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Everything posted by Bretto77

  1. Welcome to the forum. Wish I still lived in FNQ. @Angry51 is right, it's the best place in Queensland
  2. You are dedicated pie on the way home???
  3. I reckon that you are on the cusp of cracking that place wide open Hamish. Nice report. Did you see your family while you were there???
  4. Well done. Would have been a couple of great tussles there
  5. Well after having failed with the cast net between 0330 and 0500hrs yesterday, (couldn't even find a silver biddy), then putting on the "picked verminator" hat until after 1900hrs, I am not feeling like I have any fishing skills either... I had a great day however which is the most important thing. Another shout out to @ellicat for that . Nobody from this group is likely to run you over mate. Happy fishing
  6. It's imperative to let your special one know that they are well understood and always being considered. Humble monofilament was the chosen method of conveyance. A place where you are certain that your message will be received is also important. I knew that @Kat would know I had been thinking of her here
  7. Quality pics. Was a great day for laughter and maintaining fish stocks. We should do it again, with some minor amendments perhaps
  8. So I feel bound to quote @Neil Stratford"If you line up that aircrafts jet stream with the sun’s angle of incidence to the island and the shadow on the esky you should be able to work out the location within a few metres". FNQ encompasses quite a large area? Neil's words have been like little white pearls of wisdom for me
  9. If I am lucky I might get some leftovers...
  10. Sounds and looks like a real struggle Nice fish Neil
  11. Looks like you had to rug up. Hot breakfast would have gone down a treat I bet . Good numbers of fish to round it all out. I take it that your shrimp pots had not been "appreciated" by someone else before you got them this time?
  12. Awesome Grassie! Fresh or live squid is really good stuff to send back for an upgrade. Great job
  13. I used to use "Mobile outboard marine" 0419 712 525 I had a 40 Yammy two stroke. I never had any engine problems. Have had no need to use a mobile guy since 2018 however.
  14. You're keen. You got rewards for the effort. Sounds like a well deserved pie. I had a craving for a pie today. Had to wait until half 2 this afternoon to make an attempt at satisfying the craving. Sadly, the craving remains as I got a dud...
  15. Cracker feed and cracker baits for a potential upgrade or two... Or more even... What's not to be happy about. Well done
  16. Well... Doesn't change the fact that it was a fantastic fish I guess...
  17. I heard you caught sunrise
  18. 5 shrimp converted to 5 fish = 100% success on baits by my maths. Five shrimp seems like an unusually small hall?
  19. Good job. I have to reiterate what Jono said... Prime fish
  20. Has anyone else ever had the problem of not getting enough chores done because the darling one is nagging them to be taken fishing????
  21. I agree that the concept of a "quota" can seem to be tokenistic and difficult to practically implement given where human beings are at. Probably less about forcing people in and more about not forcing them out of opportunity? I had no intention of offending people. I feel like some of the comments made on this thread however are worthy of question.
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