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Everything posted by Doughnuts

  1. I've got a few secret spots, but I'm very careful with mine, I don't even tell the fish where they are haha
  2. I wouldn't mind fishing in 15 knots.. but instead i was lucky enough to be at work sitting in a tin shed haha. Sounds like a good morning, with some nice fish. Great job.!
  3. I managed to pick one up a while back it is the SP701L model. I couldn't believe my luck when I seen a few sitting in a clearance bin at a local tackle shop.
  4. Solid effort mate, all this talk of quality table fish is making me jealous (haha) all going to plan i will start fishing up that way again late this year.
  5. I've never been a fan of anything extra on my line, whether it's snaps, swivels or clips. It's just a personal preference, as most have already said, the good knots become second nature and u can tie them with your eyes closed in a gale force wind. With that being said, when chasing flatties, once you get amongst them you will find yourself constantly having to re-tie your lures or jigs anyways. As flatties are masters of scuffing your leader a long way up. Even after missing a fish always check as you will be surprised at the damage they can cause to your leader.
  6. There's only one thing better than a esky full of fish, and that is a esky full of red fish. Great work, awesome feed there.!!
  7. Petrol, I drive a little fart box that runs on an oily rag. I decided to downsize a few years back with the way prices of fuel were heading.
  8. Was $2.29 at my local this morning, drove 3 kilometres down the road and got it for $1.79
  9. Looks good. I do something similar when bait fishing for snaps. Will normally pre tie half a dozen snelled rigs with varied size sinkers, leaders n hooks and wrap them around the pool noodle. Makes it so much easier to quickly change rig to suit bait and conditions or simply to put a new one on when something with teeth decides it needs your rig more than you.!
  10. Nice work Ray, those numbers would have helped us in the cricket last week haha
  11. Great feed there, What's your preferred bait when chasing whitting.? I like using worms but I'm not a fan of the price of them.!
  12. Finally found a window that looked alright, so decided to head out. However the 3 - 5 knot glass out I was expecting never really happened. With the week of strong winds we had there was still a healthy residual swell still hanging about with a bit of breeze on top certainly made it a little more uncomfortable than I would have liked, but hey... I was still fishing. With the closure we decided to try n find new ground as our usual spots normally produce snaps and pearlies and as my freezer is getting low, I wasn't in the mood for catch and release. Sounded plenty of fish and bait, however the fish certainly had lock jaw going on. It was hard work but still managed to get a good feed mainly consisting of grassies, cod, mackerel and moses. Here's a pic of some of the grassies... biggest one went 63cm
  13. I'm currently sulking in Gladstone at the moment, deciding on my next game plane. With the way the weather is playing, reckon I will be heading south to the calmer waters. Will keep u updated.!
  14. Anybody else know the feeling of when you have a couple days of fishing planned and the weather does this... and no matter how many times you check... or whatever site you use... it still doesn't change for the better.
  15. I think half the time colour patterns are also about the confidence you have in them yourself. My top 3 fish trap colours that I never leave home without, whether I'm chasing flatties, threads or even trout on the reefs, in no specific order are... Olive Guppy, Orange Gill and Fatt Betty.
  16. Still a good day out. But I can see a small problem... let Rick know to look for fish in the water not up a tree
  17. Dialing into areas and cracking the code can be super rewarding. Great catch mate.
  18. Yep, pulled a bit of string.!!
  19. Sure did, I'm a huge believer in fresh is best.
  20. Hi All, Even though the moon wasn't the best, thought I would try my luck at spot x to try and get a feed of snaps before the closure starts. Once again it was hard going, we were still managing to scratch up a feed of snaps, mainly between that 40cm to 50cm range. Eventually hooked something that was fighting a bit harder and didn't feel like a snapper. Was pleasantly surprised when a good grassy surfaced. Sorry about the poor picture, but it was right at prime time and I was more interested in getting the line back in the water.
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