did you normally come across... would love to hear some fishing tales Cheers Hamish
  11. Hi rayke1938 With fishing in Lake Kurwongbah I read in an old post that there was some weed that was very bad/you must wash all your gear after fishing there. Do you know if this is still there? Cheers Hamish
  12. Hey Fishyreb Yep, I've read some old reports of the North Pine producing bass. Read some reports titled NPD and that will get you started (written by some very experienced bass fishos). Try learning with a smaller net before you start of with a bigger one, it also makes it easier. Will look forward to seeing some of your captures, Cheers Hamish
  13. Hi Fishyreb Welcome to the forum and welcome to Brisbane. Are you liking it up here? I have no expertise on fishing the bay like some other members on here, but from what I see your off to a good start. I know you can get worms around the Redcliffe Peninsula, I have seen someone doing it and luckily someone made a good tutorial on youtube - This will get you started on worms, and they make a great bait for whiting, bream and putting big bunches on may score you a jewie surf fishing. I have had experience fishing around the woody point jetty but it was not for long, another question i have is can you throw a cast net? This will help gathering live baits (the best baits for most coastal species around here and that may include mullet, herring, frogmouth pilchards, prawns, winter whiting and garfish) and it will see you with a better chance for some stonka bream, flathead, mulloway, threadfin salmon, cod and even GT's. My normal haunt is the Brisbane River though, live baiting is key there. If you are to fish that I can direct you to a few spots, but otherwise if you just go there you'll probably get catfish, bream, cod, flathead, threadfin salmon and if you're very lucky a mulloway (they require a lot of effort, I'm yet to catch a brisbane River mulloway too). Hope this helped, Cheers Hamish
  14. Hey AxSeagull Yes, I have found when just using light knots J-braid is exceptional. That may well be the reason as when I'm live baiting in the river in the CBD or up, I will use 80lb leader, so I could probably try doubling the braid next time. Thanks for the tips, Cheers Hamish
  15. Hi AxSeagull I use J-braid or Platypus line. Do you think it's these brands? Cheers Hamish
  16. G'day Bamo For your target species, I would assume the best rating would be line that is tightly woven with a PE rating of 5. Providing you use a leader to suit the fishing, it won't matter going heavier. This will also benefit you if you hook up to a larger model, it will enable you to land it quicker and make sure you do land it. Cheers Hamish
  17. Hi Old Scaley Great session, your reports are always good to read Pity on the prawns, that's funny how you got it in the crab pot. Did you get any crabs in the net? That is an awesome feed of whiting too, I'm sure Mrs Scaley was very happy with that. Pity on the crabs though. Cheers Hamish
  18. Yeah, I wonder what/if there will be any surprises. Cheers Hamish
  19. Hi buzzard Good luck for some flatties or jacks, are you fishing for a feed or catch and release? The pants must've had a good life, I'm surprised it was only like a lump of weed Cheers Hamish
  20. Hi benno573 That's a great story, must've been fun getting it out of the sand It would've been fun pulling a big one up from the surf too Cheers Hamish
  21. Hey Luvit I'd be excited to see the bow waves, they are incredible just watching online/video, I can't imagine what it would be like in real life. I have mainly chosen these lures for flathead, and possibly jacks since I won't be chasing barra any time soon (unless I get a famous Brisbane River Barramundi ) Cheers Hamish
  22. Hi Luvit That is a real solid fish, I have a friend who fishes in Bowen for a trip occasionally (mainly his Grandfather though). I must get around to getting some gobblers too, I reckon the Hardy Head, Aged Copper and Red Pepper would do the trick for me Cheers Hamish
  23. Hey tugger Alright, that sounds better. Do the campsites cost much or are they free/public use? Cheers Hamish
  24. Hi Ducks Nuts Maybe the next time I go to Victoria it's something I might have to tick off my bucket list Cheers Hamish
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