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Everything posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. Hi all This morning I had school fishing club, on the jetty. I was quite exhausted the day before, so I just went to bed early. It took me a while to get ready for school but somehow I managed to make it on time (to fishing club). I was just using the school's gear, which was handlines and servo prawns. Some came with five metres of line on them, some came in the biggest mess I've ever seen, but a couple were in perfectly fine working order. We had to pass a test for a couple of things, one which was casting a handline (That brought back memories of when I used to fish with them, one of which when two fell off the chair at the same time, and then turned out to be two big bream, not me knocking them off, lol). the other test was just putting on a prawn which was no worries. To begin with, I casted my line into an eddy, in a channel made between the bank and the jetty. In this part of the river, the bank is littered with structure, such as rocks, vines, and huge eddies. It is very fishy. My hook and sinker held in the eddy, and in about five minutes I was getting nibbles. "Tap, tap, tap... bang"! I was on something small, but it still provided a bit of fun on the handline. Very quietly I wound it in, making sure the fish did not run around the pylons. Soon enough, I had a very small cod on the jetty, to the surprise of most of the teachers. I grabbed it in the mouth and got the hook out, then took a quick picture. I let him back, and was quite happy that I'd managed to catch something. Estuary Cod After about ten more minutes, of which I did get a couple of small nibbles, there were at least 25 people on the tiny jetty. It was squishy. Many more people came down, and lines were deployed everywhere you could think of. Luckily, a couple of my mates came to, which meant I had someone to talk to. We continued fishing the eddy, and kept loosing prawns to get bait. After a couple more casts and picks, I got a bad snag, which I just busted off. The school had kindly brought lots of hooks and sinkers, so this time I tied up with a smaller hook and sinker in hope I could escape the snags. My friends were still getting lots of nibbles now, as was I, but I wasn't hooking up. There seemed to be lots of small stuff around. Someone on the other side of the jetty hooked up to something, which turned out to be a small eel (only 20CM - not even legal size!). Just to make matters a bit worse, I got snagged yet again, Lol. I busted off my hook and retied my line. This time I went back to the original rig in hope of catching another fish. I had an alright bite which I missed, and then I just spent the next part of the morning getting pickered. Someone hooked a bream, about 8CM, which was actually impressive as it was about a 3/o hook (and in the mouth perfectly). Sooner or later, it was time to go, but my mate didn't leave without causing a 5 way tangle... Thanks for reading this report. I hope you enjoyed. Obviously it's something a bit different, but there is a fishing club camp next hols. It didn't seem like the best spot, but apparently a couple threadies have been landed there. Maybe next week I will try with some live bait! Here are the stats of the trip, for anyone interested - Stats of trip - Tide: High, 2:26AM, 2.1M, Low, 9:00AM, .5M Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous Bait Caught: - Bait Used: Servo Prawns Fish Caught: Estuary Cod x 1, and others caught small bream and eel Tackle Used: A simple handline with about 10LB mono mainline, and about a size 1-2 and 1/o suicide and #3 baitholder hook. Humidity: 55% Air Pressure: 1021 Weather: Sunny, chilly Time Fished: About 7-8AM Overall Success Rate: 80% - I caught something and had a good time Cheers Hamish
  2. Hi Daryl Thanks for that video. It was good to have some information in it too, with the rig included. Cheers Hamish
  3. Hi all Well I've been very quiet on this thread lately, but I think I've come to a decision - I am going to go for an Alvey - reason being, I have a couple Spin reels which will go nicely on the rods, and I have found something that fits my budget nicely. I am thinking I will go for the Alvey 60GT Surf Reel, priced at $169 at BCF. https://www.bcf.com.au/p/alvey-60gt-surf-reel/590580.html?cgid=BCF08022#search_term=alvey&start=8 (It is the one Tuna are fish recommended). @Old Scaley, above you recommended the size at 6 inch or 6.6 inch. I did a search and could not find the information on the sizing of the Alvey reel. I am assuming a reel at that size would be the equivalent of a 3000-4000 size reel? Sorry to bug anyone, Cheers Hamish
  4. Hi Ray Great yellowbelly! That would've fought well. Hi Neil Nice tailor! That is a stonka! I'd be happy to catch a tailor 1/2 of that size, haha. Cheers Hamish
  5. Hi Jono Make sure you are fishing in the snags, and with the lightest tackle possible. From what I can gather, the Pine is hit pretty hard, so try and avoid crowds, I suppose. Good luck! Cheers Hamish
  6. Hi @KhalidMSyed Thanks for the great and informative videos. You seem to know how to catch those Murray Cod! Cheers Hamish
