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Well today was my rdo for the month and Tomca was to be fishing today aswell and had offered for me to tag along with him but he pulled out at the last moment due to work but I was still keen to fish either way. I had planned to hit up an area north of Brisbane but woke to find the radar had a fair bit of rain over the north side so I went back to sleep and planned for an arvo session. Got on Google maps and did a little searching to see what I could find and settled on a certain region and off I set at about lunch time. The area is by no means any secret but it was new ground to me. Didn't take long for the first hookup as I hadn't even got in the yak yet and had hooked a nice bass just casting from where I was launching only problem was that the split ring gave way and the fish parted, brand new 20lb Decoy ring was completely mangled so don't know what went wrong there. Tried two different areas for the afternoon and the fish were biting but there was a fair bit of ground between them, ended up with about five fish for the arvo all about 35cm and one falling for a spinner bait the rest on a Daiwa Double Clutch. Managed to avoid the rain for the arvo and got some fish so it was an rdo well spent and an area that I will be revisting for sure.







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