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where to fish


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going for a fish tomorrow just wondering if any spots (landbased have been firing will be using strips of herring and i also have a castnet. i was thinking about maybe trying wynum foreshore up around the softball/footy grounds with the run in but any other sugestions are welcome open from going everywhere from redcliffe ish area down to the goldy

(not limited to saltwater thinking about north pine river if anyone could give me a few spots to try they dont hav to be spot x's either)

cheers guys

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try colmslie at night, off the pontoon, pat got a few good threadies there in past weeks, lost a monster jewie there at the ramp the other night. so ya never know there. but night time is best there, just cast out over the ledge there, 30 mtrs at least ! and your in with a chance, and bait is also there too. good luck !

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