  7. Thanks Daryl. I will keep an eye out for the video Cheers Hamish
  8. Good luck with the engine Jaz. Have you found a boat for you and been doing much fishing recently?
  9. I’ve heard a lot (especially in CQ/NQ) that fish don’t bite on the westerlies, tugger. But boy, it was windy as! I wouldn’t have even had fun land based fishing! And I can’t imagine kayaking in this. Cheera Hamish
  10. Hey @tdk.collective When I click on your video, it says it is age restricted . I guess I can't watch.
  11. Hey Quan Vu I've found that when bream fishing, bites increase when using a light trace, about 10 pounds. Bream can be very finicky or very omnivorous - it just depends on the day. In the Logan River, there are prawns, and herring. Either of these baits will work. Fish a light sinker, and fish towards structure. Cheers Hamish
  12. Hi Quan Vu Unlike bait, Soft Plastics do need to be retrieved. There are many different retrieve types, but try the walk the dog (slow wind) or a hop-hop type retrieve. Also, fish with the lightest weight possible. Good luck! Cheers Hamish
  13. Hi Hweebe Thanks. That's just more reason for me to go out fishing more. That is interesting about the theory, I've never heard that. Basically, I'll just need lots of focus and be careful to not look down. I hope it works for me over time Hi Ed. I always try to go to bed the night before fishing. Sometimes it is hard when I'm so excited though. I will start eating a bit before I go out on rougher days. Cheers Hamish
  14. Hey @J Fahy That picture looks awesome. Whoever painted it was clearly very, very talented. Cheers Hamish
  15. Hi Daryl That is a few awesome sessions, nice work! I am going to purchase a new reel to go on a surf rod - I will have to try it out somewhere like that. Just a couple of questions. 1. What bait are you using? 2. What rig are you using. Thanks, Hamish
  16. Hi all Six days to go! The only categories that remain untouched are Mulloway and Yellowbelly. Good to luck anyone or everyone who is going to go fishing! Cheers Hamish
  17. Hi Greg No worries. I should’ve specified. I wore a welding helmet too. It was a bit harder to see but I could still make everything out. Cheera Hamish
  18. I cannot remember what I dreamed about last! Lol.
  19. On the complete opposite spectrum to this, I once hooked one on 80lb line! Sometimes they seem to be the most finicky fish but other times they seem to eat everything!
  20. Hi Wazza Thanks. I think I’ll fish it with a mix of small and large soft plastics with different weights. Thanks for bringing that report up Bro. It had some helpful information in it. I will definitely time it with a high tide and fish right up in the mangroves. I’m hoping so! I’m also hoping I get a pan sized one. I will plan a big trip with Dad. We will try for some crabs, prawns, and fish. If it works out (very unlikely with my luck ) it would be a great trip. Hi Sam Wow! That’s huge! Did you get any luck today? Hi Benno Wow! That sounds so fun. It was a good feeling when I found it. Hopefully I can time an early morning and high tide session. Thanks for the tip Tuna! Thanks @Drop Bear.That lie is huge! Cheers Hamish
  21. Great job Ray. It is a shame about the wind though. The sunrise pics are amazing! Cheers Hamish
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