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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. That’s great! Thanks. Much appreciated. Now I figure I have at least three months or so to work out how to do that before the corona restrictions are lifted. Hopefully that will be long enough. cheers Greg
  2. Hi all, This might seem like a basic, or even dumb, question but do the Marine Parks green zones show up on modern sounders/gps? If not, how are you supposed to know if you’re in one or not? I mean some are fairly obvious like Swan Bay which a small bay with the demarcation points drawn between two obvious landmarks. But when you are out in the middle of Moreton Bay it’s not nearly so obvious. For reference I have a Lowrance HDS Live with a platinum Navionics card in it. cheers Greg
  3. By the time you convert to AU $, pay for shipping, get it cleaned for Covid19, buy a trailer and pay for a motor even the cheapest one would cost you close to $70,000. I think you can get better Australian boats for that.
  4. As long as you only go with people you live with I would think it would be okay
  5. Will this 13th trip never end? Lol
  6. GregOug

    Easter Jokes

    An Easter joke for you cheers Greg
  7. Saw this on Facebook so not sure of its accuracy but said this is what is now happening in Victoria.
  8. And, on the plus side, you’ve now passed the dreaded 13th trip!
  9. If this is going ahead please let me know. The other question that arises is where are you planning to put the boats in, if we are all to squid the same area?
  10. Well, Jords. By posting that you’ve assured that you’ll never find any more. Every member is going to be out there now searching bins for them to use themselves! Lol
  11. I’d just cut the buggers off. Hooks are cheap. Resewing fingers on isn’t! Lol
  12. You don’t need to turn up Hamish. It’s online
  13. Saw this auction. Here’s the link if anyone is interested. cheers Greg https://www.lloydsonline.com.au/AuctionLots.aspx?smode=0&aid=16213&utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Now+Open+-+Motorbike%2C+Marine+++Recreation+Assets+Auction&utm_campaign=OPEN+(16213)+Motorbike%2C+Marine+++Recreation+Assets+Auction
  14. Oh, and if you’re as good as me at catching fish, buy one and put it in the esky before you go. Lol
  15. It seems pretty clear to me that we have an excuse for the moment at least. Just came out to catch fish for my family. It’s in the official government statement in black and white. Print a copy and put it in the boat.
  16. Well it had to happen. ScoMo just announced no more than 2 people from different families outside together now. So much for fishing to pass the time!
  17. 1 hour ago, Junky said: I make a habit of not catching undersized fish for that reason.... I make a habit of not catching fish, unfortunately
  18. Sorry to hear about the dam closures Ray. I don’t think saltwater closures will be far behind. Sigh
  19. Hi Hamish, There is never an excuse to keep undersized fish! cheers Greg
  20. Yes. We remember you waving. You obviously did much better than us. Report Weather: Not as good as was predicted. Half metre chop on half metre swell Fishing: **** - one kamikaze flathead 45cm Able to use the GPS/sounder to full effect: Nope Boat went well: Yep Waved to other boats while maintaining social distancing: Yep Moon: none - it was bloody daytime! cheers Greg
  21. Thanks Dropbear. Much appreciated
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