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Everything posted by Kat

  1. Awesome! Pity about the shark . I can see those pics but have checked and still can't view pics on other posts . That last pic the fish head looks like it was big!
  2. Wow, been a while since pics showed!?? Think the tech guys should get this fixed sooner rather than later. Pics or it didn't happen ...
  3. Great report - sounds exciting. Pics would be good but no-one can see them ATM so wouldn't hurry. Would have loved to get a look at that Hammerhead
  4. I access from Android phone. I can't see any pics either
  5. Sure would. I got another 40cm this morning and Brett got a 39 - plus a few other decent sized ones to add to the Esky.
  6. Responding to my own post... Not quite a year, 1 cm smaller but still a great catch. This one was almost dead low tide just after dusk. Same spot X.
  7. Ouch! The day looks spectacular. Good fish.
  8. Good Luck Thursday! Where you headed?
  9. Brett is right. As long as you haven't taken snapper during the closed season (where you would have to be caught at the ramp or on the water doing so - evidence wise), then you just can't have more than the posession limit at any one point in time. So for example Brett and I would be all good with 8 in freezer - none in Esky - so we are definitely safe. Lol. Eating frozen snapper as Sushimi might be a crime though
  10. Embarrassingly it was the second time he got me with the same trick in the last 2/1/2 weeks. He knows me well it is the wine glass cupboard
  11. I should be a good girl and give up like Brian has - not attractive or healthy
  12. Ha ha. I jigged for squid yesterday - always use dominant had for winding (right) but left hand/arm got sick and tired of it about 15 minutes in . Maybe I should swap but not sure it would feel "right"...
  13. Don't worry @mangajack- us females prefer to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Your fishing grounds will be safe! You will still be able to "bring home the bacon" oops sorry fish.
  14. In that case @Bretto77can send you "his spots" - shouldn't take him long
  15. As it should be I have a few spots in mind for you but can't say anything is consistent - unless you are a legend like some others on here who seem to barely ever fail. I will PM you details
  16. Do you know where you are staying yet? Or is the location based on the advice you get about fishing spots?
  17. Minds out of gutter please. Just haven't been fishing in ages - except for a trip with Brian where I had a stomach bug and....well it wasn't nice for either of us. But enough hijacking Neil's post - still wanna know if he normally fishes soft plastics for snapper?
  18. Report Brian? Thought you were away camping?
  19. Nothing better than an empty boat ramp! Awesome to have a feed of snapper - my favourite probably because it was one of the main catches growing up in NZ. Do you normally fish soft plastics? Or bait? Good job and always good to see sunrise on the water
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